Defence By Attack – Selkirk 1530 Most border towns did not have walls and so…
Selkirk Protocols John Chepman John Hall 1542 – 1547
Part of the Protocol Book of Sir John Chepman, Notary Public and John Hall 1542 – 1547
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Part of the Protocol Book of John Chepman and John Hall. 1542-47 unpublished
The first page is very discoloured and faded and very little information can be discerned.
1. Hoppringill last day of (page torn) Thomas H[oppringil]l in the name of George H[oppringill] came to a tack [of twenty?] (page torn) helm and there enquired of Thomas (page torn) Hoppringill of Tynni[t] and many other tacks (illegible) that the said George or any [appellant] (illegible )le steding of [Bulye]…(rest illegible, but mentions a Thomas Huntar).
2. [Hoppringi]ll of Blindlee 1546 James Hoppringill of Blindlee and Andrew Hoppringill his brother declared that they were content to stand at the decree of Alexander Hoppringill of Trynillinknow, Alexander Farbarne and John Dykesone of Botchester/Cotchester chosen judges and arbiters for the said James and Andrew concerning the material…under con¬sideration…and promised on the third day of the week of pentecost…Robert Hoppringill of Blindlee sought the in¬strument here over the “verederium” [green?] of Galloschel¬lis around 3pm before James Hoppringill of Wodhouss,George Hoppringill of the chapel of St. John, Robert Portuis.
3. Ker of Yair 10 June 1546 Thomas Ker in Yair delivered and showed to George Ja[misone?] the sum of £40 usual money for the redemption of 6 merks of his land and he asked the said George and his brother Andrew if there was land of this sort for redemption…and [if] they were content to receive the said sum and they should quit claim and renounce all right and claim to the lands of the Battis except their tack for three years to come…done at the chapel of Yair round 9am before Ralph Ker,Thomas (page torn), Robert Haldane,sir David Gray.
4. Ker Crechtoune 12 June 1546 David Mathosone attorney for Thomas Ker of Yair and Elisabeth Crechtoune his spouse came to the lands viz.18 acres of land lying in part on the west of the Milburn called [over?]Murisonis hill to the lands of Mauldisheucht and Cowperlandis with pertinents also to all the acres of land and crofts of lands with their pertinents ,held heretably, [by] the said Thomas lying within the burgh and liberty of [Selkirk] and also the lands[called] King¬iscroft and Skinneriscroft with mills, multures,woods,fish-eries, annexes,compounds[“connexibus”], le outsettis ,parts, pendicles and pertinents thereto, and there presented a precept of sasine to the baillie in that part Ralph Ker who gave it to the notary to read out in the following tenor:Mary by grace of God Queen of Scots to Ralph Ker and the sheriffs and baillies of Selkirk greeting… with the advice of…James Arane earl of Hamiltoun protector and governor of our realm…we give and concede to Thomas Ker in Yair and his spouse …and their heirs all and haill the abovewritten lands of Battis, Haderle, Kingiscroft,Skinner¬croft and the 18 acres…which were held by the late Richard Keyne …and we command the said Thomas or his lawful attor¬ney to take sasine of the said lands…done under the Great Seal at Streveling 29 June 1545. [great Seal 29 June 1545 No.3133 in which it mentions a rent of one red rose as blenche-ferme.] After which the baillie delivered sasine of the said lands to David Mathosone according to the tenor of the precept…done on the ground of the same around (page torn) am. before Alexander Gledstanis, John Dwnne,Mark [Ker?], David Hall burgesses of Selkirk, Thomas Brown, James Donaldsoun.
5. Thomson 18 June [1546] Charles Smaile declared that he should have had from John Thomsone his son in law the sum of £9 usual scots money which in gratitude to the said Charles he had promised to hand over for providing and manuring the lands of two rigs of land called Weitland rigs and the said Charles promises not to sell or invade the lands so long as his son in law will pay and is content to do so…before David Brydin [“lanione/lamone”?], Robert McDowell,George Haldane, Andrew Loucht,David Minto and William Gowenlok.
6. Ker of Lyntoun younger 22 June [1546] [James] Ker son and heir apparent to George Ker of Lyntoun came to the lands of Crokdane, Blaiklaw, Estir How with mills tofts crofts on the east of(p/t)husbandlands lying in the town of Lyntoun….and the baillie asked for a precept of the lands from the said George which was received and made public in the following tenor.
Instrument ends here.
7. Crechitoun of Yair 12 July [1546] David Mathosone attorney to Thomas Ker in Yair and Elisabeth Crechtoun his spouse came to the lands of Battis with pertinents and there pre¬sented a precept of sasine of our lady queen under the Great Seal and handed it to me notary to read out in the following tenor as above in two pages previous…after which the baillie delivered sasine…here at [the ground of the same] around three pm before (p/t) Fratour in Sundirlandhall, Robert Fletchair,(p/t) Wod.
8. Hoppringill of Torwodlee 17 July [1546] George Hoppringill of Torwodlee for himself and Thomas Huntar younger attorney for Margaret Crechtoun spouse of the said George…came to the principal house of one husbandland of old extent called Gowkisland with pertinents lying in the town and territory of Lilliscleiff within the sheriffdom of Roxburgh and there presented a precept of sasine…in the following tenor: Gavin “missatione” archbishop of Glasgow to Robert Blaike, James Pringill and all..the baillies greeting because we have given and conceded to George Hoppringill of Torwodley and Margaret Crechton (page torn )and Gavin our lord arch¬bishop of Glasgow (page torn) corroborates with his sign manual (rest of page fragmentary and half of next page missing also. The text refers to the husbandlands to old extent called Gowkislandis with pertinents in the town and territory of Lilliscleiff which the archbishop gives to George Hoppringill and his wife Margaret Hoppringill in conjunct fee and of which they are commanded to take sa¬sine. Done at Edinburgh 25 (p/t) 154[6?] and the baillie Robert Blake delivered sasine of the same done at the prin¬cipal house of the same around 11am before Alexander Hop¬pringill of Cragleche, John Hoppringill, (p/t) Hoppringill brothers german, William Scott and James (p/t)heid.
9. Ker lady of Lyntoune 4 March 1547 Isabella (p/t-Ker?) lady of Lyntoun in her own interest asked [John ]Hoppringill of Cliftoun if he declared [“contigerit”] that (p/t) of Lyntoun his heirs and assigns (rest of page fragmentary) lying in the town and territory of Lyntoun which the said George Ker alienated to John in a charter following on a letter of reversion from George to the said John for the sum of [four?] pounds usual money also a letter of tack on the said lands from the said George for a sum of #10 for which John Hoppringill declared himself content…done at the green of Lyntoun around 9am before sir John Ker of Morbottill vicar,Robert Ker in Crukit schaw, Andrew Hoppringill son of the said John and John Randulph.
10. Hoppringill of Cliftoun same day John Hoppringill came to the above lands and first to one husbandland which was once held by the late George ,then to a half husbandland once belonging to the late Thomas Wrycht and then to two cot-lands [“cotrales”] once belonging to the late John Moscrope lying in the barony of Lyntoun and sheriffdom of [Roxburgh] and there gave the baillie george Hog a certain precept of sasine of George Ker of Lyntoun …to make public in the following tenor: George Ker to George Hog my baillie in that part greetings because I have given conceded and to fee farm demised to John Hoppringill of Cliftoun and Margaret Ker his spouse in conjunct feeall the [abovesaid] lands with perti¬nents as contained in my charter I now therefore order and command you to give sasine and..possession to the said John and Margaret of the said lands with which I append my seal at Farnele (illegible) November 15[46?]…(rest illegible or torn).
11. [att]ornia intimationis appelationis 12 April 154[8?] sir John (illegible) procurator said to George Ker in Lyntoun that …he had a writ…containing the intention of the said George…which he hjanded to the notary to make public in the following tenor:this appeal or (p/t) …..????….that I the said sir John [f]rater attorney [“consecus”/censiens”] to the said George my client…was gravely oppressed by the venerable man master Nicholas Rutherfurd of the commission of Tevidale (illegible) and for him that (unclear) for Robert Ker in Farniehirst ………???????……and I sir John Haw priest of saint [Andrews],notary by holy apostolic authority……..finish.
12. (illeg -Hoppringill of?) Blindle….. 1547 Andrew Hop-pringill and Robert Hoppringill of Blindlee having a precept of sasine of the venerable in Christ (page torn) James by divine permission the Commendator of (page torn) under his sign and seal …came to the lands of Nether Blanisle com¬monly called (page torn)presented it to John Fledschair…to make public in the following tenor: James by divine permis¬sion Commendator of the monasteries of Calco and Melross and the convent of the place (page torn) Melross of the cister¬cian order in the diocese of Glasgow to John Fledschair, William Hoppringill and (illegible)my baillies specially constituted greetings because with the consent of the chap¬ter court, and in accordance to the chapter rules, the congregation we have given,(p/t),set in tack,rented, leased, and to (p/t) demised in heretable tenancy in emphyteusis* to (p/t) Hoppringill brother german to Robert Hoppringill of Blindlee in fre tenantry or for an annualrent for the term of his life and to George Hoppringill conjunctly with Robert and the lawfully born heirs of the said Robert (p/t) John Hoppringill brother of the said (p/t) and the male heirs of his body and if there are none (Page ends here. Gap between this entry and remaining pages).
[*Emphyteusis was a perpetual grant of land for a yearly rent where the tenant was not at liberty to sell his right without first offering it to his landlord.The right to emphyteusis could descend to an heir.]
Nos. 13-16 on a separate sheet.
13. Andersone 13 April[page torn] sir William Chepman came to his [tenement] lying in the burgh of Selkirk between the tenement of Stephen Loremur on the west, the land of John Ross on the [south],the land of Gilbert Ker of Primsyde on the east and the common way which leads to the loch on the north and there freely resigned the tenement favour of Patrick Andersone, in the hands of the baillie John Brydin,who …gave sasine of the same to the said Patrick..done on the ground of the same around 7am before James Hall wright,John Brolburn/Brownne, John Thomsone and David Todrig.
14. Ker April [1542?] [8 Paul III] sir John Michelhill notary public and clerk of the court of Selkirk declared that Patrick Murray sheriff of the same after he had created John Sandelandes of Bold as his deputy [under oath?] with the consent of [percium?] and above accepting this instrument the said sheriff…….continue.
15. Lyddaill 5 May [1542?]”Jonet Lyddaill spouse to Niniane of” compeared. [Entry ends here.]
16. [Part of another entry]…in the following tenor (page torn) of Lyntoun ,after making public the precept, the baillie gave sasine and possession of the quarter part of the lands of Hyndlaw then occupied by (page torn) Wolfsone and William Wolfsone to George Ker …done at the ground of the same land of Hyndlaw around 10am before William Hog, sir William Corbet notary ,William Wolfsone,John Almiss[?] and James Lowry.
17. Ker 26 June [?] William Dwne in Aldroxburgh declared he was well paid through the hands of master Robert Ker vicar of Lyndene in sum of 40 merks in complete payment of his dowry [dotis] in usual scots money and the same master Robert promised to pay the said William…done at Farnele around 4pm befoere sir Thomas Ker vicar of Roxburgh, James Ker in Quhitmure,and John Ker.