Defence By Attack – Selkirk 1530 Most border towns did not have walls and so…
Selkirk Protocols John and Ninian Brydin 1539
Part of a protocol book , probably in the hand of Ninian Brydin or John Brydin. Dates from 25 June 1539 to 11 Sept 1539
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1. End of instrument. Extracted from Walter Scot of Branxholm, knight, the instrument being sought by Alexander Carmaig. No witnesses, no date.
2. Scot, Bradfut, Graham, Brown 25 June 1539. Esebell Scot with consent and assent of her spouse, Alexander Elwauld quitclaimes and discharges James Scot, James Bradfut, Thomas Graham, John Brown …….. borrowis for Maister Michell Scot to hir for …. sowm of mony and be tenor heirof discharges the foresaid now and ever and about this James Bradfut on the part of all of them sought the instrument before these witnesses Sir John Michelhill notary, Alexander Carmaig, Alexander Gledstanes, Robert Jonkes(?on).
3. Master Michell Scot 25 June 1539. Elesabella Scot with con¬sent of Alexander Elwauld quitclaimes and discharges to Master Michell Scot ( Entry ends)
4. Scot (Edinburgh?) 27 June 1539. James Bradfut, one of the baillies of the burgh of Selkirk came at the request of the worthy woman, Bege Forsyt relict of the late Robert Scot burgess in Edinburgh to the tenement of the said late Robert lying the burgh of Selkirk near the courthouse (praetorium) on the north part of the town and the tenement of Symon Fairle on the east and the tenement of John Smyt on the west and the yard of Lancelot (?Ker) on the north and the King’s Highway near to the courthouse on the south with one croft of arable land lying below the same with pertinences and the land of Patrick Murray now being in the hands of Mark Ker on the east and west and the land of John Smyt on the south and the lands of Sir William (?Brydin) on the north, the same being held by the same Bege in joint fee and there near the front door, the said Bega of her own free will, resigned the tenement and croft and six rigs in the open fields for ever, into the hands of James Bradfut baillie who…..gave charter and hereditary sasine to her daughter and true heir Bessete Scot (otherwise called Elesabeth Scot) about which Elesabeth Scot sought the instrument in which her mother Bega quitclaimed all the above, before witnesses John Brown, John Bridin, William Scot, William Portuis serjeant, Sir David Scot vicar pensioner in Cavers, John Fairle, Symon Fairle, Robert Skaythe(?) burgess in Edinburgh.
5. James Scot Same day and place. James Scot declared in the presence of witnesses foresaid and James Bradfut, that he had made the said resignation from Bega Forsyt to her daughter Elesa¬beth Scot which was not contained in a certain tack made previ¬ously to her from the said Bega of all and haill the tenement and croft for the term of her life for witnesses above.
6. Elesabeth Scot Same day, place and witnesses above. The baillie James Bradfut handed over charter and hereditary sasine and possession of all and haill the tenement and croft, by earth and stone, to the discreet woman Elesabeth Scot lawful heir of the late Robert Scot.
7. Scot Same day, place and witnesses. James Bradfut baillie came to certain rigs in the open fields, lying in ryndaill in the lordship of Selkirk, according to the tenor of letters testimoni¬al under the seal of Elesabeth Scot, the first rig lying over le Bawethorne, second over Crukitlands, third over Esterlais, fourth over Briglands, fifth in Medois called King’s Medois, sixth over (page torn) near Etrik and there at the foot of one rig near Bawethorne, the said baillie handed charter, hereditary sasine and possession of all and haill the six rigs to the said Elesa¬beth Scot.
8. Sir David Scot 27 June 1539 . James Bradfut one of the bail¬lies in Selkirk came at the request of Elesabet or Bessete Scot heir of the late Robert Scot burgess in Edinburgh to the rigs of arable land lying in ryndaill in the lordship of Selkirk the first lying near Bawethorn, the second over Crukitland. (Entry ends here)
9. Ker of Primsydlouch 29 June 1539. Gilbert Ker, in the name and on the part of James Bradfut and James Keyne baillies for the time declared that he and the bailyes had pountit ae (proposed?) day of vapinschaw to be in the Bog qlk is cowman and the commo¬nite comes nought absentit themself heir I tak ae instrument(?) that the comminte obes not the king’s letters and the said Gil¬bert sought the instrument round the sixth hour of the afternoon before James Scot, John Mithag, Master William rector of Auldrox¬burgh, Symon Farle and Robert Chepman.
10. Hoppringill of Newhall 8 July 1539. Alexander Hoppringill of the Neue Hall in plane court exhibited a letter of compromise and of arbitration in the presence of witnesses subscribed and in the tenor of the same, presented as arbitors George Hoppringill of Torvodle and Thomas Ker in Yair on the first part in Edinburgh and on the said day ( ie 8 July 1539) the said Thomas Vilkeson compeared with his arbitors according to the tenor of the compro¬mise. The said Alexander Hoppringill sought the instrument around the hour of 2 pm in Selkirk before witnesses John Scot,thatcher, James (?) of Fulbrig, John Hawe.
11. Ker of Lynton,procurator for Thomas Scot 8 July 1539
. David Scot of Buccleuch son and heir of Walter Scot of Branxham, knight, Robert Scot of Alainhauch, Adam Scot of Burnefut jointly and singly oblige themselves in strict form of an obligation to the worthy man William Mure depute sheriff of Selkirk that John Cranston of that ilk procurator for William Scot has proven before the assembled justices that Thomas Scot son of Adam Scot is a bastard according to the custom of the law. About which George Ker of Lyntoun procurator for Thomas Scot sought the instrument before John Michelhill notary, Master Michell Scot in Aikvod, John Reddaill of that ilk, George Pot, George Tait of Pirne, John Down, Mark Ker, Thomas Ker in Yair, Andrew Ker of Lytildene. Enacted here at Selkirk around the hours of 2 pm.
12. Robert Scot of Alanehauch for Adam Scot Same day,place and hour. David Scot, son and heir of Walter Scot of Branxham, knight in a loud voice by his own confession obliged himself and his heirs faithfully by ostentation of hand to guarantee defend and relieve Robert Scot of Alanehauch, Adam Scot of Burnefut and their heirs in all and haill their damages, injuries etc. The obligation was enacted in the sheriff court held at Selkirk before the above witnesses.
13. Patrick Murray 14 July 1539. Patrick Murray of Fallauhill in the presence of witnesses declared that William Mure and Archi¬bald Herreot surveyors? of our most excellent lord King have made a valuation of seven score of ewes and fifteen, and seven score and fourteen the yeld scheip belonging to the said Patrick, for a certain sum owed by the said Patrick to our most Excellent lord King James the Fifth and now Master Thomas Mairiorebankes ren¬dered all and haill the ewes viz yowes and yeld sheep to Master (?) Bonayes clerk of the Treasury; and the same day the said Patrick Murray, Alexander Murray and James Greif, guarantors have delivered all and haill the ewes and the yeld sheep for safekeep¬ing to Robert Scot of Howpasloit and Ninian Andersone in the name and on the part of Master Thomas Mairiorebankes, about which the said Patrick sought the instrument around the hour of 2 pm near the loch of Haning before witnesses John Hopringill of Bowe, Simon Scot, (?) Murray, Adam Murray.
14. Scot of Howpasloit Same day, place, hour, witnesses. Robert Scot of Howpasloit and Ninian Andersone in the presence of wit¬nesses aforesaid declared that they have received in the name of Master Thomas Mairiorebankes seven score of ewes and fifteen and seven score and fourteen yeld sheep from Patrick Murray, Alexan¬der Murray and James Greif and have assigned them for the use of the said Master Thomas; and the said Patrick of his own free will assigns the said grazing ( bonis gramina?) for a year or longer if the said Patrick pleases about which the said Robert Scot sought this instrument.
15. Curror of Peilgait (?) July 1539. James Bradfut one of the bailies of the burgh of Selkirk, after publication of the proofs of the late James Curror read out in plane court of the burgh of Selkirk, came to the tenement of the said late James lying on the north part Pelgait with the tenement of James Helme on the east and the lands of William Scot on the north, the tenement of Thomas Morlawe on the west and the King’s Highway called Pelgait on the south and there the said James Bradfut gave earth and stone to Laurence Curror son and lawful heir of the late James Curror and invested him in all and haill the tenement aforesaid about which the said Laurence Curror sought the instrument around the hour of 1 pm before witnesses John Mithag, Thomas Grahame, William Portuis, James Helme junior, William Turnbull, paying annually burgh tax viz 10 shillings to the servants of the altar of our Saviour in the monastery of Calco.
David Scot of Buccleuch No date or details.
17. Huchesone and Cadzou 20 Aug 1539. James Bradfut, baillie of the burgh of Selkirk came at the request of James Cadzow to the east part of the tenement in which the said James lived previous¬ly as is contained in a previous note? and there the said James Bradfut baillie handed over charter, hereditary sasine and posse¬sion of all and haill a house on the east of the tenement of the said James and lying in Volgait and the tenement of James (?) on the east, the Volgait on the north, the tenement of Mariota Notman on the west, the tenement of John Keyne on the south and handing over earth and stones to John Huchesone and the said John sought the instrument around the hours 1 pm before witnesses Thomas Elwauld, John Brown, James Cant, Alexander (?) and (?) Jonsone and Thomas Curror.
18. Sir Peter Ker in the name and on the part of Lancelot Ker, his brother german 28 August 1539. James Keyne one of the baillies of the burgh of the burgh of Selkirk at the request of John Freir and Jonet Brown his spouse, came to two tenements lying in the vennel called Woll Gait and the tenement of John Hovatsone on the east and the lands of Master John Chepman on the south and the tenement of William Ker and Adam Ker in Sanct Helyne schaw on the west on the one part and the other and there John Freir and Jonet Brown of their own free will resigned all right and claim that they have to the tenement to the baillie and the said baillie gave charter, hereditary sasine and possession of all and haill the two tenements with pertinences to Sir Peter Ker, attorney for Lancelot Ker of Gaitschawe, about which the said Sir Peter sought the instrument around the hour of 10 am before witnesses John Hawe.
19. Smail and Bridin 22 Aug 1539. James Keyne one of the baillies of the burgh of Selkirk, at the request of Alexander Tait in Pyrne procurator for the venerable man Sir John Bridin chaplain in Glasgow came to his tenement lying on the north of Pelgait with the tenement of James Haw on the east and the King’s Highway called Pelgait on the south and the workshop of James Helme on the west and a small yard of James Chepman on the north and there the said James Keyne after the deliberation of an inquisition, gave charter, hereditary sasine and possession of all and haill the tenement to Alexander Tait of Pyrne procurator for John Brydin in Glasgow as well as for his heir John Brydin junior in Selkirk. On the same day and place, Alexander Tait procurator for Sir John Bridin senior, of his own free will resigned the said tenement into the hands of James Keyne baillie who gave sasine to John Smail and Jonet Brydin his spouse, their heirs and assigns. The said John and Jonet sought this instrument ( page torn).
20. Sir Peter Ker attorney for Lancelot Ker 7 Aug 1539. James Keyne one of the bailie of the burgh of Selkirk came to two tenements of John Freir and Jonet Brown his spouse lying in a vennel called Voll Gait. (Boundaries same as 18.)
And there John Freir and Jonet Brown resigned an annualrent of 5 pounds and 14 shillings which they owed to William Ker and Adam Ker of St Helynes Schawe to the baillie who gave sasine of the annualrent to Sir Peter Ker attorney for Lancelot Ker paying annually 2 merks usual money Scots to William and Adam Ker ac¬cording to the tenor of a previous charter. Sir Peter Ker sought the instrument around the hour of 8 am before witnesses George Michelhill, William Michelhil, James Vilkesone and John Hawe burgeses and David Jonsone.
Same day, the said Sir Peter came to a tenement on the east of the said tenement and there the said James Keyne, baillie by virtue of his office (page torn) with his own serjeant, craved (or created?) and “sot” (sought/ordained?) the worthy man and (page torn) Vilkeson, throughtout this time his serjeant, and the said Sir Peter (page torn) and James Wilkesone (ejected?) one/an “vas” and (illegible) viz ” ane cr(oft?) of the said tenement on the (marked piece of forfeited land?) under penalty of a fine, which he paid to the said notary? to him and to no other for his fee, about which said Sir Peter sought this instrument before above witnesses.
21. Peter Murray 21 Aug 1539. Peter Muray, son and heir of the late Thomas Murray of Soucht Bo(whill) came to the venerable man Sir Andrew D(uncan) chaplain servitor and of the household of our most excellent Queen Margaret lady, “vitalis” of the whole lord¬ship of Ettrickforest, and there in the house of (David?) Ker offered and disbursed in presence of the said Sir Andrew, £5 for three quarters of Soucht Bowhill in the tenor of fee ferm ( page torn), he had agreed to pay and the said Sir Andrew will not receive it in his hands unless he will pay the sum he promised to him and the said Peter received this sum he freely wished to pay as much as his parents had agreed following the tenor of the fee ferm. About which the said Peter Murray sought the instrument before Sir John Michelhill chaplain, John Bridin, James Vilke¬sone, David Ker, Symon Curror, Alexander Carmaig enacted in the house of David Ker around the hour of 4 pm.
22. William Flecher on the part of Simon Flecher 23 Aug 1539. “Jhone Volcher promisit fathfully to pay Symon Flecher his gud sor for marring of his douchter £9 (or possibly £19) in penny and pennyvorcht in this manner – ten merkes at Martynmes and the the remaynes at Vytsonday next efter” before John Brydin, David Jon¬son, John Robeson, Robert Flecher.
23. Thomas Scot of Fausyd, son of Adam Scot 11 Sept 1539. The abovementioned offered in the presence of witnesses subscribed, to Sir Andrew Duncan of the household of our most excellent Queen, his (?”frama”) for the tack of Fausyd following the tenor of a letter of assedation and rental made and sealed by the said most excellent Queen to the abovesaid and his assigns and the said Sir Andrew in her name has received it and the said Thomas sought the instrument that it was not proven that he had received from the worthy man.
Volume ends here.