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The merry doings of Selkirk folk across 400 years.

Selkirk Protocols Attitude to Strangers

Defence By Attack – Selkirk 1530 Most border towns did not have walls and so people were wary and frightened of any strangers. They could be the outlaws and swordsmen checking the place before plundering…

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Selkirk Protocols John Ker clerk 1629 – 1631

The Protocol Book of John Ker, clerk, 1629-31. unpublished For an explanation of how these medieval documents were saved from fire, and subsequently recorded for posterity, click here The pages in this volume have been…

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Selkirk Protocols John Brydin 1530 – 1537

The Protocol Book of John Brydin 1530 - 1537 For an explanation of how these medieval documents were saved from fire, and subsequently recorded for posterity, click here Book D From the original page numbering…

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Inventory of Marion Dalglesch from Selkirk 1564

Book Ninian Brydin Selkirk 1536-64 Each town in Scotland had its legal representations recorded in a protocol book. Selkirk’s protocol books have been transcribed by local experts and are available for purchase from Selkirk Museum. …

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Selkirk Protocols Explained

The Herald of Scotland Explains the Selkirk Protocols Parcels of history that were snatched from the flames: link A nervous Government decreed in 1940 that combustible material had to be removed from commercial premises in case…

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