Defence By Attack – Selkirk 1530 Most border towns did not have walls and so…
Selkirk Protocols John Chepman 1536 – 1543
Book B The Protocol Book of Sir John Chepman Notary Public 1536 – 1543
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1. 2 June 15(p/t) John Sandelandis of that ilk enquired whe¬ther Thomas Ker in Yair or the same John Sandelandes (p/t) the husbandlands of [Mert scored out] Dalcoff in (p/t) six husband¬lands of Bold or not which [Thomas] Ker acknowledged that the said John had the six husbandlands of Dalcoff [contained] in a clause of warrandice of the said 6 husbandlands of Bold. Also on the same day the said Thomas Ker in Yair acknowledged he had received six pounds scots from John Sandelandis for two years rent on a half of the husbandlands lying in the town and bounds of Bold the which six pounds the said Thomas quitclaims forever to the said John, his heirs and assignees. John sought instrument done at the Chapel of Bold around 11 pm before George Tait of Pirne, (p/t) Crenstoun, James Crenstoun his son, William [Wod], Thomas Patersone, John Lowis and John Borthik.
Same day and hour. Thomas Ker in Yair inquired of John Sandelan¬dis if he was paid and content of the sum of 18 score of merks scots for the redemption and relaxation of the six 6 husbandlands of Bold pertaining to Thomas in heritable feu and he acknowledged himself well paid and quitclaimed the said Thomas, his heirs and assignees forever. Thomas Ker sought instrument done on the same day and hour before witnesses abovewritten.
2. Hwme 13 July 1536 John Hoppringill brother of George Hoppringill of Torwodlee having authority for the purpose invest¬ed and gave sasine to Robert Symsone attorney for George Hwm of Wethirburne of all the lands of Blakhauch with pertinents.Wit¬nesses John Hoppringill in New Hall, William Jhonsone, Andrew Michelsoun, Robert Wychtman and Hector Wychtman.
3. Ker of Lyntoun 10 Dec 1537 John Hog of Lyntoun attorney and in the name of James Ker son and apparent heir of George Ker of Lyntoun whose power of attorney is clearly established to me notary public came to five pound lands of Primsyde lying in ” le ryndaill” with lands (p/t) of Sproustoun and within the sheriff¬dom of Roxburgh (p/t) and required Adam Wauchope bailie in that part to execute a precept of sasine of Walter Ker of Cesford with red and white seals appended and the bailie handed it to me notary public to read out in the following tenor: Walter Ker of Cesford and lord of the lands of Primsyde to Adam Wauchhope my bailie in that part lawfully constituted greetings. Knowing that I have given and by a charter granted to my cousin James Ker apparent heir of George Ker of Lyntoun all my five [pound] lands lying in ” ly ryndaill” with the lands of Lancelot (p/t) in the lordship of Primsyde for a service used and wont. Therefore I command you to give heritable state [sasine] and possession without delay of the [said] lands to James Ker or his lawful attorney in the terms of his charter which he has of me…save the rights of whomsoever. In testimony of which I append my seal at Haldane on the 26 Nov 1537 with my subscription “Walter Ker of Cesfurd”. After which the bailie by virtue of his office gave sasine of all the five poundlands of Primsyde. John attorney for the said James sought instrument done at the house of Thomas Richartsoun on the ground of the said lands around 11 am, before Thomas Mathosone, George Trumbull, James Gilcryst, Thomas Ri¬chartsoun, Thomas Leidhouse, John Ker, William Ker and others.
4. Ker of Lyntoun 3 Dec 1537 before me notary public and witnesses underwritten was transumed and extracted a protocol certified by worthy men cited to that purpose before Sir William Newton commissioner of the [“Raris..inis?”] of which protocol the tenor follows: AD 1509 August seventh William Lermont bailie of David Somervell openly gave heritable sasine to George Ker son and heir to the deceased James Ker of Lyntoun of lands underwrit¬ten viz ” le Couttwallis” with an orchard thereto of Holdane, Hyndelaw and “le Park” and 7 husbandlands lying in the town of Lyntoun within the sheriffdom of Roxburgh by handing over earth and stones following the tenor of the old charter on a precept of David Somervelll. Done at (illegible) Wallis before George Dow¬glass of Bon Jedburcht, George (p/t), (p/t) Dowglass,John Hog, Robert Thomsone, John (p/t), (p/t) Ker, John Vaiche, Robert Termerid, James Rutherfurd and Henry Trumbull .
5. Ker of Sunderlande Hall 15 June 153[8] [III Paul 3] James [?Dow]glass of Cavers acknowledged that he had promised [master Thomas] Ker in Sunderlandhall by a precept of the first of June (p/t) to receive a sum of money viz 80 (p/t) scots by the fifteenth June for the redemption of the lands of Esschebank. Master Thomas sought instrument done at the monastery church of (p/t) at the altar of blessed Mary around 3pm before William Alesone, Adam Rutherfurd, Andrew Ker, (p/t) Roxburcht, sir James Bernet and Edward Morton.
Same day James Dowglas of Cavers produced a letter of reversion (p/t) of Esshebank written on parchment with the seal of [master Thomas] Ker of Sundirlande impressed in red and white wax and asserted that the seal was not that of the deceased Robert [ Ker?] nor were the letters under his subscription manual as the witnesses clearly showed on which he asserts that the land of Esschebank was not lawfully his (p/t) or pertaining heritably to him. Witness as above [no 5].
6. Ker 20 Feb 1538/9 George Davesone attorney and in the name of the Robert Ker and Elesabeth Harvy his spouse….came to the lands of Estir Blaiklaw lying in the barony of Lyntoun and within the sheriffdom of Roxburgh and there required George Ker son of Robert Ker in Crukit Schaw and bailie in that part of George Ker of Lyntoun execute a certain precept of sasine of the said lands signed by the said George in his own hand….the which precept the bailie gave to me notary public to be made public in the following way : George Ker of Lyntoun to George Ker son of Robert Ker in Crukitshaw greetings.Because I have given and granted to my brother german Robert Ker and Elesabeth Harvy his spouse….in conjunct fee…and their heirs lawfully procreated, on account of brotherly love….all the lands (p/t)[ Estir] Blacklaw with pertinents lying in the barony of Lyntoun, sheriff¬dom of Roxburgh….to be held of me, my heirs (p/t) as in my charter to Robert and Elesabeth made thereon.
Therefore I order you…to give state, sasine and possession without delay of the said lands of Estir Blaiklaw with pertinents to Robert and Elisabeth whichever lives longer in conjunct fee or to their rightful attorney in the tenor of my charter made before to them…in testimony of which I append my seal and sign manual at Edinburgh, 6 Feb 1538. Before witnesses master Robert Ker vicar of Lyndeyn, sir William Bradfut chaplain, James Ker and James Ker.
The bailie gave sasine of Estir Blaiklaw to George Davesone attorney by delivery of earth and stone according to the tenor of the said precept. George sought instrument done at the principal dwelling house of the said lands around 10 am, before Symon Wolsone, James Wolsone, Henry Davesone, Andrew Curror, James Curror and Robert Ker in Crukit Shaw and the bailie gave sasine to Robert and Elesabecht in Crukit Shaw before William Daveson, John Daveson, Thomas Daveson, James Rannyk and John Rannyk his son.
7. Ker 28 March 1539 master William Ker rector of Aldrox¬burgh showed a copy of a royal letter specifying that the said master William was under censure of the church on account of non payment of a certain ferme of our supreme lord king from which he appealed on the grounds that he paid the tax and has the acquit-tance to prove it. Witnesses Gilbert Ker of Primsyde, James Ker in Grenheid, master Thomas Ker, James Borthik, William Thomson and others.
8. Ker 8 May 1539 it is appointed and agreed between Robert Ker burgess of Edinburgh on the one side and Christian Murray relict of the deceased Thomas Murray of Bowhill on the other in this following way viz. the said Christian leased a third part of the said place of North Bowhill belonging to her to the said Robert Ker in return for a fourth part and that the same Chris¬tian after the end of the tack of the teind sheaves of the for¬said place of Bowhill belonging to Christian herself from the abbot and convent of the monastery of Calco, she resigned all right and claim she has or could have in future… in favour of the same (p/t) and Robert Ker pays 8 merks scots to Christian Murray. Done at the house of George Vallance before G(p/t)amn, John Fergreiff, Andrew Bell and others.
9. Lyddaill of Hairtherne 4 Feb 1539/40 James Reid sheriff in that part of our supreme lord King James V put in the hands of the notary a certain precept of sasine…..under the testimony of the Great Seal….in the following manner: James by grace of God King of Scots to his sheriff and bailies in Selkirk and to James Reid (blank- then p/t) and diversely to our sheriffs of Selkirk in that part greeting. Because (illegible) after having reached perfect age (25 years)and following general revocation with the (p/t) and consent of our comptroller we have given and granted to heritable feu ferme to Robert Lyddaill all [ the lands of] Hair¬therne with pertinents lying in the lordship of Selkirk in our sheriffdom of Selkirk extending yearly (p/t) in rent in all profits to 30 [?pounds] scots as contained in our charter made thereupon.
We order and command Robert [Lyddaill] or his assured attorney to have this present sasine of the lands with pertinents as in the tenor of the charter he has from us….under the testimony of the Great Seal at Edinburgh 27 July, 25th year of James V. After reading the precept the bailie by virtue and vigour of his office gave sasine of all the lands of Hairtherne with pertinents to Robert Lyddaill who sought this instrument from me notary public. Done at the principal dwelling house of Hairtherne called “Le Peill” about 10 am, before George Hall, William Patersone and James Sandelandis.
10. Ker 20 Feb 1538/9 [George] Ker son of Robert Ker in Crukit Schaw bailie to George Ker of Lyntoun on account of his precept of sasine [and] letters of the office of bailie sealed with red and white seals impressed in wax and with sign manual …..came to the [lands] of Ester Blaklaw with pertinents lying in the barony of [Lyntoun] within the sheriffdom of Rox¬burght and there handed the said precept to the notary to read out in the following tenor: George Ker of Lyntoun to … George Ker son of Robert Ker in Crukitschaw and my bailies specially constituted in that part conjunctly and severally greetings. Be¬cause I have given and granted to my brother german Robert Ker and Elisabeth Harvy his spouse whichever of them lives longer in conjunct fee and their heirs lawfully procreated for the brother¬ly affection and love we have for one another and other good deeds and favours…all my lands of Ester Blaklaw with pertinents holding them from me as contained fully in my charter to the said Robert and Elisabeth thereon. Therefore we command you to deliver sasine ofthe said lands to the said Robert and Elisabeth without delay in tenor of my charter made thereon…in testimony of which I append my seal and sign manual at Edinburght 6 Feb 1538. Before master Robert Ker vicar of Lyndeyn, sir William Braidfut chap¬lain, James Ker and James Ker.
The subscription of George Ker thus George Ker of Lyntoun
After which, the bailie gave sasine.
11. [This item has been inserted as a loose sheet in the main body of the text ]
20 Feb 1538/9 George Davidsone attorney in name of Robert Ker and Elisabeth Harvy his spouse came to the lands of Estir Blaik¬law lying in the barony of Lyntoun within the sheriffdom of Roxburgh and there demanded from George Ker son of Robert Ker in Crukit Schaw bailie in that part of George Ker of Lyntoun that a certain precept of sasine regarding those lands be executed. The bailie received the precept and handed it to the notary public who read it out. Then George Ker after the precept….was made public….by vigour and virtue of his office of bailie gave sasine of all the above lands to George Davidsone attorney for Robert and Elisabeth and in their name George Davidsone attorney sought instrument done at the principal dwelling house of the said lands at 10 am before Simon Wolsone, James Wolsone, Henry Davidsone, Andrew Curror, James Curror and Robert Ker in Crukit Schaw.
Same day at the hour of eleven, the bailie invested the said Robert and Elisabeth in the lands of Dennerles under the tenor of another precept for a term of [?nineteen] years before Robert Ker in Crukit Schaw, William Daveson, John Daveson, Thomas Daveson, James Rannyk and John Rannyk his son.
[Reverse : this may complete No 10 ].
of a precept, state, heritable sasine and possession….of
all the said lands of Estir Blaklaw with pertinents to George Daveson who accepts as attorney on behalf of Robert and Elesabeth by letters of our lord king under the Great Seal as is clearly shown to me notary public and to whoever lives longer in conjunct fee by handing over earth and stones. Done at the principal dwelling house of the said lands at around 10 am before witnesses Simone Wolsone, James Wolsone, Henry Davidson, Andrew Curror, James Curror and Robert Ker in Crukit Schaw.
12. (p/t) Jan 1539/40 [Robert Scot] of Howpaslot on his own confession acknowledged that he had received from Janet Scot relict of deceased Robert Elwand of [Toungtis?] the sum of 120 pounds scots in counted money for which sum the same Robert Scotsent his seal to the venerable man John Scot vicar of Hawik to make and seal evidents of the said Janet viz a charter and precept of sasine of his lands of Apiltrehall in “le mains” called ” le cot rig” now occupied by William Bell for 20 bolls [as] rent to the same Janet always and however the said Robert Scott his heirs and assignees pay or will pay the said Janet the sum of 120 pounds.
The said Robert Scott binds himself faithfully after coming to his house from Edinburgh to act for his heirs and assignees in the books of the commissary of Teviotdale to guarantee peaceful possession of the lands or rent always and until the complete [payment] of the same to Janet Scot, her heirs and assignees. Janet sought instrument done at Fawsyde around 8 am before Simon Scot, James Scot, William Scot in Hartwodmyers, Roland Scot, John Dowglass and Thomas Andersone.
13. Hall 1 Feb [1539/40] Alexander Tait on the one part and [Alexander Hall in] Selkirk on the other bound themselves in the following form and effect viz. [Alexander] Hall and Isabella Tait daughter of the same Alexander Tait to solemmize the act of marriage in face of kirk…at such a convenient time as occurs and under penalty of a double dowry or “le touchquhir guds” to be paid by the party in breach of contract. John Mithag burgess of Selkirk in name and on the part of the said Alexander Hall sought the instrument which was done at the house of James Ander¬son at Farnele about 2 pm before James Bard, John Hall in Sel¬kirk, John Greif, John Watson in Yair, Janet [? Trent.]
14. Feirgreiff 25 Feb 15 [39/40] [Patrick?] Feirgreiff dwell¬ing in Ankrum faithfully binds himself his heirs executors and assignees to pay Thomas Feirgreiff living in Braidmedois his (p/t) yearly and [?for five years] a boll of flour stacked (p/t) of malt always and however the said Patrick his heirs (p/t) pay to the said Thomas Feirgreiff his heirs and assignees the sum of 21 pounds and this on account of (p/t) for a husbandland lying in the barony of Ankrum (p/t) belonging to him by right he delivers ( p/t) on the lands should the money be lacking. Thomas Feirgr¬eiff sought instrument done at the parish church of Blessed Mary of Selkirk in the aisle of St. John the Baptist on the north side of the church before sir John Michelhill and Thomas Skwne chaplains and others.
15. Ker 22 March 15 [39/40] Robert Ker burgess of Edinburgh in name and on the part of “Margrete” the old Queen leased “le steding” of North Bowhill to John Jhonson for 32 pounds scots and the said John will render the rent of the said place to the lady queen or her factors before sir George Elwand chaplain and William Tait.
16. Ker of Corbethouse 27 May 1540 George Ker of Lyntoun affirmed a certain letter of assedation made with the consent of James Ker his apparent heir sealed and subscribed by the same George and James. ( p/t) to the honorable man George Ker of Corbethouse of his 50 shillinglands of Crukitschaws and so George Ker of Lyntoun annulled broke and destroyed a protocol of instru¬ment written on the back of the said letter of assedation bearing [on it] that George Ker of Corbethouss his heirs and subtenants shall enjoy the 50 shilling lands by all terms in the said asse¬dation. George Ker of Corbethouss sought instrument done in the inner chapel of Farnele at midday before John Hog of Lyntoun, George Davidsone in Throgdane and sir William Young chaplain and others.
17. Ker of Lyntoun 18 June 1540 it was agreed between [George] Ker of Lyntoun on the one side and William Ker of [Quhitmurhall] and Janet Ker relict of William Ker of Quhitmur¬hall in following form and effect viz George Ker of Lyntoun declares that he is content that Janet Ker accepts the place of Quhitmuirhall [for] the son and heir of the same William Ker and his heirs from the factors of Calco in tack and so the same Janet Ker relict of the foresaid binds herself that….if she should contract a marriage in any way she will renounce all right and claim forever that she has or will have in future in favour of her son and [his] heirs. George Ker sought instrument done at Farnele around 4 pm before Thomas Ker in Yair amd James Ker in Farnele.
18. Ker of Quhitmuirhall Same day George Ker of Lyntoun and William Ker of Schaw bind themselves, their heirs and assignees that they will not interfere with the place of Quhitmuirhall being not the perfect and lawful estate of deceased William Ker of Quhitmuirhall only with the unanimous consent of the same George and William Ker and their heirs and that the same have leased the said place of Quhitmuirhall with consent as said…to the use and utility of the said offspring. Janet sought instru¬ment at Farnele as above.
19. Ker 27 Sept 1540 sir William Brydin vicar of Aldroxburgh freely and in the certain knowledge of better things renounces his office of the vicarage of Aldroxburgh with all rights and pertinents into the hands of the father in Christ, lord Gavin archbishop of Glasgow ordinary of the place in favour of the venerable man Thomas Ker clerk of the diocese of Glasgow before Gilbert Ker of Primsyd, [George] Ker of Lyntoun, master Thomas Ker in Sunderlandhall, [Andrew] Ker in Aldroxburght, William Tait.
20. Brydin Vicar of Selkirk Same day Gilbert Ker of Prumsyd, master William Ker rector of Aldroxburcht and George Ker of Lyntoun jointly and singly of their own free will faithfully bound themselves to pay the venerable man sir William Brydin vicar of Selkirk and his assignees the sum of 12 pounds scots yearly and for the year until complete payment of 60 (blank) pounds (blank) will be made or at least until Thomas Ker vicar of Aldroxburgh gives satisfaction to the said sir William in other ways….and for greater security he promises to act himself in the books of the dean of Teviotdale for the payment of this sum to the vicar of Selkirk before witnesses master Thomas Ker in Sunderlandhall and Andrew [Ker] in Aldroxburgh.
21. Ker (p/t) master Thomas Ker in Sunderlandhall requested the honorable man [George] Ker of Lyntoun to fulfil a contract in all its [articles] made between them (p/t) which George was prepared to do in all things ….both parties sought the instrument done at the chapel of Farnele at about 1 pm before Gilbert Ker of Prumsyde, master William Ker rector of Aldroxburgh and Andrew Ker in Aldroxburgh.
22. Ker 7 March 1540/1 sir Thomas Kirkhope chaplain of the diocese of Glasgow by touching the door of the parish church of Aldroxburgh, baptistery, altar, chalice, book and ornaments of the same invested Thomas Ker, acolyte….in real actual and corporal possession of the fruits and emoluments of the perpetual vicarage of the same [ie Aldroxburgh] endowed and inducted him with all the uses etc adjoined in form previously written.
Thomas Ker acolite sought the instrument in the aforesaid church before Andrew Ker in Aldroxburgh, William Dwne, Thomas Dwne, James Smyth, Walter Hog.
23. Ker “quinto” 20 Feb 1538/9 George Ker son of Robert Ker in Crukitschaw bailie in that part of George Ker of Lyntoun by his precept of sasine or letters of bailiary sealed with a red pendant and impressed seal and corroborated with sign manual on parchment came to the lands of Dennerles with pertinents lying in the barony of Lyntoun within the sheriffdom of Roxburgh and there delivered the said precept into the hands of me notary public of which the tenor follows “George Ker of Lyntoun to my lovittis George Ker sone to Robert Ker in Crukit Schaw and Rawff Ker and ilkane of yow coniunctlie and severally my bailies in that part specially constitute greting Forsamekill as I have sett in asse¬datioun to my weilbelovit brothir Robert Ker and Elesabeth Harvy his spouse and to the langar levand of thai twa yair aires and subtenentes ane or ma all and taike tha my landis and steding callit Dennerles wyth the pertinentis liand in the barony of Lyntoun within the sheriffdome of Roxburgh for all the days and termes of nyntene yeiris as at mair leintht is contenit in my lettres of assedatioun maid and gevin to thaim thereupon heirfor I charge yow straitlie and commandis that incontenit this my precept sene ye or ony of yow that beis requirit therewyt pass and giff stait possession and saising corporal actual and real of all thai my saidis landis of Dennerles wyth the [pertinents] to the saidis Robert my brother, Elesabecht [his spouse] and to the langar levand of thaim twa airis [and subtennentis] forsaids induring the saidis nyntene yeires of my forsaids lettres of assedatioun maid to thame thereupon and this one na wys ye leif undone as ye will answer to me upone the execution of your of¬fice. The quhilk to do I comitt to yow and to every ilkane of yow coniunctlie and severalie my full power be this my precept subscribed wyth hand my seill is affixet at Edinburgh the 7 day of Februar the yeir of God 1538 yeirs before thir witness maister William Ker parsone of Aldroxburgh, maister Robert Ker vicar of Lyndene,sir William Braidfut chaplain to James Ker in Farnylee, James Ker in Grenheid”. The subscription of the said George is thus “George Ker of Lintoun”.
After reading out the precept of sasine George Ker bailie as above by virtue of his office gave sasine of all lands of Den¬nerlees with pertinents to George Davidsone present and accepting as attorney of Robert and Elisabeth constituted by royal letters under testimony of the Great Seal and to whichever of them lives longer and their heirs and subtenants for the space of 19 years by handing over earth and stones on the ground of the same in the tenor of letters of assedation by the said [George] Ker of Lyn¬toun to Robert and Elisabeth.
George Davidsone [attorney] as above sought instrument done on the ground of the lands of Dennerles around 11 am before witness¬es Robert Ker in Crukitschaw William Davidsone John Davidsone Thomas Davidsone James Rannyk and John Rannyk his son.
24. Dikeson of Ormstoun 20 April 1541 John Dikesone of Ormstoun came to the presence of William Stewart of Tracquair and warned him to compear at the chapel of blessed Mary of Peblis to receive a certain sum of money for the redemption of his 6 merklands according to the form and tenor of his reversion before George Tait of [Ca…lecht], John Crenstoun, John Franche, William Vache and Thomas Patersone.
25. Hoppringill 19 May 1541 Adam Hoppringill brother german of Robert Hoppringill of Blindlee and cessionar and as¬signee of [Sir Ninian] Seton of Tulibody knight as letters patent show came to the principal dwelling house of William Carncroce in Comesle and there warned the said William personal¬ly apprehended with all the inhabitants and occupiers of two husbandlands lying in “Le Fawins” within the sheriffdom of Berwik apprised to the deceased Sir John Streviling of Ker knight for the sum of ( blank) scots to compear in the consistorial aisle upon the altar of the same of the collegiate church of the blessed St. Giles in Edinburgh on the 1st June next to receive a certain sum (blank) to redeem the said two husbandlands also for expenses made for the said Sir John Streviling….and said Adam cessionar as above came to the principal dwelling house of the lands lying in Fawins and at same time warned William Carncroce and all the inhabitants etc.
Done at Comesle around 3 pm before Robert Hoppringill in Mur¬cleucht, John Carncroce brother german of William, George Murray, David Patersone, Thomas Tait. Done in Fawins about 6 pm before David Burnet, Jhon Browis, William Purves.
26. Dikesone of Ormstoun 29 May 1541 William Stewart of Trac¬quair acknowledged he had accepted from John Dikesone of Ormstoun the sum of 100 merks scots for the redemption and relaxation of (p/t) his lands of Ormstoun to him from the above William (p/t) which William delivered to him…in a sasine (p/t) of the said lands. Also the said William Stewart renounces ( p/t) his right and claim forever and possession which he has or he, his heirs and assignees will have in the future to the said 6 merks of lands with pertinents…of the sum of 100 merks the said William declares that he is content and paid and has quitclaimed and discharged the said John Dikeson his heirs and assignees for the same.
John Dikeson sought the instrument done at Tracquair in the new tower around 5 pm before John Sandelandes of Bold, William Sande¬landes, James Stewart, Alexander Stewart, Adam Vaiche, John Crenstoun, Thomas Ker in Yair, master Robert Ker vicar of Lyndeyn
27. Stewart Same day and place John Dikesone of Ormstoun discharged and quitclaimed William Stewart of Tracquair his heirs and all his associates from wrongful occupation of the lands of Ormstoun in times past up to this present before all witnesses abovewritten. John Dikesone binds himself to show to the said William Stewart his instrument of sasine of the lands of Ormstoun so he can know the same and if John is rightful heir and lord of the lands of Ormstoun or not before Thomas Ker in Yair and master Robert Ker vicar of Lyndeyn.
28. Carncroce (p/t) May 1541 William Carncroce of Comesle alleges that he has not been (p/t) warned to receive a sum (blank) for the redemption of his (p/t) husbandlands lying in Fawins apprised to… Sir John Streviling of Keyir knight from him and that he was not warned on 40 days. Before witnesses Robert Hoppringill in Morcleucht, John Carncroce, George Murray, Davide Patersone and Thomas Tait.
29. Hoppringill 8 June 1541 Alexander Hoppringill of Cra¬gleche asked if James Ker of Mersyntoun or Ralph Ker his brother german had any bonds or contracts of the same Alexander or from the deceased Robert Hoppringill his father which the said Ralph then produced and also Alexander Carmaige officer and serjeant in that part of the noble lady queen Margaret having in his hand a precept under her signet and sign manual also corroborated with the subscription of her spouse Henry Stewart came to the dwell¬ing house of Williamhope to eject the tenants thereof and after the precept was read out Alexander alleged that in the precept no mention was made of [removing them from their?] houses and the said Alexander Hoppringill also alleged he had not made “le forcement” from him in that he had letters of the king and queen holding him in possession. Then James Syntoun shepherd of our supreme lord king in Hartherne said that one of the associates of Ralph Ker attacked him with injurious words saying that one of them would grieve if the said James did not wish to allow sheep on his pasture. Witnesses John Achesone, Gilbert Scot, John Jhonesone, William Crawfurd, Richard Palmar and Simon Tait.
30. Ker Same day and place James Ker of Mersintoun protested [Alexander Hopprin]gill of Craglethe had no evidents (p/t) from the said James Ker that he could produce before the justices (p/t) in the court of the queen and to him ought to be rendered as the law [requires?](p/t). Afterwards, the said Alexander sent out sheep and cows and kept them on the [lands] of Williamhope which Alexander Carmaig officer and serjeant in that part of a noble lady queen Margaret held through the said precept having power by precept to put down and remove the goods of the said Alexander and his tenants of Williamhop om account of which the said Alexander made “le forcement” and he said Alexander Carmaig by virtue of his office came and requested entry to the principal dwelling houses of Williamhope at which Alexander ordered the wives that they should not open the doors which they did…Alex¬ander Carmaig put Ralph Ker german of the same James Ker in a house with his friends and also put three cattle viz.” ane hawkit stot, ane garit stot and ane garit quy” on the same land and demitted possession of the same by virtue of his precept and finally Alexander Hoppringill said he did not want to [see] any letters from him to Ralph. Before witnesses Gilbert Scot, John Achesone, John Jhonsone, William Thomson.
31. Dwnne 18 June 1541 master Michael Scot, William Scot in Bowhill, William Rennyk and John Hog conjunctly and severally bind themselves…to abide by all points and articles contained in a contract between them and (p/t) Ninian Brydin notary public. [?Walter] Dwnne sought this instrument done here under the mercat cross of Selkirk at about 4 pm before John Clerk in Quhithauch¬bra, James Chepman my german [ie brother or close relative of sir John Chepman – the notary] Cuthbert Curror and William Scot in Hartwodburn.
32. Hay of Tracquair 1 Aug 1541 master Robert Ker vicar of Lyndeyn acknowledged that Agnes Hay spouse of William Stewart la¬boured and made all her diligence to make an agreement between her spouse and the same John Dikesone. Witnesses George Ker of Lyntoun, William Dikesone, William Tait.
33. Spottiswod 13 August 1541 Elisabeth Spottiswod relict of the deceased John Hoppringill of Blindlee relinquishes all right and claim to the steding of Blindlee after the expiry of her tack to the Robert Hoppringill her first born son and heir. Said Robert sought instrument done in the lower part of Blindlie around 9 am before friar John Dwn, friar William Symson, sir George Elwand curate of Lindeyn and John Hoppringill.
34. Hoppringill Same day and place Elesabeth constituted, made, created and [ordained] sir Ninian Spotiswod (p/t)[ brother?] german and James Hoppringill her son [ her executors] and assignees after her death for the enjoyment and occupation through the years and terms of her tacks in future of the place of Blindle. Done before friar John Dwnn, friar William Symson, sir George Ellwand curate, sir Thomas Ranaldsoun and John Hop¬pringill her son.
35. Jamesone of Lyndeyn Same day Thomas Ker in Yair en¬quired of John Hall burgess of Selkirk if the same was content that George Jameson in Lyndeyn had freedom to eat grain pertain¬ing to half a husbandland which the same John Hall has from Thomas Ker in tack, and for agreed times. Regarding which John Hall declared he was [content].
George Jameson sought this instrument done in the market place of Selkirk about 3 pm before sir James Bennet.
36. Hoppringill (?) August 1541 Adam son of Robert Hoppringill of Blindlee assignee of and in the name of Ninian Setoun of Tuli¬body knight in and to the redemption of those two husbandlands of Fawins with pertinents lying within the sheriffdom of Barwik apprised rightly to James Muschat of Colgarh for the sum of 60 pounds and to Robert Oliphant ensign king’s sheriff in that part for 3 pounds came to appeal before William Carncroce in Comsle and William warned Adam to appear in the collegiate church of St. Giles in Edinburgh, at the altar of St. Katherine the Virgin founded there on the 20th of this month of August at the hour of 10 to receive the sum of 63 pounds, also the expenses made for the deceased Sir John Streveling of Keir knight in his infeft¬ment, for the redemption of the said lands of Fawins with perti¬nents…and William promises the said Adam shall receive the 2 husbandlands for the sum of money.
Adam Hoppringill sought the instrument done at the dwelling place of William at Commslee before John Carncroce brother german of William, George Carncroce son of said William and John Thomson gardener.
37 Braidfut 17 Jan 1541/2 Before me notary public and wit¬nesses sir Ninian Brydin notary public (p/t) said he had a cer¬tain instrument in the form of a contract…between (p/t) and James Braidfut and Isabella Haldane his spouse (p/t). James Braidfut sought the instrument here in the courthouse of Selkirk before the “well known man Walter Scot provost of Selkirk”, John Brydin bailie, Lancelot Ker, Symon Farle and others.
38. Chepman 31 Jan 1541/2 John Brydin one of the bailies of Selkirk came to the tenement of the deceased Robert Chepman and there gave sasine of all the tenement front and back to his son and heir John Chepman in accordance with an old infeftment of the said Robert. Then the said bailie came to the tenement of Thomas Grahame in Peilgait and invested the said John Chepman in an annualrent of 5 shillings scots uplifted on the same tenement and then came to the tenement of William Flegschar and there invested him in an annualrent of 5 shillings uplifted on the said tenement and after to the tenement of John Braidfut and gave him an an¬nualrent of 5 shillings uplifted on it yearly in two terms a year [Whitsunday and Martinmas] and lastly came to a rig of land under “le know” and there invested John Chepman with the rig of land under the tenor of an old infeftment from his deceased mother Elisabeth Jhonsone. Done at the said places around 3 pm before Robert Scot [brother] german of Walter Scot of Edschaw, Peter Stodart, John Mouss, Thomas Melrose, John Melrose his son, George Smyth, David Todryg, John Smyth and Alexander Brown in Sunder-land.
39. [H]yltsone Achesone (?) Feb 1541/2 (p/t) Achesone and Thomas Hyltson discharged all actions and claims between them, by their own free will, up to this present day. Thomas Hylston sought instrument done in my own chamber* of Farnele at about 3 pm before John Barre, James Tait, Ninian Chepman and others.
*ie. of sir John Chepman.
40. Ker Harvy 5 April 1542 George Ker son of Robert Ker in Crukit Schaw attorney and in the name of Robert Ker burgess of Edinburgh and Elisabeth Harvy his wife…came to the lands of Hyndlaw lying in the barony of Lyntoun and sheriffdom of Rox¬burgh….and there presented to John Hog of Lyntoun bailie in that part of George Ker in Lyntoun of a precept of sasine of the said lands of Hyndlaw under seal…and sign manual of said George and required it to be executed. The said bailie received the precept…and handed it to the notary to make public. After making public the precept, the bailie gave sasine and possession of the fourth part of the lands of Hyndlaw then occupied by ( p/t) Wolsone and William Wolsone to George Ker in the name of the above. Done on the ground of Hyndlaw around 10 am before William Hog, sir William Corbet, notary, William Wolsone, John Almiss, James Lowry.
41. Ker 26 June 1542 William Dwne in Aldroxburgh acknowledged he had been well paid from the hands of master Robert Ker vicar of Lyndene of the sum of 40 merks scots in complete payment of his dowry [“dotis”] which sum the said master Robert promised to pay William. Master Robert sought the instrument, done at Farnele around 4 pm before sir Thomas Ker, vicar of Roxburgh, James Ker in Quhitmur, John Ker there.
42. Andersone 13 April [1542] sir William Chepman came to his [tenement] lying in the burgh of Selkirk between the tenement of Stephen Loremer on the west, the land of John Ross on the [south], the land of Gilbert Ker of Primsyde on the east and the common way which leads to the loch on the north and freely re-signed the tenement… in favour of Patrick Andersone in the hands of John Brydin bailie of Selkirk who gave sasine of the same to the said Patrick in accordance with the tenor of a char¬ter by the sir William to the said Patrick. Done on the ground of the same around 7 am before James Hall smith, John Brownne, John Thomsone, David Todrig.
43 Ker ( p/t) April [1542] sir John Michelhill notary public and clerk of the sheriff court of Selkirk acknowledged that Patrick Murray sheriff principal of Selkirk had created by oath John Sandelandis of Bold his depute with the consent of those present and accepted instruments.The said John Sandelandis his depute was consulted by trustworthy persons regarding a royal letter and declared by virtue of his office to continue this court to the twentieth day following. Patrick Murray sheriff principal rose and accepted the letter from his depute and de-prived him of his office and asserted that he would obey the said royal letter notwithstanding that James Ker of Mersingtoun al¬leged acts of Parliament in the contrary and that a private royal letter should not take place over acts of Parliament in all these parts. The said John depute as above and deprived of his office declared he was willing to obey the said royal letter in all points. James Ker of Mersyntoun for his interest sought instru¬ment done on the land of James Bradfut, burgess of Selkirk around 1 pm in the presence of David Ker, James Bradfut, Ralph Ker, George Michelhill.
44 Lyddaill 5 May [1542] “Jonet of Lyddaill spouss to Niniane of Lyddaill lard of Halkarstoun allegeand (p/t) hir said spouss and scho had lauchtfullie w[arnit](p/t) precept Thome of Dalg¬less, Jame Lyddaile and (p/t) to remove and flyt fra our steding of Alebank (p/t) the said Jonet of hir favor and benevolens [had] tholit the said Thomas Dalgless to pastur his gudis(p/t) beand one the ground quhill flitting fryday nixt to cum and na mair of his gudis to be brocht apone the groun quhill that day and than he to remove and red himself servandis and gudis plesandlie of the ground the quhilk to do he oblist him be his hand and fath of body.” Janet sought instrument done at the place of Alebank before witnesses William Wod, Mark Ker, James Lyddail, Alexander Liddaill,John Watsone and James Liddaill.
45. Dalglese Same day Thomas Dalgless alleges that he is the old tenant and in possession of one fourth part of the place of Alebank before witnesses above.
46. Wod Same day William Wod enquired “quhilke haf quarter of Alebank scho ressavit him tenent to and scho said to the half quarter that Jame Lyddail occupiet”. William Wod sought the instrument before witnesses above.
47. Davidsone (?) June 1542
Andrew [Davidsone] came to his tenement lying in the burgh of Selkirk between the tenement of Andrew Loucht on the east, the land or tenement of Janet Lydderdaill the west, the king’s street which leads to the well on the south and the land or tenement of Marion Hoppringill lady of Grenheid on the north and there freely gave all the tenement to his brother german Richard Davidsone by resigning it in hands of Peter Moffet bailie of Selkirk who gave sasine to Richard in accordance with the tenor of a charter by Andrew to Richard. Richard Davidsone sought instrument done at the tenement around 4 pm before Andrew Loucht, David Ker, cousin (p/t) George Lydderdaill, William Henderson, Thomas (p/t), James Turnor, John Dunhope and others.
48. Symsone 22 June 1542 John Symsone came to a husbandland commonly called Lammes Land lying in the lordship of Selkirk within the sheriffdom thereof and there upon a croft of the said husbandland he presented to George Mowat sheriff depute in that part a certain precept of sasine of our chancery of our lord the King under the testimony of the Great Seal requiring the said George to execute the deed. The sheriff received the precept and [gave it] to me notary public for reading in the following tenor: James by Grace of God etc…to his Sheriff and bailies of Selkirk and George Mowat our sheriff in that part of Selkirk greetings. Because we have given and granted to John Symsone in heritable possession for his good faithful deeds and acts in our service…..and for several sums of money paid to our treasury all the lands called “Lammes landis” with pertinents in the lord¬ship and “le mains” of Selkirk lying in the bounds of the burgh of Selkirk “in capite” from Archibald formerly Earl of Angus and now in our hands in escheat following the forfeiture of the said Archibald. Now we command you to give the said John sasine of said lands according to the tenor of the charter he has from us without delay dated under testimony of the Great Seal at Edin¬burgh 10 June 1542″. Whereupon the said George gave heritable sasine in accordance with the said precept and charter to the said John save the right of whomsoever. John sought instrument done on the ground of the croft around 10 am before Thomas Sym¬sone in Smailhame, John Brydin, John Mowat, Thomas Mowat.
49. Lyddaill 27 May 1542 William Liddaill brother german of Ninian Liddaill of Halkarstoun [acknowledged?] and it was clearly established to me that he and Janet spouse of the said Ninian removed the household things and utensils (p/t) and their serv¬ants of the houses in Alebank and (p/t) viz cows viz “le nowt” and sixty sheep of the said place of Alebank. William Liddaill in name and part of Ninian Lyddaill his brother sought this instrument done on the ground of the said place around 10 am before Adam Gray, James Liddaill and James Liddaill, John Wat¬sone,Robert Watsone and Archibald Thyne.
50. Lyddaill Gray 29 June 1542 ” Adam Gray, John Watson, Robert Watsone, Thomas Burnton, Patrick Leiss, Arche Thyne (blank – gap for more names?) tenentis of Alebank band and oblist thaim coniunctlie and severalie till ane honorabill man Niniane Lyd¬daill lard of Halkarstoun and fewar of the said steding of Ale¬bank that thai suld do thair uter deligence for keping of his wod of Alebank that thai nor never ane of thaim suld cut distroy surfetlie nor thoill it to be cuttit nor distroyit be thaim self nor nane other personis wittandlie nor wilfullie under the pane of forfaltin of thair takkis And gyff thai mystir ony wod grath for beting of or bigging of thair houses thai to cum till him and ask leiff and he to cause servandis of his to cum and deliver it to thaim at thair mystir (p/t)…cuttis or distroyis the said wod aganis (p/t) [his] wills one force than thay sall pleyne to thair maister William Stewart of thai persones and gyf thair maister re(p/t) it nocht the tenents sall incur na danger ther¬for.” Ninian Liddaill and the above tenants sought the instru¬ment at Farnele about 9 am, before William Liddaill, George Ker, Robert Ker.”
51. Gordoun 18 July 1542 William Hoppringill procurator and in the name of John Hoppringill of Smalem under a command signed and sealed by John Hoppringill came to all of the tenements sub¬scribed lying in the burgh of Lawder for which John Hoppringill receives certain annaulrents levied as follows
The tenement of William Joly 13s 4d lying between the lands of George Dewar on west and George Brodostanis on east and kings highway on south.
Annualrent of 18s from the tenement of David Hereot lying between the land of John Brown on west, Patrick Diksone on east and kings highway on south.
Annual rent (p/t) from the tenement of deceased Alexander Brown lying between Charles [?Murray] on the west and lands of John¬Brodostanis on the east.
Annualrent of 13s 4d from the tenement of Charles Murray lying [between] the lands of the deceased John Scheill on west and lands of (p/t) on east.
Annualrent of 6s 8d from the tenement of the deceased John Scheill lying between the lands of John Michell on west and Charles Murray on east.
Annualrent 6s 8d from the tenement of John Michell between the lands of sir John Gyll on the west and deceased John Scheill on east.
Annualrent of 13s 4d from the tenement of deceased sir John Gyll between the lands of John Mersour on west and lands of John Michell on east.
Annualrent of 13s 4d from the tenement of John Mersour between the lands of William Hoppringill on west and sir John Gyll on the east.
Annualrent of 13s 4d from the tenement of the deceased James Lychtbody between the lands of Andrew Diksone on west and lands of Nycolas Sandelandes on east and there William Hoppringill, procurator resigned the sum of above annualrents into the hands of George Wauchthope one of the bailies of the burgh of Lawder and he by vigour and virtue of his office gave sasine of the annualrents to Roger Gordoun attorney for the honorable woman [Margaret] Gordoun. Roger Gordoun sought this instrument done in the said burgh at said tenements around 11 am, before Hugh Cren¬stoun, David Hoppringill, Robert Tait, Thomas Mersour, John Tait.
52. Gordoun Same day Roger Gordoun attorney for Margaret Gordoun daughter of William Gordoun of Crauchlew whose power of attorney is clearly established came to the lands of Murhouss, Blackchester, Nether Commone and Hawkarland extending to five pound lands of old extent with pertinents lying in the lordship of Lawderdaill in the sheriffdom of Berwick and there William Hoppringill bailie of John Hoppringill of Smailhame presented a precept of sasine of the said lands under the seal and subscrip¬tion of the said John and the bailie gave it to me notary public to make public as follows: John Hoppringill to William Hopprin¬gill and my bailies conjunctly and severally greetings. Because I have given and granted to Margaret Gordoun, daughter of William of Crauchlew now in her pure virginity [“nunc in sua pura virgin¬itate”] in liferent for her lifetime all my lands of Murhouss, Blackchester, Nethir Commone and Halkarland extending to 5 pound¬lands of old extent with pertinents… held of our lord king and his successors as contained fully in my charter to the said Margaret therefore we command you without delay to give sasine of the [above] lands to the said Margaret in liferent or to her rightful attorney in tenor of my charter. In testimony of which I append my seal and subscription at Edinburgh on the 17th June 1542 before witnesses [ master] Barnard Bailie rector of Lammyng¬toun, master (p/t) Hoppringill rector of Morhame, Roger Gordoun, (p/t) [Ban]nantyne, Thomas Lame and master Thomas Keyne notary public”. After reading out the precept William Hoppringill bailie gave sasine of the said lands to Roger attorney of Margaret Gordoun personally present and accepting the tenor of the charter made thereon and save the right of whomsoever. Roger sought in¬strument done at the principal dwelling house of Murhouss around 2 pm, before David Hoppringill, Robert Tait, Robert Tait,William Staig, Robert Weddaill and John Wod.
53. Scot 19 January 1543 sir Simon Schortreid chaplain came to his tenement lying in the burgh of Selkirk on the south of the road which leads to the loch between the tenement of Thomas Prechour on the east and the lands of (p/t) on the west and “le bog” on the south and there on the ground of the said tenement he resigns the said tenement with pertinents in favour of William Scot in the hands of John Brydin bailie of Selkirk according to the tenor of sir Symone’s old infeftment. Done on the grounds of the said tenement around 3 pm before John Dwn merchant, John Fairle younger, James Newlandes, Alexander Gledstanes, John McDowell, Thomas Hendry and Robert Mithag.
54. Angus Same day and hour, the said bailie invested John Angus in the same tenement with pertinents by the resignation and request of the said William Scot before abovewritten witnesses .
55. Borthik (p/t) December 1543 Thomas Knox [in name of] and on the part of the noble and potent lord John Borthik pro¬tested that the said act in giving sasine to Walter Ker of Ces¬furd of the lands of Torsonis, Cordlaue, Penplocht and Murhouss with the mill of Stow with pertinents should not turn to his loss or prejudice of the marches or bounds of his lordship or “le stedingis” adjacent to the said lands. Thomas Knokis sought instrument done on the motte or “le Know” near the place of Torsonss at about ll am before Walter Ker of Cesfurd, Gilbert Ker of Primsyde, George Ker of Lyntoun Thomas Ker in Yair, James Ker in Quhitmuir, Robert Ker of Loucht and Adam Wauchthope.
56. Hoppringill Same day and hour sir James (blank) chap¬lain in name and on part of John Hoppringill in Torsonis broke a dish [“discum” ie broke sasine] protesting that the act done or to be done in not giving the sasine of the lands of Torsonis, Coadlaue, Penplotht, Murhouss with mill of Stow and pertinents to Walter Ker of Cesfurd should not turn to John Hoppringill’s loss in prejudice to his right and possession of the same lands. Sir James (blank) sought instrument done on the ground of the lands of Stow before witnesses abovewritten.