Fyre and Sword – Music and Poetry
Fyre and Sword – Music and Poetry LAMENT OF THE BORDER WIDOW (Trad) Linda Adams (vocal), Richard Evans (Scottish small pipes) It is no coincidence that the Reivers gave the word bereave to the…
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Fyre and Sword – Music and Poetry LAMENT OF THE BORDER WIDOW (Trad) Linda Adams (vocal), Richard Evans (Scottish small pipes) It is no coincidence that the Reivers gave the word bereave to the…
Video introduction to the Border Reivers 1500-1670 for whom rustling, raiding and blood feuds were a way of family life in the border between Scotland and England. So much murder that the child knows she…
The extraordinary times of 1500 -1670 in the border between Scotland and England had ordinary people who worked as farmer, record keeper - factor, and who had few belongings but used clothing to show status. …
The Border Reiver of the Marches of England and Scotland in 1500 - 1670 was in a constant activity of blood feud, raiding, robbing rustling where defence was enhanced by armour and offence made better…
Poleaxe, battle axe and the glave are weapons used in the robbing, rustling, reiving raids of 1500 - 1700 in the Scottish English lawless border where border reivers would fight on either side with these…
England and Scotland were two fiercely independent countries in 1500 - 1700 and the robbing, rustling and blood feuds in the lawless area between the countries was dealt with by creating March areas with a…
Swords and techniques used in 1500 - 1600 in the English Scottish border raids, skirmishes and wars where Border Reivers fought each other and fought for and against either side. A rapier, backsword made for…
A Reiver foot soldier introduces himself Scotland and England were in conflict in the 16th & 17th century so border raids, skirmishes and wars were frequent in this lawless land. Cattle rustling robbery and murder…
Clothing - Reiver Women Clothing in the mid and late 16th century had become not only functional but highly fashionable. Clothing was expensive and so the same outfit had to suffice for work and for…
Clothing armour weapons of Border Reivers Clothing The inventory for Ewanrigg Hall in 1585 shows the relative value of clothing; a leather jacket had the same value as much as the best horse of a…