Defence By Attack – Selkirk 1530 Most border towns did not have walls and so…
Selkirk Protocols Inventory of John and Ninian Brydin 1526 – 1536
The Protocol Book of John Brydin & Ninian Brydin and other notaries, 1526 36 Book C
For an explanation of how these medieval documents were saved from fire, and subsequently recorded for posterity, click here
1. This volume is bound in a parchment document being a dispen¬sation to marry within prohibited bounds of consanquinity be¬tween Elisabeth Cranstoun and (?) c 1500. [ Following repair the original cover is separate.]
2. Devotion to Our Lady of Pity.
“Incipit officum” [de compassione BVM]
Super psalmos
O Maria stans sub cruce triumphante [Christo duce] per mortem
Corde martir exstitisti anceps ensis quem sensisti tuam [transit animam] Dolor cessit cum surrexit nobis spem porrexit praesidens [in gloria] Fac nos virgo sue mortis et tui doloris fortis fer¬vere m[emoria].
Crededi ad dominum ca[?] eripe [?] domine clamavi (illegible).
Esaie xxi capitulum (illegible)
Augustia possedet me sicut [augusti?] (illegible) audire et omnividerem emere[nt?] cor meum (illegible) me
[Responsum iii] Innocens et ex parte ero[?] (illegible) mentes
(illegible) fideliter dolores et suspir (illegible) cum granarum munere
Casta poretes vist (illegible) dum [l..p..m] quem gennerat virgi¬nis [p..n..s..i virtuis?] ligant crudeliter cedant [cruentavit?]
atrit (illegible) auxime sic [augentur?] tristice
Que virgo (illegible)rat puerpera stat genicus ac suplicium (illegible) tantum sibi compatit que foresum [morit..] miss(illegible) nam nulla proles carior que auxit dolores (illeg¬ible) et [auctus?] est matris dolor ob (illegible) que (illegi¬ble) est
Cuncti marie servante (illegible) ores vere [fia…] (illegible) colice et cum maria (illegible) sic hunc (illegible) Jesu virgi¬nis filio qu(illegible) nobis ro(illegible) domino [ult…?] tam ad omnes (illegible) dei genetrix virgo dulcis atque pia
Rerum (illegible) traditum pro nobis ex ora
Ad Magnificat
Jesu nate de virgine sine virile semine [qui mortem crucis] pateris suffossus plagis asperis amore [matris anxie] nostre parcas miserie ac eius fletus [copia nos ducat ad celestia].
Interveniat pro nobis quis domine Jesu Christi (illegible) clem¬enciam nunc et in hora mortis nostre (illegible) tua cuius sacra¬tissimas animas in hora(illegibel) doloris gladius protransunt in (illegible) tua ingens guadium letisico (illegible).
Ad Com[pletoruim]
Clara fides ecclesie repulso [omni errore sola fuit in virgine]
Sepulto Christo corpore (illegible) [?ad nunc dimittis] Morte Christe consummata [mater fide roborata redditur] aequanimis natum sciens [surrecturum et cum patre fruiturum sedibus potissi¬mis]
[Cum] Maria virgine venite ploremus ac in cruce positum Jesum adoremus.
O gloriosa domina cum Judeorum [?agnia] videres Christum ducere cor tuum cepis tremere// Altera duces susperia cum sequibarum auxia in fletibus exulterans ad ipsum versusque properans// Pastorem [dum protutuiter] disperse vite sica arint que potu vite triburit et fel pro vivo redditur [?dum] de (illegible) conqueri¬tur Qui vero lympha triplici fletum sudorem sanguinem mandavit nos multiplici conquinatos crimine// O que prodigni [sancti?] in cruce christi sanguinis et quos suderent oculi sub cruce matris (illegible)// Cuncti marie [servuli] cultores vere fidei Jesum oreisum colite (illegible) cum(illegible) plangit Sic honor laus [devolum] Jesu virginis filio (illegible) sine matris lachrimis vitam bargiatur nobis anime//re
In Primo Nocturno
Quando Christus vulneratur plamis sedes flagellatur strictus flagris plurimus virgo corde lacessita quasi (foret)(sue) vita corruit exanimis Extra Castra ductus Jesus vinctus sputis pugnis cesus crucem fert in publicum Mater sequens agnem mitem represen¬tans sunumitem natum deflet unicum.
Caluum vident Heliseum Jesus nudum verum deum eludebant emuli dum sic natum dehonestant dolorose cum molestant matris mentem stimu¬li.
Versiculis Sancta dei genetrix
(illegible)idibus virginis sacritissime aliquid loquarum dilec¬tissimi (p/t) ea quidquid dixerimus [minoris?] landis quem digni¬tas eius mereatur (p/t) nam [?fectissima] dei matris operam operum cunctorum sanctorum compera (p/t) (p/t) percelletis sanc¬titatis pro rogatinam habent unus heironimus (p/t) ait directe [?et] tendas nichill gratie nichill [?stolem] (p/t) dor…eidem t…non refulgeat in virgine gloriosa//
[Tamquam latro] capitur deus homo Christus, ceditur conspuitur alaxis afflictus [fere mater] moritur obaudiens ictus// dum cruci affligitur dum clavis [confoditur virgi]nis genitus// fere mater obaudiens ictus//
(p/t) gregorio tanto quis prefectior[is] quanto pietatis affectu (p/t) lectius sentit dolores non igitur illius que ex (p/t)ssima silenda ex virtutis pietatis in qua non videtur [?storum] (p/t) superiore nec/ut parem quis eius amphori aquitione (p/t) [passio¬nis?] lamenta eius supermortem salvatorem scivit (p/t)eius matre eius doctissima aut quis [?incentiore] (p/t) lugere patuit maria tristencia mesticisima [aeterni patris] filius spinis poingi tolerebat et eius matris animus [flere] amabat gladiabatur cor eius quia amare dolebat
*X* Cruciata singeltibus fatigata ploratibus pedibus stare nequi¬bat.
Attende igitur pro ut colenda solempnitas [?homo] diebus expostu¬las instit(p/t) dei genetricis marie inmensa pietas que marterium in spiritu fuit p(p/t) consideranda admiranda laudandaque et imitanda est ut quanto amplius memores laudatores et imitatores fuerimus tanto in (p/t) pietate mereamur adm[irari?]
Christus carne tenerrimus nudus affigitur cruci et se dixit derelictus [Heli] lamazabachani magnus dolor matris eius extra non p[otest effundi]
V[ersiculus] Inter latriones positus atque aceto potatus moritur [filis dei].
Magnificus Gloria Magnificus In secundo Nocturno antiphonae
Quis matris martirium posset lingua fori cum sen[tiret in cruce] filium clavis vulnereri// Christus domine ne (illegible) Doloris tunc gladius pertransivit cor tuum mater benedicta dum plenum livoribus vidisti tuum natum tensum in cruce [alta] dixi custodi¬am//
O quam flebilis eventus quamquam est amara hora qua m[oritur filius] intuente matre chara que sic torquetur amplius nulla [valens] obsequia nato dare nisi luctus (illegible) quem admodum (p/t).
Virgo mater christi iuxta crucem astetisti// v[ersiculus] (p/t) propter amorem filii
L quarta
Sanctus que gregorius in quoddam sermone attestat (p/t) habere refulgit clarissima inter virgines et candida (p/t) iure eum martir[?plausque] est testenda que [minimo?] rata testis extitit salvatoris et pro merorum in anima sustinuit passiones augustinus quos dicit christus (p/t) maria(illegible) mentem tanto igitur ma(p/t) ne dolebat quanto et filii dilectissimi (p/t) acerima (illegible) [cum antiphonae domine?]
Sicut spina rose florem non immutat v[el odorem quin] crescat vicinius ita virgo tuam mentem [cunctis donis redolentem] furor fugis obvius Immo videns [flagellari et in cruce] conclavari tuum unigenitum patienter [sufferebas et constan]ter requirebas dextre dei degitu[m versiculus// confer opem] tua prece ne mundi prosperitas [nos excaecet sua faece] vel premat adversitas
V[ersiculus] pot(p/t)
Aurelius que christe doctor augustimus in dialogo de passione (illegible) sequencia testatur (illegible) in illa ho…. commota sunt viscera marie et desent in ea spiritus eius (illegible) erat ei (illegible) neque se usus tantoque dolore et tresticia vexata-tur (illegible) quantum non posset ho….explicare sermone dolor eius in capi non poterat sed dabat genitus et susperia doloris. Cum antiphonae
Color formosus mutatur heu in mortis pallorem dum in terram mira¬tur sacrum fluere cruorem
Versiculus Pena mater torquetur immensa hinc lamenta illinc susperia. dum intra rq.
Iuxta crucem erat mestissima mater et quo non potereat certabat eregere manus et cupiebat amplecti filium in alto pendente suis frustratense manus complexe redibant et fio ad terram collisa ibi iacebat prostrat imminensicete doloris depressa sed interdum compellebat eam eregem vis et magnitudo compassionis suetensi impetu amoris// cum antiphonae
Innocens et expers criminis moitur misertus hominis cum simus causa supplicii simus et meroris socii virginis nostris et filii nos urgeat stimulus amor
Versiculus: Recolamus cum lacrimis tristitiam genetricis gratiam potentes geniti //simus et gloria (illegible)//
In tertio nocturno antiphonae
Christus crucis in abone constitutus in agone septem verba protu¬lit mater praesens tribulata tam patrata quam prolata silens secum contulit
Psalmus Iudeca me responsum// antiphonae//
O virgo tormento torquabatur cor tuum dum audisti dominus dicendo sitio psalmus salmium me facii
Nimis cruciabatur tuus spiritus o pia domina moriabatur tuus filius clamans voce magna (illegible) voce mea versus (p/t) tuum filium in cruce clamatum [versus?] reddetuis parcibus (p/t) placatum
Lvii secundam t..n..tam
(p/t) illo tempore erat pater et mater Jesu mirantis super (p/t) quo dicebant de illo et (illegible) lecionis eiusdem (p/t) a[tque?] autem patre eius dicebatur Josephum in sequentibus omni¬bus (p/t) dicens et ipse Jesus erat incipiens anno(p/t) quasi trigenta ut putabatur filius Josephi et biddixit (p/t) semyon et dixit ad mariam matrem eius ecce(p/t) est hic in (illegible) in resurrectionem multorum in israeli et in signum tui contradietur allis in [ruina?] partis que dominus qui eius signo et prodigio contra dicitur illis vers in resurrectionem qui eius signa et pro digna venerantur et crodat….qui illi in interitum (illegible) isti aut ad gloria [resirvesent]
Tollentibus occisum vobis gratias agam sustinente modicum ut natum meum tangam complectere filium nunc deoscular et plangam illum saltem mortuum amplexibus constringam Versiculus Quem crucis patibulum tulit in supplicum ad penam que longam// (p/t) illum saltem re//
L viii
Dixit ulterius Symeon ad matrem domini et tuam [Jesus?] (p/t)
protransibit gladius ut revelentur ex multis cordibus in (p/t) gladius utique est spiritus quo ex verbum dei ut ex multis (p/t) revelentur cogitationes quas moneo nisi spiritu sancti (p/t) cognoscere potest gladius igitur spiritus pro eam erat (p/t) ut legis et prophetarum consilia et occulta misteria (p/t) noscere faceret recte eius possimus pro hinc gladium (p/t)gere qui virgo beatissima de morte unigeniti sui(p/t) et percusso est.
Hec se supra corpus gesset lachrimando madeffecit [fletus] unda irrigantis sacrum vultum filii se afflixit et sic [fecit] resolu¬ta in lamentis planctum unigeniti//Versiculus; virgine oculi deflent mortem dei et hominis
//versus/ se afflexit//
L ix
Gladio igitur predicto anima virginis alme vulnerata est ut (p/t)
ex multis cordibus cogitationes christi namque passio multorum cordium cogitationes et secreta misteria revisavit (p/t) prophe¬tarum dicta cogitationes et scripta ibi (p/t) et consuminata tu autem domine.
Cordis indicat amorem mater carens omni [dolo intensumque] fert langorem pro iacante in tumelo lures movet ad [maerorem ex] suo luctu querulo
Versiculus; vis dolor[is intus] letens vocem raucam extra mittens luctus p[andit rigorem] (p/t) plures monet r// gloria//plurem// vers(p/t) in me intercessit anima mea (illegible) possidetur (p/t) nos (illegible) in adiutorum meum interdie (p/t)
In laudibus antiphonae
Perennalis mater vite videns pungi latus mite militari lancia malu[isti] sic turbari et cor tuum vulnerari cum doloris framea Domina regnavit
Squalit filii facies que est sputis inquinata et eius matris species in pallorem est mutata// Iubilate anima horruit virginis auditus blasphemos et audiendo exparit eius aspectus paracidas videndo deus (illegible)// Marie alme virginis oculi uberrimo fleta intumerierunt sui que membra corporis filii viso cruciatu contremuerunt b[ene]dicite antiphonae
Moriente dulci nato quamquam corde sauciato mater astans flebilis virginalis quisque gestus et se decens et modestus Laudate//Capitulum augustia.
Condolens mororibus marie matris virginis iugamus laudes fletibus ad laudem sui nominis// Pensonis matris servuli spinas cordus acerrimas dum vidit corpus filii penas pati quis plurimas//
Sputa flagella lancia martro corona spina clavi proba crux
verbera fell vincula mors et verbera// Hec vident suo filio parari cum ludibrio que choritate venerat salvare quod pierat//
Pensonius quod propenderet astanis cruci puerpera dum testimentum conderet christus invite vespera// Matrem piam discipulo patri commendat spiritum aceti sumpto poculo carnis exsolvit debitum//
Cruci//Sic honorem/ versiculus/ sic nobis vita mors filii dei patris rerum prece devota sue passione matris//
Cristo passo mortem crucis eclipsantur orbes lucis solum terre tremuit disperguntur quique noti oblitores sui voci charitas refriguit
Sola mater tenet fidem constans docet quod et idem [re]surget in gloria vere doctrix discipline nobis donec sine fine perfrui leticia//
Ora[tio] ut supra/
Antiphonae Jesus Christus//
Responsum qui passis es cora virgine maria/ (p/t) in capitulum augustia / responsum sancta deigenetrix Versiculus: virgo mater ad vi capitula ac quis dabit capiti (p/t) quam et oculis meis fontem lachrimarum et plorabo die ac nocte
Responsarum virgo mater//ad ix capitulum
R(p/t) amare flebo nolite incumbere ut conso(p/t) oppressit me dolor et facies mea (p/t) [?tinavit] fleta et pol (p/t) caligane (illegible)
Responsum virgo mater
Versiculus sic nobis vita//id vest (p/t) hymnus versat in duplas vesperis ad mariam (p/t)
Ante tronum trinitatis miserorum miserata pia mater pietatis sis pro nobis advocata que super penis [cunctis tui] nati et erumnii¬satque eius infamiis et notorum absentia necnon culpa tue gentis in immensum es afflicta ne [similia] sint nobis modo quicumque noxia merito tui doloris da optata remedia.
3. “Littera Bannorum” sir John B[rydin?] of S[elkirk?] has made and claimed three times in our kirk of S[elkirk?] that J.S. and M of He(p/t) of this parish have no impediment which might prevent the abovewritten persons [from making?] a lawful mar¬riage…in witness of which they affix their seals at S[elkirk?] Page cut here. No Date.
4. Smaill 7 September 1526 James Mithag bailie of the burgh of Selkirk came at instance of Richard Young to [ a part of] a land lying with pertinents. Richard resigned one part of the land in hands of the bailie asking the said James by virtue of his office to give sasine to John Smail of the part of his tenement with pertinents lying between the tenement of James Mithag by (p/t) lying in length and breadth by all right (p/t) old and devised with consent of his spouse. Before sir William Brydin, Ninian Brydin, Robert Melross, ( p/t ) Ker and others.
5. Master James Jonsone 26 July 1526 Robert Brydin and John Chapman bailies constituted in that part in the name of Robert [?Cadzow] came to a piece of land of his tenement lying in the burgh of Selkirk between the lands of Simon Fairle on the south and the tenement of ( p/t ) Jonsone on the east and the bailies gave sasine to master James Jonsone and his heirs forever before sir David Chapman, Thomas Portus, John Jonsone and others.
6. John Portus 25 Sept 15[26] Simon Fairle bailie came to the tenement of Adam Fairle held of sir William Bradfut in marriage-bond and gave sasine to John Portus with the consent of sir William Bradfut and Adam Fairle of half of his tenement lying on the west of the Peilgate between the lands of master John Chapman on the east and on the other part of the said tenement which belonged to John Mithag on the west as it lies in length and breadth by all right ancient and devised bounds and the said John Portus paying yearly to William Bradfut and his heirs 10s scots at Whitsunday and Martinmas Done at 2 am before witnesses John Scott, James Curror, William Lermont.
7. Mouss 2 June 1526 Simon Fairle bailie went to the principal place of the deceased John Mouss lying in the burgh of Selkirk between the lands of John Hawe on the east and the lands of David Brydin on the south and there by virtue of his office, gave sasine to Marion and Helen Mouss true lawful and nearest living heirs of the said deceased who died last vest and seised, before witnesses James Scott, Thomas Portus, William Loremer, and a piece of land lying near Taittis Croft which is held of the Lord of Hanyng, paying 3 shillings 9 pence yearly.
8. Ker 5 Aug 1526 Janet Scot wife of Alexander Scott her (p/t) in New Vork for that time came to the principal dwelling house of two husbandlands lying in the lordship of [Selkirk] called the lands of the lord of Philiphaugh or the lands of the lord [sheriff?] (illegible) for a certain time and there on the ground of the same ( p/t) Janet Scott presented a precept of sasine of Alexander Scot her spouse with his manual subscription on parchment cancelled with his seal in red wax impressed on white, in the hands of John Chepman burgess in Selkirk there present, requesting him as bailie in that part…to execute the same.. and the bailie received the precept with due reverence and handed it to me notary public undersigned to be taken and read, whose tenor is word for word as follows and is this : Alexander Scot burgess of Selkirk and lord of two husbandlands in the lordship lying in the said burgh to my beloved Robert Thomp[sone], John Chepman and Robert Brydin my bailies in that part specially constituted greeting. Because I have given, grant¬ed to my beloved spouse Janet Ker for all her life or as I prom¬ised to her at the time of our marriage contract, all my two husbandlands with pertinents lying in the burgh bounds of the said burgh of Selkirk, therefore….jointly and severally… I firmly ordain and command that you by virtue of these presents give sasine in conjunct fee with liferent and personal possession of all the said lands with pertinents to the said Janet Ker for all her life or to her assured attorney to have lawfully by deed or deliberation without delay and with no omissions…which being done ( p/t) you jointly and severally [with] my irrevocable powers ( p/t) in the tenor of these presents in witness of which have [placed] my own seal [and] the seal of sir William Brydin vicar pensionary [ of Selkirk] and to these presents appended and also [subscribed?] on the 25 July 1526 before Michael Scott, John Ker, David Scott, John Fergref and ( p/t ) [the bailie?] by virtue of his office gave sasine to Janet ( p/t).
9. Margaret Ker 16 Oct 1526 James Murray, sheriff of Selkirk came to the lands of Philiphaugh which were of the deceased Ralph Trumbull and there acknowledged and entered Mark Ker attorney for Margaret Ker, relict of the deceased Ralph whose power of attor¬ney it was plainly evident to me notary public, to her rightful third share of the lands and to a third of the dwelling house and tenement of the same on the sunny side according to the form of a retour after a breve of terce rendered by the same Margaret and served before the said sheriff as is customary in such things and which third part the deceased Janet Turnbull held and possessed. Mark Ker sought instrument done on the ground of the lands of Philophauch bewteen 11 am and noon before John Murray of Lewyn¬shoupe and Andrew Gilcrist
10. John Chepman 5 Jan 1526/27 John Chepman bailie of Sel¬kirk at the instance and request of sir John Chepman heir of the deceased Richard Chepman his father burgess in Selkirk came to the tenement of the said Richard Chepman with pertinents lying between the lands of James Brydin on the west, lands of John Freir on the east, the king’s street on the north and a third part of the yard of James Brydin younger on the south and there in the forehouse of the same, the bailie by virtue of his office gave sasine to sir John Chepman before witnesses sir William Chepman, Thomas Skune, George Michilhill, Thomas Portuus, Martin Pot. According to rule the bailie ascended to the principal dwelling house or tenement of his father Richard and there on the ground of the same…gave sasine to sir John [Chepman] chaplain well known heir personally accepting. And soon the said [sir] John…of his own free will out of brotherly love gave earth and stones in hands of the bailie asking that the same to give and resign all the tenement to Robert Chepman heritably forever rendering 5 shillings at two customary terms and burgh [ferme] to the lord of Gargunnok from him his heirs and assignees… by all rights ancient and devised [bounds] because it lies in length and breadth between the lands of Stephen Lauder on the south and the tenement of John Brydin on the north. Robert sought instrument done (p/t) before sir William Chepman, James [Helme].
11. Chepman Same day and hour the said bailies of Selkirk ascended to another tenement in the Peilgait between the tenement of Stephen Loremer on the west, tenement of Andrew Ker on the east and the king’s street on the other side and gave sasine to sir John chaplain, who for the sake of brotherly love of his own free will resigned it in the hands of the bailie who gave it to his brother german sir William Chepman and his heirs and assign¬ees forever by all its old bounds and divisions as it lies in length and breadth. Sir William sought instrument done on the ground of the same before witnesses John Melross, James Helme, David Mithag.
12. Helme 15 Jan 1526/27 John Chepmen bailie of Selkirk came at the request of John Melross heir to the deceased John Melross his father to a tenement with pertinents lying between the lands of John Mithag on the north, the tenement of John Lermont on the south, yard of Patrick Wilkeson on the east and the wide vennel [“vastica”- Kyrk Wynd?] on the west and there on the ground of the same, the bailie gave sasine to John Melross, son and heir of the deceased John Melross paying annual dues and customs and burgh ferme before witnesses Thomas Portuus, James Helme, sir John Chepman, William Chepman. On the same day and hour, bailie John Johnsone came at the request of John Melross heir of the deceased John his father, to the tenement of James Helme with pertinents in the Peilgait between the lands of John Cadzow on the west, the tenement of John Bradfut on the north and the king’s street on the east and there on the grounds of the same the said John by showing a penny, resigned an annualrent of 6 shillings on the same in hands of the bailie and he gave sasine of the annualrent to James Helme personally present and accepting before witnesses Patrick Sweit, Thomas Trumbull and Richard Yong.
13. Sir John Chepman 12 Feb 1526/27 in plain court before alderman and bailies of [?Selkirk] the said John asserted that a royal letter which Robert Trumbull showed was written by himself and was given to him last year viz 1525[/6] and of our reign 13, before witnesses sir David Chepman, Andrew Keyn and all [ the court].
14 [13?] Feb 1526/27 sir John Scott interlocutor for Robert Trumbull sought instrument there in plain court before the alder¬man and bailies and he presented an instrument of assedation which he had obtained from Janet Huntar relict of the deceased Thomas Trumbull living in Coldengam for his lifetime and another instrument newly made on paper cancelled or drawn up with sign manual of sir John Howme notary public and a royal letter com¬manding the alderman and bailies that they should hold the same Robert in possession of said annual rents unless he is expelled lawfully by right. The said John sought instrument done in plain court around noon before witnesses sir David Chepman, Andrew Keyne, James Brydin, Simon Fairle and the whole inquest.
15. Wilsone and Others 19 Feb 1526/27 William Wilsone in Galoschelis liable to escheat and arrest at the instance of the lord of Pyrne or his rightful subjects for buying ewes in the public market place from John Penman and John Scott in Beut [or Bent?] and the said alienators were unwilling to find caution for the said buyer and the prosecutors knew the said William carried away the said ewes from a house near the market place whither he was led at the 10th hour of the day. William Wilsone in the presence of Adam Scott and lord of Pyrne and his prosecutors sought this instrument that he discharged himself of the said ewes to John Penman and John Scott of Beut and discharged himself from goods and asserted that if anyone wished to escheat him that it should be presented at the burgh court and that the said purchase of ewes would not result in his hurt. Done before John Chepman, John Jonsone, Thomas [Bell?].
16. Best 20 Jan 1526/27 John Jonsone bailie came to the tenement of William Robesone lying in the vennel which leads to St Mary’ well [Wellwynd] within the bounds of Selkirk between the tenement of David Brydin on the east,the tenement of John Brydin on the south and the king’s street on the north and resigned the tenement in hands of the bailie who gave sasine to John Best
personally accepting… paying yearly to William Ker 13s 4d and burgh ferme. Before (p/t) Lumsden, William Robesone, William Hoppringill.
17. sir John Michilhill 2 March 1526/27 Stephen Lauder com¬peared before the notary public and witnesses underwritten and acknowledged that he has received and was paid in counted money from sir John Michilhill chaplain the sum of 20 pounds scots for the redemption of one husbandland with pertinents in the lordship of Selkirk which James Murray of Fallowhill now has. The said Stephen quitclaimed and discharged all right and claim to the ownership of his husbandland and ratified that place in the lordship of Ettrick by handing over and receiving of the said sum according to the tenor of the reversion. Sir John in the name of James Murray sought instrument done in the hall of Stephen Lauder before the witnesses sirs James Craik, David Chepman, William Crenstoun, Ninian Crenston.
18. Walter Scott in Branxhelm,knight 16 March 1526/27 John Chepman and John Jonsone bailies of Selkirk came with their client to the principal cross and there proclaimed royal letters of the date 8 March under signet or privy seal and sign manual of the king warning the underwritten Archibald, Earl of [Angus], James Earl of Araynne and lord of Fleurs and James Hamylton knight of Finnart not to molest or invade Walter Scot of Branx¬helm knight or John Crenstoun of that ilk and Walter Scot of Synton or his kinsmen and men under penalty of escheat or forfei¬ture. Walter Scot sought instrument done at the cross around 10 am before John Chepman, John Jonsone, Thomas Scot, Master Michael Scot, sir Richard parson of Sowdone, David Scot of Ashkirk vicar. On the same day Walter Scot declared to all having an interest that the said lords had attacked him and his kinsmen and that he and his kinsmen on behalf of his excellency the king had expelled them into their own parts.
19. [? Ker] 21 March 1526/27 John Unis serjeant of the honourable man Robert Bruss burgess of Edinburgh and sheriff of the High Commission of our lord king, sheriff of Selkirk special¬ly deputed in that part, appeared and came to the market cross of the said burgh of Selkirk and there in a certain breve of the chapel royal [chancery] requested master Thomas Ker, son and heir of the deceased Robert Ker in Sinderlandhall before the great gathering of people on the market day and publicly proclaimed and made public to assign the court to the service of the breve at the tolbooth of Edinburgh before Robert Bruss sheriff of Selkirk deputed in that part on the 5 April next to come for swearing in and holding of the same and the said serjeant by virtue of his office forewarned and intimated to all those having interest or likely to have to compear on the said day assigned in the said tolbooth and moreover the said John Unys serjeant of the said Robert Bruss sheriff in that part by commission deputed, by virtue and right of his office summoned all the undermentioned persons personally apprehended viz John Jonsone, John Chepman,bailies of Selkirk, Simon Fairle, James Mithag, John Mithag burgesses of the said burgh, Simon Jamsone, George Jam¬sone, John Wod, George Ellot, George Freir, William Vynterhoup before Robert Bruss sheriff of Selkirk in that part constituted by commission sitting in judgement to pass to [“transeundum”?] to the service of a breve of the chapel royal requested by master Thomas Ker under pain of £10 scots to each person summoned as is contained fully in the commission of Robert Bruss. Before wit¬nesses James Bell, Thomas Wod, John Archibald.
20. Master Thomas Ker Same day place and hour John Unis serjeant of the honourable man Robert Bruss burgess of Edinburgh and sheriff for the commission in that part of the sheriffdom of Selkirk, cited the undermentioned personally apprehended Thomas Ker, Robert Dalgless, John Sandelandes, David and John Spottis¬wood and the underwritten persons to that place viz William Wods of Hairtherne, Hector Crenstoun of Bold, William Sandelandis of Bold, Alexander Hoppringill of Trowis, Robert Hoppringill of New Hall, George Hoppringill of Torwoodlee, Alexander Franche of [Bukham?] to compear before the said Robert Bruss at a tribunal to be held 5 April next at the tolbooth of Edinburgh and to pass to an inquest concerning a breve of the chapel royal requested by master Thomas Ker son and heir of Robert Ker of Suderland Hall under a pain of 10 pounds Scots. Master Thomas Ker sought instru¬ment done at the hours of 10, 12 and 1 before the above witness¬es.
21. Haw ( illegible) April 1527 John Lumisden with consent of Marion his spouse and John Brown with consent of his spouse, Janet Hawe acknowledged that they had given and granted all right and claim, evidents, ownership and possession which they had or will have to a tenement lying in Selkirk on the south side be¬tween the tenement of Thomas Jonsone on the west and north and the common gate called the Fulbrig and the loning on the south, to John Hawe son and heir of the deceased Thomas Hawe younger and elder his heirs and assignees forever without recall or revoca¬tion under penalty of 40 pounds. John Haw sought instrument before witnesses John Chepman bailie, John Brydin, William Ker in Schaw, sir Andrew [Keyne] concerning the same the court may be held 9 April.
Same day the court held and lawfully affirmed the parties sitting and manifesting by this present instrument which by law James Keyne in the name of John Hawe paid £8 : 6s : 8d in gold and silver coins to John Lumisden and John Brown and their spouses to resign all right, claim, letters and evidents to the above which he has or could have before the above inquest.
On the same day place and hour, John Lumisden and John Brown with the consent of their spouses sought this instrument which made this alienation not for money but for love and affection because said John is nearest heir to Thomas Hawe younger and John Hawe elder his grandfather.
22. Jonsone 4 June 1527 John Jonsone bailie came at request of Richard Brydin to the principal dwelling house of Thomas Jonsone burgess of Selkirk lying in the vennel which is commonly called [Ful]brig between the tenement of Thomas Jonsone on the east, the yard of Simon Fairle on the west, part of the lands of master James Jonsone on the north and the king’s street leading to the common loning on the east, and there at the door of the forehouse, the said Richard resigned an annual rent of 7s 6d by handing over one penny in hands of John Jonsone bailie who gave sasine of the annualrent to Thomas Jonsone. Thomas sought instru¬ment done before witnesses George Michilhill, John Scot, James Downe.
23. Sir David Scot 5 June 1527 John Jonsone bailie at request of John Smail burgess of Selkirk came to his tenement lying in Pelgait on the south side of the king’s street between the yard of William Mithag on the east, the Bog on the south, the tenement of John Mithag on the west and the king’s street on the north and there on the grounds of the same the said John Smail.. resigned the above tenement with house and yard in the hands of the bailie who gave sasine to sir David Scot vicar of Askyrk paying yearly 32 pence and burgh ferme to Thomas Johnsone. sir David sought instrument before witnesses James Helme, Robert Toddryk, David Jonsone, William Portuus, John Farle.
24. Master James Jonsone 12 June 1527 John Chepman, burgess of Selkirk in name of Robert Cadzow living in Davyk whose author¬ity as procurator was plainly evident to me notary public, came to a tenement of land once belonging to William Cadzow now de¬ceased [father?] of the said Robert, lying near the Fulbrig in the said town of Selkirk between the tenement of John and Simon Fairle on the west and north, the tenement of Thomas Jonsone on the south and the king’s street on the east, and there John Chepman, procurator in the name of the above, resigned half of the front part and third of the rear of the tenement with perti¬nents discharging all right and claim to possession of the same which he has or will have in hands of the bailie who gave sasine to master James Jonson, vicar of Valestoun [Walston].
25. Vinterhoup 30 April 1527 John Chepman bailie at request of William Vynterhoup heir of the deceased Andrew Vynterhoup came to his tenement lying in the vennel called Goslynne Rawe between the tenement of Robert Brydin on the south, the tenement of Robert Bennat on the east, the tenement of Janet Gray on the north and the yard of Helen Lydderdaill on the west and there at the door of the said forehouse the said bailie gave sasine to William Vynterhoup his heirs and successors personally by touch¬ing staff [and baton]. William sought instrument before witnesses underwritten.
At the same place day and hour the said bailie came to the tene¬ment of Janet Gray lying in the south part of the said vennel near the cross with the tenement of Katherine Mychelhill on the north, the king’s street on the east and the tenement of Robert Bennat on the south and there on ground of the same gave sasine of an annualrent of 10 shillings uplifted on the said tenement to William Vynterhoup and his heirs forever by showing a penny by tenor of his instrument produced in plain court. William sought instrument done around 1 pm before witnesses sir Thomas Skune, George Scot, Thomas Doune, Thomas Portuus.
26. William Chepman 26 June 1527 John Jonsone one of the bailies at the request of master John Chepmen heir of the de¬ceased James Chepman came to his tenement lying in Pelgait on the north side of the king’s street between the tenement of John Portuus on the west and half of the said tenement now in hands of John Chepman on the north, the king’s street on the south and the smithy of Stephen Loremer on the east and there at the door of the upper house the said master John Chepman resigned the upper part of the said tenement with pertinents in hands of the bailie who gave sasine to William Chepman personally accepting by earth and stones and to his heirs and assignees male and female paying to master John his heirs and assignees 20 shillings which will redound to master John if males be wanting. William sought in¬strument done around 6 am before sir William Chepman, James Chepman, Thomas (blank),John Curror and others.
27. Bennat 5 June 1527 John Jonsone bailie came at request of Robert Bennat to two back houses of his tenements lying in the burgh of Selkirk between the tenement of William Vynterhoup on the east on the one part, the tenement of Robert Brydin on the south, the tenement and yard of Helen Lidderdaill on the west and the tenement of Katherine Michilhill on the north and there on ground of the same the said Robert Bennat resigned his two houses in hands of the bailie John Jonsone who gave sasine to Ysabella Benna (sic) his spouse for a liferent in conjunct fee with free entry and ische paying 12d annualrent to the Lords of Glenrath.
The same day place and hour, the said Ysabella with consent of her spouse Robert Bennat resigned her liferent in conjunct fee of two houses in favour of John her second [son] for graces and services as is contained specifically in the burgh book. John Bennat sought instrument done around 6 am before Thomas Portuus,serjeant, Cuthbert Lidderdaill, Thomas Ker, George Mi¬chilhill, William Vaich.
28. Gibsone 11 June 1527 on St Barnabas day , John Vollson, special messenger of Robert Scot of Howpasloit acknowledged that he had received a ferme or grassum of £20 scots duly paid by his servants and tenants for the five years immediately following and by the same authority quitclaimed the said servants now and forev¬er. Thomas Gibsone with consent of his friends sought instrument done before Robert Brydyn, James Bradfut, John Smyth, William Brydyn, Thomas Ker.
29. Melross 9 July 1527. [No text.]
30. Smaill 4 [or5] July 1527 Janet Smaill widow of the deceased George Scot on account of causes urging her soul re¬nounces and admits conditions and all points made between herself and William Smaill, her brother german about half a husbandland with pertinents lying in the town and bounds of Lellescleiff within the sheriffdom of Roxburgh for this reason that an asseda¬tion and a claim pertaining to the children of the said Janet Smaill against the decease of her husband George Scot. Janet Smaill sought done instrument before sir William Brydyn vicar of Auldroxburgh, George Scot of Blyndhauch, John Middilmest, Adam Boill, William Ailmur, Ninian Smyth.
31. Forest 26 July 1527 John Jonsone bailie at request of William Cadzow burgess of Selkirk came to a tenement of land of the same William with pertinents lying in Selkirk in the street commonly called Fulbregrawe on the east side of the same between the tenement of James Mouss on the north, the lands of master John Chepman on the other side, the king’s street on the west and the lands of William Ker on the east and there on the ground of the same William Cadzow and James Bradfut procurators and in name of David Cadzow resigned all the tenement in hands of the bailie who gave sasine of the same to Thomas Forest according to the tenor of his charter.
On the same day place and hour, John Jonsone bailie at request of William Cadzow burgess came to a portion of the lands on the east of the king’s street which leads to Selkirk hill between the lands commonly called Le Denysland on the north and the other portion called the lands of Ladyland on the south and there on ground of the same William Cadzow freely resigned the lands in hands of the bailie who gave sasine to Thomas Forest for his lifetime in corporeal possession paying yearly in 2 equal por¬tions 20 shillings scots at Whitsunday and Martinmas at the altar of St Salvatore in Calco. Thomas Forest sought instrument done on the ground of the same around 10 am before George Mayne, Thomas Jonsone, James Bradfut, James Mouss, Robert Trumbull, Andrew MacDuell, James Keyne, David Jonsone.
32. Scot 16 Aug 1527 James Bessat sheriff in that part com¬peared at the mercat cross of Selkirk and there publicly pro¬claimed and summoned Walter Scot of Branxhelm to compear on Thursday viz 24 October following the form and tenor of a royal breve made thereon… also summoned John Chepman, John Jonsone bailies of Selkirk to give faithful testimony of refusal before witnesses sir David Scot vicar of Askirk, Mungo Almur, George Michilhill, Thomas Portuus, Cuthbert McLauchlene, Thomas Lame.
Scot Same day sir David Scot chaplain in the name of his master Walter Scot knight requested James Bessat in the name and author¬ity of the king for a copy of the said royal letter and the said James denied for a time and witheld. Sir David sought instru¬ment before John Jonsone, John Chepman, sir David Scot vicar of Askirk, Mungo Almuir, William Bennat, William Scot, Thomas Lid¬derdaill, William Brydin, sir William Lidderdaill. On the same day James Bessat declared and warned that he had express command from his lord to recite publicly the king’s letters as commanded before above witnesses. Sir David sought instrument at the front door of Robert Brydin.
33. Mynto 19 Aug 1527 Thomas Mynto burgess of Selkirk came to his tenement with pertinents and one piece of land lying in “Le Knowe” which lies between the tenement of John Brydin on the east of the town, the tenement of John Scot on the west, the king’s street leading to the Milburn on the third side and near to the Ettrik Water on the north and the said Thomas freely resigned the said tenement and portion of land lying over “Le Knowe” between the lands of Thomas Jonsone on the east and the lands of John Keir on the west in hands of bailie John Jonsone who by virtue of his office gave sasine to Elizabeth Notman his spouse in conjunct fee paying burgh ferme viz 5d and after the decease of the said Elizabeth the tenement redounds to the heirs and successors of the said Thomas. Elizabeth sought instrument before witnesses below.
The same day Thomas Mynto came to the tenement of David Mynto lying on the east of the said burgh between the lands of John Hawe on the east, the lands of Janet Broun on the west, the king’s street on the south and the riverbank near Ettrik on the north and there the said Thomas at the front door of the house by showing a penny resigned an annualrent of 16 shillings in the hands of John Jonsone bailie who gave sasine to Elizabeth his spouse for her lifetime and after her decease the same redounds to the heirs of the said Thomas. Elizabeth sought instrument done before witnesses Thomas Portuus, Cuthbert Haw, John Trumbull.
34. Trumbull 25 Aug 1527 Robert Trumbull of Houdene person¬ally present before witnesses below assigned, renounced and quit¬claimed all right and claim which he has or he might have hereaf¬ter against James Trumbull his cousin in Philophaucht in respect of his wardship, relief and marriage contract done in his own interest, returns royal letters in the hands of said James so that the said James should make humble homage to him as the rest of his subtenants. Moreover I admit the homage and service done and to be done to James Murray so that he will not trouble me in doing my services. James Trumbull sought instrument done in the house of William Trumbull before William Trumbull, Robert Sowter, Patrik Fausit, Thomas Ker.
35. Helme 26 Aug 1527 James Helme burgess of the burgh of Selkirk asserts that he had welcomed a theiving robber in his house and after had brought the same to the sheriff James Murray. James sought instrument that it would not turn to his prejudice afterwards, done in the said burgh about the hour of 9 before John Chepman, John Jonson, George Haudene, Robert (?).
36. Haudene 27 Aug 1527 George Hauden in plain court inti¬mated and declared to William Ker of Schawe personally present and in presence of bailies and witnesses that William alleges that the tenement which I have bought from the heirs of John Mouss owes him those annualrents not paid in the time of the deceased John Mouss and now I make note to the said William and all you having an interest that the said tenement or ground is in itself stringible and equivalent to the said rents and I protest that firstly at the time of purchase the Lord of Schawe or his heirs should not disturb me in my peaceful possession and that the said annualrent should not come to my prejudice. George Hauden sought instrument before bailies John Jonsone, John Chep¬man, Stephen Lauder, James Helme and the whole inquest.
37. Ker of Shaw (“Luco”) Same day. William Ker lord of Shaw in the name of Adam Ker discharged George Hauden in the matter of the said tenement and neither George nor the woman who rightly sold [it] to him be open to question about state or sasine. William sought instrument before witnesses above.
38. Hoppringill No details, Page [15] missing.
39. Fairle 13 Sept 1527 John Chepman bailie came at the request of Christian Crukshankis to a tenement lying near the mercat cross of the burgh of Selkirk between the tenement of David Broun on the east, the tenement of the blessed Virgin Mary on the south, the tenement of the heirs of the deceased William Ker on the west, the king’s street or the court house on the north and there on the ground of the same Christian Crukshankis with the consent of her heir Thomas Crukeshanke and assent of his heir Mungo Crukeshankis resigned the annualrent of 20s uplifted on all the tenement in hands of the bailie by showing a penny who gave sasine of the annualrent to Simon Farle, his heirs and assignees always and however that Christian and her heirs pay £16 to Simon and his heirs and assignees between sun rise and set. Simon Farle sought instrument done on the ground of the same around 10 am before William Houp, Thomas Portuus, Thomas Ker, William Turnbull.
[ Next side blank.]
40. Alexander Scot 23 March 1527. [No text].
41. Nochtman 11 Oct 1527 James Mouss burgess of the burgh of Selkirk came to half of a fourth part of his lands of Est Haning which he has in bond [“vadimonio”] from the heirs of Robert Scot for the sum of twelve and a half pounds scots and there on the grounds of the same James resigned the said half of the fourth part of his lands in hands of the bailie who gave sasine to Matthew Nochtman of the said lands and the bond with all right and claim he has or will have in future always and however the said heirs of Robert Scot pay twelve pounds and ten shillings to the said Matthew between the rising and setting of the sun. Matthew sought instrument before James Keyn, Andrew McDuell, James Crawfurd, John Lauder.
Wilkesone 42.Wilkesone 9 Nov 1527 sir Stephen Wilkesone procurator and in name of Isabel, Elizabeth and Agnes Haitle humbly requested John Crenstoun of that ilk to [be] personally at his principal dwelling house of Kirkhoup on account of a sasine and interest in all of 6 merklands lying in the bounds and lordship of Smalam and the said John asserted and publicly declared in the hearing of the underwritten that the women and heirs of the said lands retained their interest in the said lands since the said John were to be called before any judge or judges without fraud or guile of any kind. Stephen sought instrument done here at the appointed place before sir William Lidderdaill chaplain at Cren¬ston.
43. Spottiswod 16 Dec 1527 sir Ninian archdeacon of the Chapel Royal [“praeposaitus capelle regie”] required David Spot¬tiswod son and heir of the deceased Archibald Spottiswod because I am his tutor and have his promise of marriage in my hands and will require from David Hoppringill at this instant and protest before witnesses that his detention should not turn to my preju¬dice regarding his food and clothing in future nor in time past. sir Ninian sought instrument, done around 1 am before witnesses sir George Dikesone, chaplain, John Ruderfurd. Also sir Ninian requested the presence of said David as he wanted to (illegible) with him or not and all this he asked David Hoppringill.
44. Hoppringill On which day David Hoppringill of Gallochel¬lis denied that David Spotsvod held by gift of his deceased father or by gift of my firstborn son John Hoppringill and appar¬ent heir that which John held [for] the said David by gift of the deceased, and afterwards the said young man splendidly and hon-orably had victuals and clothing from me to him and that my son did not have the place in his own right …and straightaway at your request I deliver the said David with my son for pardoning and now require the said sir Ninian Spotsvod because of his expenses in transacting offices. David Hoppringill sought in-strument before witnesses sir George Diksone, John Ruderfurd and others.
45. Ker 31 Dec 1527 John Ker and Janet Brown his spouse came to their two tenements lying in the burgh of Selkirk between the tenement of John Acheson on the east, the tenement of William Ker on the west, the croft of master John Chepman on the south and the king’s street on the north, and there on ground of the same John Ker and Janet Brown resigned an annualrent of 20 shil¬lings pertaining to the two tenements with pertinents in hands of the bailie Simon Fairle who gave sasine of the annualrents to Lancelot Ker burgess of Selkirk according to the tenor of the charter from John and Janet save the right of whomsoever. Lance¬lot Ker sought instrument before witnesses Thomas Portuis, George Michilhill serjeant, Alan Keyn, Thomas Mynto, Henry Young.
46. Lance Ker of Gatschaw Same day, place hour Simon Fairle bailie at request of James Haw burgess came to the main dwelling house or tenement of the same lying in the east of Selkirk be¬tween the tenement of Thomas Mynto on the east, the king’s street on the south, the tenement of David Mynto on the west and the riverbank of the Atric on the north and there on ground of the same resigned an annualrent of 20 shillings uplifted yearly on the said tenement in the hands of the bailie Simon Fairle who gave sasine of the annualrent to Lance Ker according to the char¬ter of John Haw. Lance sought the instrument before witnesses above.
47. Janet Smyth 14 Jan 1527/8 Janet Smyth spouse of John Mithag protested in plain court before alderman, bailies, inquis¬itors for the day and witnesses underwritten that the delibera¬tion of an inquest against her brother John Smyth younger son of the deceased John Smyth burgess of Selkirk would not come in prejudice to my heirs and assignees hereafter by reasons given or to be given. Janet Smyth sought instrument before sir Richard Brydin, William Chepman, George Michilhill alderman and all the inquest and bailies.
48. Ker Same day, place and hour Robert [Ker] interlocutor and procurator for John Smyth son and heir apparent of the de¬ceased John Smyth his father burgess of Selkirk, publicly de¬clared before the above inquest that Janet Smyth renounced, demitted and gave away all right and claim to ownership and possession of all her tenements, annualrents, possessions of which John Smyth died seized and vest. Before same witnesses.
49. Robert Ker, procurator in the name of John Smyth 14 Jan 1527/8 Simon Fairle bailie came to the tenement of the deceased John Smyth burgess of Selkirk with pertinents lying in the said burgh on the north of the burgh court house and there on ground of same gave sasine of a tenement with pertinents viz of a croft of the same, one rig under Know over “le Milschot”, two rigs near “le suar (or fuar) furd”, one rig over the west side of “Voster¬lais” and one rig over the east side of “Wosterlais” to John Smyth son and heir of the deceased John Smyth his father person¬ally present and accepting by showing earth and stones. Robert Ker sought instrument before witnesses sir Stephen Vilkesone chaplain, John Craw, Adam Vilkesone and others.
Same day hour before witnesses the said bailies came at request of Robert Ker procurator to the tenement then inhabited by Chris¬tian Crukshankis on the south side of the burgh near the court house… and there the bailie Simon Fairle gave sasine of an annualrent of 10 shillings on the tenement to John Smyth younger and his heirs and assignees in the tenor of an instrument made thereon and assigned to him for £8 scots on one day between the rising and setting of the sun. Robert sought instrument before the above witnesses
50. Achesone 7 Feb 1526(sic) Robert Brydin bailie of the burgh of Selkirk came to a tenement of John Achesone lying in the bounds of the burgh of Selkirk between the tenement of John Trumbull in the east, the tenement of William Ker on the second side, the king’s street on the south and the waterbank of Etric on the third side, and on ground of same there the bailie gave sasine to John Achesone of all the tenement as lawful heir of James Achesone showing earth and stones and on the same day, the bailie came to a rig lying over “le Gosloodaillis” between the lands of the Earl of Angus and there… gave sasine to said John Achesone as his lawful heir. [John] sought instrument before witnesses John Lumisden, William Chesholme, James Lumisden, John Brydin, Andrew Brydin.
51. William Ker 7 Feb 1526/27 Robert Brydin one of the bailies of Selkirk at the request of John Achesone came to his tenement lying in the said burgh between the tenement of John Trumbull on the east, the tenement of William Ker on the west, the king’s street on the south and the waterbank of the Etric on the north and there on ground of the same resigned the tenement
with pertinents in hands of the bailie requiring the bailie to give sasine always and however that the said John Achesone, his heirs and anyone in his name, delivers and pays 18 merks to William Ker, his heirs and assignees and also the said John pays the customary ferme to sir John Chepman or the servant of St Salvatore situate in the monastery of Calco [Kelso] and another 20 shillings to William Ker paid yearly and after relaxation and to this effect the said William Ker (illegible) before the above witnesses.
52. Thomsone Same day,place and hour Robert Brydin bailie at the request of John Achesone went to a rig of his land lying in “Gosloodails” between the lands of the Earl of Angus, the lands of Thomas Jonsone younger on the north and the lands of George Hauden on the south, the king’s street on the east and Charles (illegible) on the west* and there on ground of the same John Achesone resigned the rig in hands of the bailie who gave sasine of all the rig to Robert Thomesone his wife’s brother [“leviro”] and John Achesone his heirs and assignees pay 4 pounds scots to Robert Thomesone his heirs and assignees and moreover that Robert Thomesone pays 12 pence to lord of Haining his heirs and assign¬ees yearly. Before witnesses above.
* [ the boundary clause has been entered later. ]
53. Hauden 27 (April -scored out) February 1527/28 John Jon¬sone bailie at the request of Helen Mouss one of the heirs of John Mouss burgess of Selkirk came to a tenement and the front side of the same, lying between the tenement of John Haw on the east, the tenement of David Brydin on the west, the lands of master John Chepman on the south and the king’s street on the north and there at the back of the tenement Helen resigned the same in hands of the bailie who gave sasine to George Hauden of all the forepart [ by power of choice ? “fortis electiones”] of the said tenement paying according to the charter of John Mouss 16 shillings in name of annualrent to Adam Ker and burgh ferme to our lord king. George Hauden sought instrument done around 7 am before witnesses George Michilhill,serjeant, John Brydin, John Brydin elder, Thomas Mynto, John Lumisden, John Chepmen.
54. Hauden 18 Feb 1527/8 Robert Brydin one of the bailies of the burgh of Selkirk came at the request of Marion Mouss daughter and heirs of the deceased John Mouss to the back of the same tenement lying between lands or tenements of John Hawe on the east, the tenement of David Brydin on the west, the lands of master John Chepman on the south and the king’s street on the north and there on ground of the same the said Marion resigned the said back of a tenement in hands of the bailie who gave sasine of the said back of tenement to George Haudene following the charter of her father, John Mouss, paying yearly to Adam Ker or his heirs and assignees 16 shillings scots in the name of annualrent and burgh ferme to the king. George sought instrument before witnesses underwritten.
On the same day, the bailies at the request of Marion Mouss came to a piece of land in the open fields lying in the bounds of the town of Selkirk between the lands of Elizabeth Tait in “Taittis hyll” and between the lands of the lord of Schaw and there on ground of the same Marion resigned the piece with pertinents in hands of the bailie who gave it to George Haudene, his heirs and assignees paying yearly to Thomas Scot son and heir apparent of the deceased Robert Scot in Haning 3s 9d. George sought instru¬ment before witnesses John Chepman, John Bryden younger, John Brydene elder, George Michilhill serjeant, Thomas Lassibe [Lazen¬by], Thomas Scot.
55. Sir M Ker 26 Feb 1527/28 Andrew Ker in Grenheid agrees to comply with royal letters in hands of James Murray of Faulo¬phauch sheriff of Selkirk, the tenor of which was that a justici¬ar or his depute to compear at a tribunal at Selkirk on the third day of session…to consider…all the contents of the said letter. Andrew Ker sought instrument before witnesses sir Wil¬liam Brydin vicar in Aldroxburgh, James Laynge, John Rankinge chaplain, Mungo Robsone, Thomas Ker, William Ker, James Scot and others.
56.[David] Chepman, John Chepman, Robert Melross in the name of Thomas Scot 10 March 1527/28 John Chepman burgess of Selkirk discharged and commended to their memory the conscience of the honourable man Stephen Lauder burgess of the said burgh, how he had willed [to draw up] his testament for the salvation of his soul and and the profit of his children and the same Stephen not sound in his mind but labouring in his final pains on his bed plainly showed how he made signs that he wished to ratify the testament made by him and all that was in it. John Chepman sought instrument on behalf of his brother before John Chepman elder, James Bell, Thomas Ker.
57. Fairle 19 March 1527/28 Robert Brydin bailie came at the request of Alan Keyne burgess of Selkirk to his croft lying in the north of the burgh between the lands of the Earl of Angus or James Murray in the east and west and the loaning in the north and the lands of Elizabeth Scot heir of the deceased [?Robert] Scot in the south and there on the ground of the same Alan Keyne resigned the upper part of the croft with pertinents in hands of the bailie who gave sasine of the same to Simon Fairle his heirs and assignees always and however the said Alan his heirs and assignees pay £7 scots to the said Simon. Simon sought instrument before witnesses Henry Young, Thomas Ker, John Farle.
58. sir John [Title only.]
59. Mithag 21 April 1528 Robert Brydin one of the bailies of Selkirk came to the tenement with pertinents of the deceased James Mithag burgess of the burgh of Selkirk, lying within the said burgh in Pelgait on the south side of the burgh between the tenement of John Mithag elder on the east, the common called “Le Bog” on the south, the tenement of William Lermonth on the west and the king’s street which leads to the loch on the north and there on the grounds of the same the bailie gave sasine to John Mithag younger son and heir of James Mithag paying annual rent yearly and burgh ferme. John Mithag sought instrument before witnesses Robert Melross, John Jonsone, John Scot in Pelgat, John Mithag, John Melross and others.
Same day Robert Brydin bailie at the request and special command of John Mithag came to the said tenement and John resigned it resigned it in hands of the bailie who gave sasine to Alan Mithag his brother german, his heirs and assignees forever after the death of Margaret Mithag their mother, paying annualrent and burgh ferme following the tenor of their charter to sir John Chepman chaplain for service to the altar of our Saviour situate in the monastery of Calco. Alan sought instrument before above witnesses.
Same day the said John [and] Alan Mithag resigned the said tene¬ment for a sasine in life rent to Margaret Mithag his mother for favours and deeds etc, before witnesses above and the said Marga¬ret asked it be entered in my protocol book.
Same day before witnesses above, Robert Brydin bailie came to a tenement of the deceased James Mithag which lies in the west of the burgh between the tenement of Andrew Davidson inhabited at that time by John Loremer on the east, the tenement and yard of sir William Bradfut heir of the deceased James Bradfut on the south, the tenement of Robert Brydin on the west and the king’s street leading to Moryss Hill on the north, and there on the ground of the same the bailie gave sasine to John Mithag son and heir of James Mithag paying an annualrent and burgh ferme accord¬ing to the tenor of the charter made thereon. John sought instru¬ment before witnesses James Bradfut, John Mithag elder, Alan Mithag, John Ross, George Michilhill serjeant, Thomas Ker and others.
60. Forest 21 April 1528 Robert Trumbull in Howden set forth in plain court after deliberation of an inquest that he dis¬charged, set forth and quitclaimed to Thomas Forest by an intro¬mission a piece of untilled land commonly called Ladylands, always and provided that the said William Cadzow [?agrees]. Before witnesses James Bradfut, Thomas Johnson, sir John Michil¬hill, George Michilhill serjeant and all the inquest.
61. Hog 23 April 1527 John Hog apparent heir and brother german to James Hog finally deceased compeared before me notary public and witnesses underwritten that James inhabited and held two husbandlands of common land in rental of lord Gawin arch¬bishop of Glasgow lying in the town and bounds of Lillescleff within the sheriffdom of Roxburgh and for friendship and favours done the said John (sic) Hog resigned all right and claim he has or will have to said husbandland with pertinents for his service as serjeant, his constant and special friendship to John Hog through many graces and benefits bestowed in my urgent need to his heirs and assignees forever. John Hog sought instrument before witnesses William Reddall, William Middilmest, William Trumbull, William Ailmer, John Blaike, David Mithag.
62. Scot 16 April 1528 John Scot in Myrris or Vest Manes in Lillescleff acknowledged that he had received from John Scot in Beulie one of the sums of £40 scots in complete payment of the greater sum for the time for 3 pieces of land viz “ye est halff of the vest manes of Lillescleffe” of which sum of £40 : I John Scot in Vest Manes hold me well paid and I discharge the said John Scot in Beulie his heirs and executors forever. John sought instrument before witnesses William Brydin vicar of Selkirk, sir Richard Brydin, David Ker, Robert Chesholm, done at the chamber of James Brydin at around 1 pm.
63. Lancius Ker 30 April 1528 Robert Brydin one of the bai¬lies of Selkirk came at the request of Christian Crukshankis to the fore booth of her tenement with pertinents lying in the burgh of Selkirk on the south of the mercat street between the tenement of William Ker on the west and the tenement of David Brown on the east and the lands inhabited by Alesone Wilkeson on the [south] and the said mercat Street on the [north], and there on ground of the same she resigned the fore booth with the consent of (illegi¬ble) Crukshankis her son and apparent heir in the hands of the bailie who gave sasine to Lancelot Ker, his heirs and assignees always and however the said Christian and her son pay Lancelot Ker his heirs and assignees £10 scots. Lancelot sought instrument before witnesses Henry Young, James Richertsone, Thomas Ker.
64. Scot 26 May 1528 Simon Fairle one of the bailies of Selkirk came at the request of John Scot in Pelgait to the prin¬cipal dwellinghouse of his tenement lying between the tenement of Robert Toddryk on the east, the tenement of the deceased James Mithag on the west, the bog on the south and the king’s street leading to the loch on the north and there on the ground of the same the said John Scot resigned the said tenement in hands of the bailie Simon Fairle, who gave sasine to Walter Scot his son personally present and accepting, his heirs and his assignees. Walter sought instrument before witnesses John Mithag elder, Robert [Toddryk], David Toddryk his son, Robert Melross and ( illegible) Ker.
65. Margaret Howme 2 June 1528 James Murray of Faulahill freely constituted and ordained Margaret Houme his wife and lawful assignee in and to all the place commonly called Louin¬shoup as is contained fully in a letter made thereon and sealed together with pertinents, lying in the ward of the forest of Ettric within the sheriffdom of Selkirk which the same James holds in tack of our most excellent lady Queen. Margaret sought this instrument before sir John Michilhill, James Craik, Adam Vaych, Adam Dalgless, Cuthbert McLauchlin.
Thus that the said Margaret shall be in peaceful possession from my heirs after my death for graces and favours to me and my children paying yearly from the said place according to right and custom. Margaret sought instrument before witnesses sir James Craik, John Fairbarne, Adam Vaiche, Adam Dougless, Cuthbert McLauchlyn and others.
66. Elesabeth Dunhoup 16 July 1528 Robert Brydin bailie came to the tenement of the deceased William Dunhoup burgess of the burgh of Selkirk with pertinents lying on the north side of the Volgat between a tenement of land of our Blessed Virgin Mary on the east and the tenement of Thomas Ellot on the west and there on the ground of the same the bailie gave sasine to Elizabeth Dunhoup heir of William Dunhoup following an old infeftment of the said William. Done on the ground of the same around 4 pm before witnesses master James Jonson, sir William Brydin, David Scot vicar, John Maxwell, John Chepman, John Mithag, Robert Chepman, Thomas Ker, James Hoppringill.
67. James Hoppringill Same day Robert Brydin bailie came at the request of Elizabeth Dunhoup to the main dwellinghouse and the same place lying as above and there on the ground of the same tenement with the consent of William Hogart her spouse resigned the tenement of land in hands of the bailie who gave sasine to James Hoppringill his heirs and assignees forever. Before wit¬nesses above.
68. Jamsone Same day Robert Brydin one of the bailies of Selkirk came at the request and special command of James Hopprin¬gill to his tenement as above and there on the ground of the same resigned the said tenement in hands of the bailie who gave sasine of the tenement to George Jamsone forever paying an old annual¬rent and customary burgh ferme. Before witnesses in previous instrument.
69. John Wod 25 Aug 1528 Robert Brydin one of the bailies of Selkirk at the request of John Vycthman came to his tenement lying in the said burgh between the tenement of Robert Chesholme on the south, the tenement of William Trumbull on the west, the king’s street leading to the Fulbrig on the east, and there on ground of the same John Vycthman resigned the tenement in hands of the bailie who gave sasine to John Wod always and forever the said John Vychtman and his heirs pay £6 scots to John Wod his heirs and assignees as far as is specially contained in a certain letter made thereon. John Wod sought instrument before witnesses James Jonsone, Thomas Jonsone, William Ellot, Thomas Ellot, John Scot, Thomas Ker, David Toddryk.
70. Margaret Houme 2 June 1528 James Murray lord of Fallo¬whill… makes, constitutes and ordains after his death Margaret Houme his lawful assignee in and to his place of Levinshoup with pertinents lying in the ward of Ettrick Forest and the sheriffdom of Selkirk on account of her favour and pleasure she bears and for her sustentation of their children, the which place of Levin¬shoup the said James holds in tack of our supreme queen of scots as is fully contained in a letter on paper to the said Margaret from James sealed with his own seal. Margaret sought instrument [before] witnesses sir John Michilhill, James Craik, John Fair¬bair priests, Adam Vaich, Adam Dalgless, Cuthbert McClauchlyn.
71. John Davidson attorney and Janet Scot 26 Sept 1528 John Davidson attorney for John Crenstoun of that ilk and his spouse Janet Scot came to the principal messuage of 20 poundlands with pertinents lying in the town and bounds of Smalhame on the east side of the town within the sheriffdom of Roxburgh and there on the ground of the same the said John Davidsone presented a cer¬tain precept of sasine of our lord king under testimony of the Great Seal written on parchment with no erasures or cancella¬tions…in hands of William Hendersone sheriff in that part who…handed it to the notary to read out in following tenor : James by the grace of God King of Scots to his sheriff and bai¬lies of Roxburgh and to William Hendersone, John Davidson and John Stoddart our sheriffs of Roxburgh in that part greeting. Because we have given and granted to John Crenstoun of that ilk and his spouse Janet Scot 20 poundlands of Smailhame with pertine nts lying [as above] and 20 merklands of Sprostoun in the town and bounds of Sprostoun on the west of the same which lands with pertinents [belonged] heritably to the said John and which by staff and baton he resigns as contained fully in our charter to him made thereon now we command you to give sasine of the said lands to the said John and Janet without delay [and] whichever lives longer in conjunct fee, dated under testimony of the Great Seal 15 June 1523 at Edinburgh. After which being read out the said William Hendersone gave sasine of the said lands to John Davidsone attorney for John Crenstoun and his spouse Janet Scot in tenor of the charter they have of our lord king. John David¬sone sought instrument done at the ground of the said lands around 9 am, before witnesses sir William Lydderdall, William Crenstoun, Andrew Davidsone
72. 26 Sept 1528 John Davidsone attorney for John Crenstoun and his spouse Janet Scot, came to a principal messuage of 20 merklands lying on the west of the town and bounds of Sprostoun and there presented a precept of sasine of our lord king under the Great Seal written on parchment with no erasures or cancella¬tions and there on the ground of the same John Davidsone attorney for John Crenstoun and Janet Scot [gave it] to William Hendersone sheriff in that part requiring him to execute it and he received it and handed it to the notary who read it out in the form of words as noted in the minute above. After which the said William gave sasine in conjunct fee to John Davidsone attorney for John Crenstoun and Janet Scot his spouse.
73. Ker 22 Oct 1528 William Ker in Schaw came to his own principal messuage and tower of Schaw and also to the principal place of husbandlands of Gerssland and Caponland with pertinents lying in the town of Selkirk and there on the ground of same the said William declared that James Murray had brought a false sasine which was now held for breaking, witness John Lumisden.
74. Curror 12 Dec 1528 James Scot one of the bailies of Selkirk at the request of John Cadzou came to his tenement of land with pertinents of the said John Cadzou lying within the burgh of Selkirk commonly called “Cauldshellis” near the Pelgat on the north side of the town between the tenement of James Helme on the east and the king’s street on the south and the tenement of Thomas Morlaw on the west and the lands of James Murray on the north and there on the ground of the same John Cadzou resigned the tenement of land with pertinents in hands of the bailie who gave sasine to Walter Curror burgess of Selkirk, the said Walter his heirs and assignees paying annualrent and burgh ferme. Walter sought instrument before witnesses John Bryden, William Lermont, Thomas Morlaw, Willam Layng, John Cur¬ror.
75. John Farle,younger Same day James [Scot] bailie at the request of Simon Farle and his spouse came to their tenement lying in the said burgh in the street called “Halliwells Hyll” between the tenement of Stephen Loremer on the east, the tenement of Robert Toddryk on the west, the bog on the south and the king’s street on the north and there on ground of the same the said Simon with the consent of his spouse Janet Fairle resigned the tenement in hands of the bailie who gave sasine to John younger, his second son for filial love and to his heirs and assignees after the death of his parents paying annualrent and burgh ferme. John, younger sought instrument before witnesses Walter Scot in Haining, Robert Trumbull, Thomas Ker, Janet Ler¬mont, Alexander Scot, Walter Scot, John (illegible), Walter Lermonte.
* Sir William 20 May Wednesday John Janet J (illegible) one of the heirs of Glenraich resigns all the annual rents to the lord of the lordship ( of Grenheid – scored out) 25 May in (illegible) James Scot.
* This note follows no 75 but does not seem to relate to it or to the next entry.
76. John Smail 15 Aug 1527 John Jonsone bailie at the re¬quest of sir John Brydin chaplain living in Glasgow, came to one part of his tenement that is to say the back house and the boundary part of a adjoining close lying in the east and also the abutting part of all of a yard to the west side of the said house, the boundary of which yard is 31 ells in length and thir¬teen and [a] quarter of an ell in width, truly 13 and a quarter ells and there the said sir John resigned the said back house and boundary parts of the close and garden in hands of the bailie who gave sasine to John Smail, his wife’s brother and Janet Brydin [his spouse] whichever lives longer and their heirs and assignees according to the tenor of their charter made thereon. John and Janet sought instrument done around 2 pm before witnesses James Murray, Thomas Ker, Alexander ( p/t), Andrew Bradfut, Robert Chepman.
77. Andrew Ker 20 March 1527/28 Andrew Ker of Grenheid and Marion Hoppringill his wife had a precept of sasine written on parchment and sealed under red and white seals of the noble and potent lord, Robert Lord Maxwell… and they gave it to the worthy man Nicholas Ainslie who handed it to the notary public who read it out in the following way : Robert Lord Maxwell to Nicolas Ainslee, William Lauder, Mungo Robson and Thomas Ker in Selkirk jointly and severally my bailies in that part greetings. Because I have given and granted to Andrew Ker of Grenheid and Marion Hoppringill his wife and whichever of them lives longer… in heritable conjunct fee to all their heirs lawfully procreated, all the lands of “Maxwell Heuch” and half of the hauch called “Maxwell Hauch” with half of the mill with pertinents lying in the lordship of “Maxwell Fields” and sheriffdom of Roxburgh the which lands pertained heritably to Andrew Ker and which he re¬signed by staff and baton in my hands as superior lord according to my charter to the said Andrew and Marion. Therefore I order and command you to give sasine of the said lands “Maxwell heucht” and half of “le haucht” called “Maxwellhauch” and half the mill of the same with pertinents in conjunct fee to Andrew Ker and Marion Hoppringill his spouse whichever lives the longer or to their rightful attorney in tenor of their charter…without delay. In testimony of which I append my seal and sign manual at Edinburgh 31 January 1527.
The precept being read out the bailie gave sasine of the said lands to Andrew Ker of Grenheid and Marion Hoppringill his spouse and to whichever lives longer in conjunct fee, personally present. Andrew and Marion sought instrument done at the appoint¬ed place between 10 am and noon before witnesses sir William Penman, John Rankyne priest, Robert Tait, William Ker, James Ker of Auldroxburgh.
78. John Ker 31 Dec 1528 Adam Ker of Schaw, son and heir of William Ker, came to the ground of six “le daillis” of husband¬lands of Gerssland and Caponland with pertinents lying on the west side of the burgh liberties viz “le est burn” which one lies over “le hycht of the flurris” and one of the rigs over “myl-schot” and one rig over “le crukit landis” and one rig over ” Know” and there over “flurris”, the said Adam with consent of his father of his own free will by reason of his lordship of the same gave sasine of the said six rigs with pertinents to John Scot personally present and accepting… always and however the said Adam Ker and William his father and his heirs and assignees pay between the rising and setting of the sun the sum of £10 scots to John Scot his heirs and assignees or before the altar of St Ninian in the parish kirk of [Selkirk] by forewarning. Also that the said John his heirs and assignees [note above text “described on the sixth day of November”] so forewarned were not absent from receiving the said sum of money that if it was done fraudulently it would be lawful to return the said lands to Adam and William and put the said £10 for safekeeping in hands of the bailies of Selkirk. And after redemption the said John and his heirs will have the 6 rigs in tack for 2 years following paying yearly 12 shillings scots at two terms viz Whitsunday and Martinmas all fraud and guile excluded. lDone] before John Scot bailie, Wil¬liam Ellot, Thomas Ellot, Robert Chepmen, Mathew Notman, Thomas Jonson younger, John Jonson.
Moreover and [in a clause of warrandice?] the said Adam came to the tenements of Robert Chepman, John Vod, William Trumbull and another piece of land lying alongside and Stephen Loremer and on ground of the same the said Adam resigned certain annualrents in hands of the bailie viz from the tenement of Robert Chesholme 2s, from the tenement of John Vod 4s, from the tenement of William Trumbill 17d, from the (illegible) landis 17d, from the tenement of Robert Chepman 18d, from the tenement of Stephen Lorimer [10d?] uplifted from the said tenements yearly at two terms by pennies and the said bailie gave sasine of the said annualrents to John Scot in warrandice for the said rigs by handing over the pennies.
79. 11 Oct 1528 Walter Lauder, brother german and heir to the deceased Cuthbert Lauder of Todderyk made, constitut¬ed, created and solemnly ordained and by the tenor of this in¬strument makes, constitutes, creates and ordains James Lauder his brother his true , lawful,endoubted and irrevovable procurator, actor, factor negotiator of all his deeds and commands special and general giving and granting the appointed lord in his procu¬racy his plain,pure,free and utmost power and special and general command to him and in his name to the viewing, deponing, dis¬charging and quitclaiming of letters of reversion from the heirs of the deceased Cuthbert made on a redemption of the said lands of S with pertinents lying in the sheriffdom of Selkirk and in renouncing the right to his right, title and interest thereof in favour of V L burgess of the burgh of Edinburgh or his heirs or to whoever else…as would be convenient for any money or profit from the commodity and use to the appointed lord also to seek, demand and receive the said letters of reversion from whomsoever as is most convenient handing over and delivering right to the same, giving and transferring and if there was work concerning the letter of reversion as far as recuperation of the same before whomsoever (p/t) spiritual or temporal on whatever days and places assessing, summoning and persuing lawsuits and con¬testing lawsuits, viewing possessions and producing articles and seeking oaths made on the same calumnious or truthful, and other lawful oaths [on souls?]. The said appointed lord standing and standing against, seeing witnesses of the letters and instruments and any other general probationer for or against, putting in duplicate and replying in duplicate if necessary making quadru¬plicate protestations, making instruments, concluding and seeking to conclude acts, decreets and other interlocutors that [the deceased?] brought seeking and hearing…and if there is work forewarning and summoning and prosecuting the causes of the same summons, pleading the office of juror with substitution of pleas and generally all other acts, deeds, words and enactments per¬taining…to the office of procurator in law or by custom of the realm. Knowing if they should enact a special command that is expressed in these presents and whatever the appointed lord will do or would want to do if personally present, interested, prom¬ised; also the said appointed lord subscribing, stipulating and receiving from me notary public by ostention of his hand (illegi¬ble) touching the holy evangels, commanding him to hold…whatev¬er the said James or his substitutes gives him leading anyone before the law under penalty of pledge or obligation of all their moveable or immoveable goods now and to come. The appointed lord and James his procurator sought instruments done in the parish church of Auldroxburgh around 1 pm before witnesses sir [text ends here].
80. Trumbull 20 Jan 1528/29 Robert Trumbull of Howdene publicly declared in plain sheriff court that an inquest in the said court has noted a suitable boundary from causes inferred by the deduction of noble and worthy men and barons being on the four sides. Robert sought instrument before lord of Grenheid alderman, sir William Brydin vicar of Selkirk, Thomas Jonsone.
81. John Crenstoun of that Ilk 20 Feb 1528/29 Robert Lauder of that ilk gave all right and claim of two husbandlands called “le Chykinlandis” and “Coitland” with pertinents lying in the lordship of Smailham within the sheriffdom of Roxburgh which lands the deceased Oliver Lauder possessed with all freedoms thereto as is contained fully in the charter made thereon to John Crenstoun of that ilk for the sum of £40 paid to the said Robert and extended by non-entries to the sum of £100 and if it happens that the said Robert produce instruments or monuments contrary to the said bond and gift of the said lands called “le chykinlandis” and “coitland” the said Robert binds himself and his heirs to refund the said John Crenstoun and his heirs and assignees £40 within 40 days of the said instruments or monuments being shown under the extreme penalty that the said Robert will freely re¬nounce his own jurisdiction submitting himself to our jurisdic¬tion. John Crenstoun sought instrument before William Crenstoun of Lauder Wodheid, William Hendersone.
82. Alexander Scot 23 March 1529 Elizabeth Leychman, heir to the deceased George Kyll protested to James Scot bailie that she is possessed of her tenement lying in the burgh of Selkirk between the tenements of John Jonson on the east, the tenement of the heirs of Thomas Jonsone on the west, the tenement of William Lermont on the north and the king’s street which leads to Halle¬volhyll on the south, and there on ground of same resigns it in hands of the bailie who gave sasine of the same to Alexander Scot. Alexander sought instrument before Thomas Crukschankis, James Cant, James [Cadzow?], David Jonsone, Thomas Ker and Walter Scot.
83.[This item was a loose page which has been repaired and encap¬sulated separately]
and sole heir of the deceased James Murray of Bowhill who died
under the banner of our deceased supreme lord king James IV and there of her own free will… the same being of mature estate … for her own convenience … has given, sold, conferred and grant¬ed all right and claim forever to the estate and possession that she, Isabel has, had or will have to the south part of the lands of Bowhill lying in the lordship of Etrikforest within the sher¬iffdom of Selkirk, that the said deceased James Murray father of the said Isbelle had in heritable feu ferme of our supreme lord king as in the rental to the honourable man master Michael Scot of Aikwod, her uncle and to William Scot his firstborn son and heir apparent and this for a certain sum of money to be received as dowry at her marriage [in consideration of] many good deeds and acts done for her … the said Isabel transfers all right and claim to master Michael Scot and William his son without revoca¬tion and binds herself to give peaceful possession forever, before witnesses Robert Brydin, James Bradfut, George Mi¬chill(hill?) and Thomas Scot in Aikwod.
George Harde 13 shillings f.
Thomas Bruss 7 shillings f. of maill
Ps 28[shillings?] 10 pence
And And Andresone.
“In dei nomine Amen”.
84. Murray 28 May 1529 master Michael Scot binds himself and his heirs and assignees in the tenor of these present instru¬ments: he binds himself faithfully to give and confirm the well known young woman Isabel Murray his cousin and niece without any demand or obstacle in and to all her west side of Kershoup and undoubtedly to give the said Isabel in counted money the sum of 60 merks lawfully for her marriage contract. Before witnesses sir John Michilhill, Thomas Scot in aikwod, James Bradfut, George Michilhill.
85. Maister Michaell Scott 28 May 1529 The young woman Isabel Murray, only daughter and heir of the deceased James Murray in Bouhyll who died under the banner of our lord king at Flouden, freely alienated all right and claim which she has had or will have in the south part of Bohyll which her father the deceased James Murray held heritably in rental and feu of our supreme lord king, to master Michael Scot her uncle for a certain sum of money to be received on her marriage settlement and for the many graces, done or to be done as is fully contained in his instru¬ment of obligation to Isabel made thereon. Before witnesses Thomas Scot, sir John Michilhill, James Bradfut, George Michil¬hill.
86. The following list and memorandum was inserted between the pages on a loose sheet. It has been repaired as a separate sheet. [The first part of list is illegible.]
Jhone Hayte Side 1
Mychell Ranaldsone
James Leycham Dand Ba( )
Volle Stevinson iurates
Dande Vilsone 3 a Rig on harkas carn
Thome Lille 3 ane R ri[g?]
Pait Roull 3 a R[ig] on haikas
Jame Leycham a but one the brery bank
David Hog a Rig one bank
Vol Halliwell a croft on the (?) flat
Jame Bauld at est end of the toun, ane coit croft
(this item scored out)
Jame Leycham a croft of the baillie barn
Thome Hervy a croft of baillie berne
Robert Hog a croft of belle cross
Voll Hallewell a croft of end [?raw] (scored out)
Jhone Haiste a croft of belle croft
John Roull a croft of over raw
James Leycam a croft of belle bern
George Vatsone a croft of b (scored out)
Martyne of Bonnatoun a crooft one the au[ld] raw croft
Voll Hountar a croft of the end raw
James Hog a croft of the but croft
Stevin Bonnatoun a but croft
[First part of list illegible.]
Nyche Ranaldsone a 2 of orfla (scored out)
David Hog ane braid Rig of orfland (scored out)
(illegible) vels bigang 3 a R of viffland
Med (?)
Michell Ranaldsone croft under the toun of husbandland
(scored out).
Side 2
James Hog a croft rig under the toun
Velle Bonntoun a croft rig under the (illegible)
Jhon Clanat a croft rig under the toun
Stevin Bonetoun a rig under the toun
Voll Stevinston a croft rig under aittes
Pait of Roull a croft (scored out)
Ysabel Jak a croft rig under the toun
David Hog a croft rig
Martyne Bonnetoun a rig of ry under toun
Jok Millar a rig of quheit under toun
Voll Mychelsone a croft rig of a[ittis?] under the toun
Pate Roull a croft rig of b under toun
Matho (scored out) Andro Swanston croft of R
under the toun
Pait Roull a but at (illegible) of toun
Georde Vatson 2 crofts at est end of [the town?]
calit Kilspett
Andro Swanston 3 a croft in the Kylpett
James Lycheam a butt under the bankes
Item Volle Millar a croft in the C(illegible)
Andro Swanston(?) a croft in the f/sost croft.
David Newbigin a 3 croft frs C
Mychel Ranaldsone a croft in fost (scored out)
Robert Hog a rig im theluleess
David/Dand Bonetoun…
Side 3
…Ysabel Jak of rig end of Thowlesbern
Marytne of Leycham a croft rig of quhitreig
(scored out)
Watte Elwand a rig q/g of quhitreig
Voll Nycholsone a rig of q aittes
David Hog a 31 rig of gres aittes (scored out)
Jhone Haiste 1 rig of q aittes
Nycholl Ranaldsone 1 rig of qrig aittes (scored out)
Dand Hog 3 (?) of aittes quhitrig (scored out)
Voll Millar a quarter rig of (?)
Vell Vilsone a quarter croft of nov(?) of bere
Jame Hog a quarter rig aittes
Stevin of Bonatoun 1 quarter rig (?) bere
Robert Hog 3 a rig one the (?)
James Roul a croft one the grene syd of aittes
Voll Stevinsone a croft above the grene syd aittes
Joke Millar above the grene sid, a croft of aittes
Martyne Bonnatoun 1 croft aittes in todho[ll?]
Jok of Lycham 31 rig of tod holl aittes (scored out)
Voll Millar 31 rig under the tod hoit (scored out)
Ysabell Jak a rig of aittes tod hot
Robert Hog, Andro Hog for a coit/cot lands in the
briglands aittes (scored out)
Jame Millar a coitlands lyand in the crulzes beir
( scored out)
Side 4
( )yne Bonaton
Philes Roull
Vol or Nycholl Ranaldsone
Joke Mathesone
Helyne Vilsone
Kaitte Drouchquhen
Kaite Snyp (?)
Ane tenement of Martyne Leicham ane merchand Cristeanne
Newbiging tenand to Hob Robesone
Voll Brig (scored out)
Corne Suborand to him to Voll Brig
Ysabell Ormston
Watte Elw(and?)
Jhone Lowe(illegible)
Woll Stevinsone.
* ” Memorandum the coumpt of the skynnes deliverit be Jhone Vil¬sone to the lady that comes fra James the greiff of the berues.
Item X rouch skynnes and fyv clippit skynnes.
Item VI skynnes that the lady sent out of Roxburgh by the first coumpt.”
87. John Chesholme 10 June 1529 James Scot bailie of Selkirk at request of Robert Chesholm came to his tenement lying in the street commonly called “Fulbrig Myr” between the tenement of Simon Fairle on the south, the tenement of John Vychtman on the north, the yard of Simon Fairle on the west and the king’s street on the east, and there on ground of the said tenement resigned the tenement in hands of the bailie who gave sasine to John Chesholm first born son of Robert personally present and accept¬ing and to his heirs and assignees, the said John paying yearly 6 shillings after the death of his father to Adam Ker of Shaw his heirs and assignees and 3 halfpennies in burgh ferme observing all articles and clauses after written viz. the said John gives his parents £8 for favour [done] to him and the said John gives £7 for the purchase of the tenement and if the said Robert or his wife are impoverished, the said son will pay as much for the said tenements as they might have had from others. John Chesholm sought instrument before witnesses John Chesholm in Pelgait, Thomas Jonsone, John Vychtman, David Jonsone.
88. John Scot 8 May 1529 John Scot bailie of Selkirk at the request of the young man William Lermont son and heir of the late William Lermont burgess of Selkirk came to his tenement lying in “le Halleuolhill” between the tenement of Thomas Jonsone and Alexander Scot on the south, the king’s street leading to the kirk on the west, the tenement of Thomas Melross son of the deceased [?John] Melross on the north and the yard of John Jon¬sone son and heir of the deceased John Jonsone burgess of the said burgh on the east and there on ground of the same William Lermont resigned all the tenement with a croft of arable land and pertinents lying within the liberties and bounds of the said burgh between the lands of William Keyn and (blank) in hands of the bailie who gave sasine of the said tenement and croft with pertinents to John Scot burgess and Elesabeth Chepman his spouse and to whichever lives longer.
89. Margaret Hoppringill 17 July 1529 David Hoppringill in Galloschellis and lord of the lands of Smailham Crag, made his testament and made his executors, Margaret Lundy his spouse and James Hoppringill his first born son, procreated with the lady
Margaret, and the said David Hoppringill appoints as administra¬tors his superiors, master Andrew Dure lord abbot of Melrose and master Andrew Houme rector of the church in Lauder, and however the sworn [act] touching all those causes of his will the said David…of his own free will leaves all his moveable goods, grain, utensils and household [goods] to his four daughters viz Agnes, Christian, Janet and Margaret Hoppringill on his decease to be shared between them. Margaret sought instrument before witnesses Elizabeth Hoppringill lady of Polvort, master Robert Hoppringill rector of Morham, James Hoppringill of Tynnes brother german of the same, Bartholomew Houme, Agnes Cogburn, sir George Ellot and David Gray.
90. John Haw 6 Aug 1529 On which day John Mithag renounced forever his interest which he and his brothers and sisters have against John Haw in all the things of the deceased Katherine Mithag spouse of the said John and quitclaimed them forever. The said John sought instrument before witnesses master James Jonsone and Robert Chepman with the proviso that the said John Mithac requested all the judges to give to his mother and three sisters one bed covering, a patchwork cloth and small linen cloths (“lenthaminibus”) new and of the best and about all these things the said John Haw gives kindly at the request of the said John.
91. Alan Keyne 16 Oct 1529 Alan Keyne came at the request of the venerable man sir John Keyne, chaplain in Glasgow, to the principal tenement of Alan Keyne brother german of the said sir John Keyne, lying in the burgh of Selkirk on the north of the town between the tenement of Adam Vilkesone on the west and the tenement of Elesabeth Strang widow on the east and the king’s street on the south and the croft of the heirs of the deceased John Smyth on the north and there on ground of the same Alan Keine brother of the said sir John Keyne presented a precept of sasine sealed and written on paper and put it in hands of Robert Portuis bailie requiring him to execute the said precept and he received it and handed it to the notary to make it public in the following tenor: John Keyne chaplain to James Brydine, Robert Portuis and James Keyne bailies in that part, greeting. Because I have given and delivered to Alan Keyn burgess of the burgh of Selkyrk all those lands with pertinents belonging to the said Alan lying in the said burgh I order and command you to give sasine of the said lands to Alan in tenor of delivery without delay and without omissions. In testimony of which I append my own seal at Glasgow (p/t) 1529 before (p/t) James Farbarin and others.
92. Simon Fairle 26 Oct 1529 Robert Chepman bailie came at request of Alan Keyne burgess of Selkirk to his two crofts viz. a lower and an upper of which the lower is between the lands of the lord vicar viz “the gled” [the glebe?] on the west and the lands of James Murray on the east and on the north the common loaning and the croft of the heirs of Robert Scot on the south and there on ground of the same the said Alan freely resigned the two crofts in hands of Robert Chepman bailie who… gave sasine of the said crofts to Simon Fairle burgess personally present and accepting by showing a penny and also delivered 40 shillings uplifted yearly at two terms, Whitsunday and Martinmas, always and however the said Alan, his heirs and assignee pay Simon Fairle his heirs and assignees £32 scots. Simon Fairle sought instrument done on the ground of the said crofts around 8 am before William Portis, John Bradfut, John Stenson.
93. Master Robert Hoppringill, James Hoppringill 15 Nov 1529
master Robert Hoppringill and John Hoppringill in Tennes inter¬locutors, procurators and factors for David Hoppringill [in Galo]schellis came to a general council of all the whole of the convent and abbey of Melross where (illegible) Robert Hoppringill and John Hoppringill publicly showed to the said master that the said field [“glebella”] called (blank) which lies near (illegible possibly Moshouse) and all the lands of the moss of Langshaw specified in our tack contained in the book of rental of the said monastery where it says with its pertinents by reason of which the said field is in our pertinents of Langshaw as we have faithfully proven through indwellers and neighbours on ground of the same. Master Robert and James sought instrument before wit¬nesses denes Alexander Bellendene, John Maxwell, Patrick Vycht¬man.
94. Dene Same day, place and hour. The dene, interlocutor for the whole convent of the monastery of Melross, publicly and in a loud voice showed in presence of witnesses underwritten that David Hoppringill in Galscheillis, his men, accomplices and tenants has witheld or sought to withold our piece or field of the said land (blank) which is part of the pertinents of our place of Moshouss held by force and strength, oppressed by strong men and his [young men?] put to flight and with no little hurt and [destruction?] to us and ours, our profit despoiled by reason of which the said assedation of Langshaw given to David and his heirs is made null and void.
95. John Hoppringill 6 Dec 1529 John Ruderfurd, Lord of Hont¬hill and Christian Hoppringill laymen, desirous of a marriage contract between themselves first read the banns three times in their parish churches viz Lyndene and Jedburgh ….. before Master Adam Mostrope curate in Jed and sir George Ellot curate in Lyndene and then on the same day Adam Rudirfurd, burgess of the burgh of Jedburgh declared in the chapel of Galloschellis to all having an interest that the said John Ruderfurd and Christian Hoppringill were barred from marriage by reason of being within the prohibited bands of the third and fourth grades of consan¬guinity so that they might not be joined in marriage and John Hoppringill showed a dispensation from the apostolic see [ie Rome] procured by the venerable man sir John Dingwell, chancellor of Aberdeen and [ provost] of [the college] of the Holy Trinity near the burgh of Edinburgh in the diocese of St Andrew, signed and sealed with an oblong seal of red wax stamped on white in a certain iron box with cord of grey colour hanging [ therefrom] whole and not erased but sound and not spoiled, not in any way cancelled or suspect but lacking all blemish and suspicion and blemish along with the following instrument and under the sub¬scription of master William Meldrom notary public containing the said bull and the said dispensation whose opening is phrased ‘ Laurence by the mercy of God, bishop of Praeneste etc…’ and this was put in the hands of the curate of Lyndene sir George and the dispensation was made public and truly understood the said curate solemnized the marriage of the said John and Christian in face of the said chapel before witneses underwritten. John Hoppringill in the name of the said John and Christian his sister sought instrument done around ten am in the oratory [“oritorum”] or chapel of Galloshellis before witnesses master John Doby official of Teviotdale, Robert Hoppringill, sir John Ruderfurd, George Davidsone and David Gray priests, [Robert?] Hoppringill, George Hoppringill, Duthac Ruderfurd, John Ruder¬furd, Robert Ruderfurd, Patrick Ruderfurd.
96. Alexander Scot 22 March 1528(sic) Thomas Crukshank and his mother [Violet?] Leychman bind themselves faithfully to give sasine of all a tenement to the said Alexander (illegible)] with an annualrent of 6 shillings in hands of John Mithag and of certain rigs of field land in the lordship of Selkirk and on the same day he acknowledged he was given a chest viz. ” ane kyst, foir treis of ane wovin [ie weaving] loum and the maill that Thome Scot tuk vrangusly that yeir by past”. Before witnesses John Jonsone, William Diksone, Thomas Ker.
97. (This entry is scored out as far as *)
Thomas Morolawe 23 Dec [1530] ( 7th year of Pope Clement). James Scot one of the bailies of the burgh of Selkirk, at the request of Thomas Prechour and Janet Lermont his spouse came to a rig or piece of land lying near the town on the west side between the loch and the boundary of the town and a piece of land of Walter Curror on the (illegible) part and another piece of Andrew Schortreid’s on (blank)* and there on ground of the same the said Thomas and Janet resigned the said piece of land in hands of the bailie who…gave sasine of the same to Thomas Morolawe. Before witnesses Walter Curror,John Scot, William Lermont.
98. Crukschankis 10 Jan 1529/30 Robert Chepman bailie came at the request of Christian Crukschankis relict of the deceased Alexander Crukschankis came to the store room and back chamber over the tenement of the said Christian, lying in the burgh of Selkirk between the tenement of the deceased David Brown on the east, the tenement of Walter Ker on the west and the yard of George Jamesone on the south and the king’s street on the north and there on grounds of the said chamber the said Christian resigned the same in hands of the bailie who gave sasine of all the back part of the tenement, the boundaries of which are upper and lower to the “propell vallis” [i.e. boundary walls], to Thomas Crukschankis, first-born son to Christian, burgess of Selkirk. Thomas sought witness instrument before witnesses Lance Ker, Alan Keyne serjeant, Henry Young, John Vylsone .
99. Same day, same place. Robert Chepman bailie came at request of Christian Crukschankis and Thomas Crukschankis, heir of the deceased Alexander Crukschankes to a storehouse and back chamber with inner wall of the same tenement of the said Christian and Thomas lying in the burgh of Selkirk [same boundaries as 98] and there on ground of the said storehouse Christian and Thomas resigned the storehouse and back chamber measuring in length four and a half ells and the same in breadth in hands of the bailie who gave sasine to Lance Ker personally present and accepting. Lance Ker sought instrument before Alan Keyne, Henry Yoing, John Vic, David Jonsone.
100. George Ker of Lyntoun 3 Feb 1529/30 Archibald Ellot, Gavin Ellot brothers german, Simon Armistrang Lord of Quhithauch, Ninian Armistrang from their certain knowledge and in the name of Robert Ellot alias Flaskvod for repledging and bringing of the said Robert sound and whole on the 7th March 1529 within the iron and wooden gates of the manor of Fairnele in the safe keeping with lawful delivery to George Ker of Lynton, his heirs and assignees and remaining there until he was lawfully delivered to the said George his heirs and assignes all fraud or guile exclud¬ed which if these by chance are failing, we moreover Archebald Ellot, Gavin Ellot, Simon Armistrang, Ninian Armistrang abovesaid bind ourselves to the said George Ker, his heirs and assignees, jointly and severally to be content to pay the sum of 300 of the english “le angell nobillis” of gold within 40 days after and immediately following for the attacks, armed raids, losses and diverse troublesome actions of plunderers and evil deeds by the said Robert Ellot and his accomplices openly and in secret perpe¬trated against the said George Ker…in corroboration of which faithfull promise the said Archebald Ellot, Gavin Ellot, Simon Armistrang and Ninian Armistrang hold up their hands in a sign of a faithfull promise. George [Ker] sought instrument before witnesses Martin Ker in Lytilden, George Ker in Fausyd, Andrew Ker in Grenheid, Philip Scot in Edschaw, Walter Scot in Synton, John Riddail.
101. Hoppringill 3 Feb 1529/30. James Hoppringill in Tennes and Sibella Carmichell his spouse presented a precept of sasine written on parchment with parchment tag sealed with stamped white wax of our noble lord king James without erasures or cancella¬tions, not spoiled or suspect to Gilbert Chesholme and he re¬ceived it and handed it to the notary to be read out in the following way : James by the grace of God king of Scots to the sheriffs and bailies of Selkirk also George Chesholme, Thomas Patersone our sheriffs in that part greetings. With the advice and kind consent of the lady queen lady of life rents of the lands and lordship of Etrik forest and of our comptrollers of the rolls, we have given and granted to feu ferme demitted heritably to James Hoppringill and Sibella Carmichell,lady of Caldervod his spouse and to whichever lives longer in conjunct fee and to their heirs, all our lands of Tennis with tower, manor, woods thereto and pertinents lying in our lordship of Ettrik forest and sher¬iffdom of Selkirk extending yearly in our old rental to the sum of £9 as contained full in our charter made thereon. We command you and order you to give sasine of the said lands to James and Sibella or their rightful attornies without delay following the tenor of our said charter. Dated under testimony of the Great Seal at Edinburgh 19 Oct in the 17th year of our reign.
After the precept was read out the said Gilbert gave sasine of the lands of Tennis with tower, manor and woods thereto to the said John and Sibella and their heirs and to whichever lives longer in conjunct fee by handing over stones and wood as is the custom according to the tenor of their charter. James and Sibella sought instrument or instruments done around 1 pm before witness¬es sir George Andersone chaplain, David Maxwell, William Thomsone
John 102 Brydin 22 March 1529/30. Robert Chepman bailie of the burgh of Selkirk at the request of Andrew Dounaldsone burgess came to two rigs lying between the lands of Patrick Murray and there on ground of the same the said Andrew resigned the 2 rigs in hands of the bailie who gave sasine to John Brydin burgess of Selkirk, and to his heirs. John sought instrument before William Ker lord of Schaw, John Lumisdene, George Bayne.
103. Philip Scot on the part of Thomas Forest 13 April [1530] Robert Trumbull superior lord of Phillophauch, declared he is content to set in tack that half of the lands called Ladylands specified in his charter to Thomas Forest and his heirs and assignees for the sum of £5 scots paid to the said Robert by Thomas and that the said Thomas his heirs and assignees shall possess and enjoy the said lands one year after relaxation and payment of the said sum. Also the said Robert elects the said Thomas and his heirs faithful tenants to him and his heirs. Also that the said Thomas and his heirs are satisfied thankfully as much as any others would wish to do. Philip Scot in the name of Thomas Forest sought instrument before Walter Scot in Synton, master Michael Scot in Aikvod, sir John Michilhill, James Scot, Alexander Bradstanes, Walter Scot in Haining and others.
104. William Scot in Harden 10 April 1530. On which day the underwritten worthy men swore in the presence of notary and William Brydin vicar of Selkirk and in the presence of Margaret Lauder spouse of the deceased Stephen Lauder by touching the Evangel [saying] in common parlance “Item first, Woll Scot of Harden sweir that he was awud na mair bot ane merc to the gud man Stevin of Lauder fulfilland all condicionis by past and rycthsua Andro Schortreid, Vol Scot in Toddryg, John Hovatsone, Thomas Michell, Thomas of Chesholme, John of Chesholme sweir all [quhost but?] upone the holy evangell of God the said William Scot in Toddryk was awud na mair but ane merc to Stevin Lauder his ayris and assignas.” William Scot sought instrument before witnesses above written.
105. 5 Aug 1530. Mark Ker, Walter Scot in Hanyng, James Ker in Grenheid, Thomas Ker in Selkirk, Robert Ker, John Scot in Aikwod, Thomas Scot younger there, Roger Murray, William Lauder in the presence of notary and witnesses publicly declared in common parlance that “We the efforsaid Mark Ker etc tuk horss, meill and men and uther diverss geiris fra travelouris quhilke var don us to understand that thai ar of Annandaill and supportit tratouris and theiffis rebaldis of the kingis graice and now by thairis greit aychtis and utheris fathful informationes, we understand that thai ar trew travelouris in Moffat toune, we haf geffin all thairis geiris that we intrometit unto thaim agane. In vytness heirof be for our bailye Simon Fairle, Robert Trumbull, William Brydin, William Chepman, sir John Brydin and others.”
106. James Ker 7 Aug 1530. Margaret Hountar relict of the deceased Robert Ker in Sonderlandhall ordains and appoints by the tenor of this instrument James Ker her second son her true and lawfull assignee for favours and good deeds done and to be done in and to all her lands of Brigheucht and Lynden, the grain, oxen, cows, plough, teinds, fines, fermes and profits pertaining to the same and all moveable and immovable goods belonging to the said place or held to belong as specified in other evidents and the said Margaret renounces all right and claim, possession, ownership, assedation from herself and her heirs and all right to title in future to the said place with pertinents in favour of the said James forever. James sought instrument before witnesses William Carncross, master Michael Scot, sir William Bryden, Robert (illegible).
107. Chepman 16 Aug 1530 Simon Fairle one of the bailies of the burgh of Selkirk at request of sir John Chepman chaplain in Fairnele came to his tenement lying in the burgh of Selkirk between the tenements of master John Chepman on the north and west, the tenement of sir John Brydin, chaplain in Glasgow on the south and the king’s street leading to the loch in the east and there on ground of the same sir John resigned the tenement in hands of the bailie who gave sasine to the young man James Chep¬man brother german of sir John for brotherly favours and kind¬ness. James sought instrument done on the ground of the same around the hours of 3 and 4 pm before witnesses sirs William Chepman, Thomas Skune, Laurence Jonson priests, James Murray, William Chepman, William Trumbull.
108. Robert Chepman one of the bailies 29 Sept 1530.
[No details given.]
109. Chepman 3 Oct 1530 sir William Brydin vicar pensioner of the parish church of the burgh of Selkirk, came to a tenement of land of master John Chepman burgess of Edinburgh lying within the said burgh on the west of the mercat cross, between the tene¬ment of land of the deceased Stephen Lauder on the south and the tenement of land of the deceased Robert Brydin on the north and there sir William resigned forever an annualrent of 4 shillings scots sold and alienated to him by Christian Inglis with consent and assent of her spouse Thomas Geddess which annualrent was uplifted at two terms in the year viz Whitsunday and Martinmas in equal parts, on the tenement belonging to the said master John in hands of the bailie by handing over one penny and the bailie gave sasine of the annualrent of 4s to master John Chepman in tenor of the charter to him from sir William Brydin. Master John sought instrument before witnesses sirs John Keyne, John Chepman chap¬lain, James Keyne, William Chepman, John Craw, William Trumbull burgess, Thomas Mab[one ], “Murray in the sheriff court of Sel¬kirk”.
110. Lauder 29 Oct 1530 Patrick Murray of Faulawhill and lord of the husbandlands of Selkirk, of his own free will came to a tenement of land of the deceased John Keyne burgess of the burgh of Selkirk, lying in the east of the burgh between the lands of Robert Chepman on the east, the lands of the deceased Cuthbert Trumbull on the south, a tenement of land of Alexander Haw on the west and the king’s street on the north, and there on ground of the same Patrick Murray of his own free will gave sasine to William Lauder burgess of the burgh of Edinburgh and his heirs and assignees according to the tenor of his charter from Patrick Murray made thereon. William sought instrument done on the ground of the same around 3 pm before witnesses sir John Michilhill chaplain, Thomas Jonsone, Thomas Murray, James Scot bailie, John Brydin.
111. Dounaldsone 5 Nov 1530. James Scot bailie came at request and special command of an inquest to the tenement of the deceased Ninian Dounaldsone elder lying in Selkirk between a tenement of land of John Lumisdene on the east, a tenement of land of William Ker on the west, a tenement of land of Thomas Mynto on the north and the king’s street leading to the well on the south and there on ground of the said tenement the bailie gave sasine to John Dounaldson lawful heir of Ninian Dounaldsone of all the said tenement with pertinents, paying yearly to Adam Ker of Schaw the customary annualrent. John sought instrument before witnesses William Portuus serjeant, John Lumisdene, John Cruk, John Achesone, Andrew Dounaldsone and Ker of Schaw.
The same day, place etc, William Ker of Schaw broke the said sasine before the above witnesses.
112. Howatsone 17 Nov 1530 John Mithag bailie of Selkirk at the instance of John Achesone burgess of Selkirk came to a tene¬ment of land of the said John Achesone lying within the burgh in a vennel called “Voll Gait” between a tenement of land of John Lumisden on the east, a tenement of land of William Ker in Schaw on the west, the lands of Patrick Murray on the south and the king’s street leading to the well on the north and there on ground of the same the said John Achesone of his own free will resigned an annualrent of 10 shillings in hands of the bailie who gave sasine of the annualrent to John Howatsone, his heirs and assignees, always and provided that John Achesone and his heirs pay the sum of £8 scots to John Howatsone and his heirs and assignees. John Howatsone sought instrument before witnesses James Viss, Robert Hog, David Jonsone.
113. Walter Scot, knight 26 Jan 1530/31 Andrew abbot of the monastery of Melross of the Cistercian Order in his head court held at the said monastery on the said day, gave and granted apostolic letters of the heritable office of bailie of the said monastery to the honourable man, Walter Scot of Branxhame, knight to administer the same according to the tenor of letters of obligation made by the said Sir Walter to the abbot and convent. Walter sought instrument done in the face of the said court between 11 and 12 am before witnesses Mark Ker of Dolphynstoun, John Houme of Coldenknovis, Andrew Ker of Prumsyd, George Hop¬pringill of the Chapel of St John, George Ker of Lyntoun with many others Patric Craufurd, sir William Brydin, sir John Scot, Ninian Brydin notary public.
114. Venerable Father Andrew Dury Abbot of Melross Same day the venerable father Andrew in the same court after he had given the said apostolic letters of the heritable office of bailie of the said monastery to Walter Scot of Branxham, knight, said that the said office of bailie was not to be given to the said Walter unless under the condition that he observe and firmly guard all the bounds and keep all promises of his letters of obligation under sign manual subscription and seal of the abbot and his monks and the said Walter Scot faithfully binds himself to the abbot, his convent and the abbot handed over the same letters of obligation in face of the court. Abbot Andrew sought instrument before witnesses underwritten. [As 113]
115. Davidsone 9 Feb 1530/31 Agnes Davidsone relict of the deceased Adam Grymislaw and Elizabeth his heir declare that they have of their own free will received the sum of £40 scots in pennies and pennyworths from their cousin Ralf Davidsone in Chames and that for the certain sum of money, Agnes Davidsone and Elizabeth Grymislaw heirs of Adam Grymislaw have tacked and wadset their third portion of Chames with pertinents within the bounds of all the tack of Chames in the lordship of Myntou in the sheriffdom of Roxburgh always and however the women their heirs and assignees pay £40 to Ralph Ker on one day between sun rise and set at the altar of St Mary the Virgin at the parish church of Mynto and also we wish that the said Ralf member of our house¬hold shall peacefully enjoy our said third part of Chames for nineteen years after the relaxation and paying yearly the said sum of two and a half merks from the said Ralf, his heirs and assignees to the women as is contained in letter of assedation sealed with the appointed seal of the venerable man sir William Brydin vicar of Selkirk. Concerning which we Agnes Davidsone and Elizabeth Grymslaw jointly and singly in the strict form of an obligation faithfully and by touching the Holy Evangel bind our¬selves to the said Ralf purely and simply to observe all articles and points contained in the said letter of assedation and wadset made to the said Ralf, his heirs and assignees all cavil fraud and guile excluded which by chance failing that the said Ralf his heirs and assignees be howsoever disturbed, vexed and disquieted in his peaceful possession of the third part of Chames, we are bound as above in all our goods moveable and immoveable and places [ that we] have and will have and of our livings under penalty of the sum of double £40. Ralf sought instrument before witnesses Mark Ker burgess in Selkirk, William burgess in Edin¬burgh, John Hawe, Stephen Hendisone, David Jonsone.
116. Andrew Ker 30 Jan 1530/31 Helen Fallaw, one of the ladies of the lordship of Softlaw… of her own free will…as is fitting has wadset and alienated all right and claim, ownership and possession which she has or will have in and to her half of all the lordship of Softlaw with pertinents lying in the sher¬iffdom of Roxburgh to Andrew Ker of Prumsyd loucht his heirs and assignees for the sum of £160 scots thankfully paid to the said Helen also I will for more security seal a precept of sasine and in tenor of the same [give] sasine to the said Andrew Ker his heirs and assignees of all my half viz (illegible) of the lord¬ship of Softlaw. On the same day Andrew Ker of Prumsyd binds himself faithfully by touching the holy Evangell to seal with his own [seal] a reversion of Helen Fallaw in which reversion was plainly laid out that the said Helen and her heirs shall peace¬fully enjoy two husbandlands of the lordship of Softlaw which if failing the said husbandlands with pertinents shall revert to the said Andrew and his heirs and furthermore the said Helen and her heirs on one day between sun rise and set to [pay] at the altar of St Katrin in the monastery of Calco [Kelso] the sum of £160. Andrew and Helen sought instrument before witnesses Gavin Ellot, sir John Rankyne, James Ker, Andrew Louch, Henry Yong, John Richirtstone.
117. Murray 14 Feb 1530/31 James Scot bailie of the burgh of Selkirk came at the request of Roger Murray burgess of the burgh of Selkirk, to the lower part of his tenement lying in the east of the burgh commonly called Kyrk Wynd between the tenement of John Chepman on the north, the rest of the upper part of the said tenement on the south, the king’s street on the west and the yard of George Jamisone on the east containing in length [blank] with barn behind and with part of a yard containing the width of the said barn… and there on ground of the tenement Roger Murray freely resigned the tenement in hands of the bailie who gave sasine to James Murray second son of Roger Murray for the kind affection which the said Roger bears him. Before witnesses John Mithag bailie for the time, Alexander Collen, William Keyne, Thomas Curror, sir John Brydin, Stephen Loremur.
118. Fairle 21 Feb 1530/31 James Scot bailie, came at the request of Alan Keyne burgess of the burgh of Selkirk to all the upper part of the lower croft lying in the lordship of Selkirk between the lands of the deceased Earl of Angus now in hands of Patrick Murray, the croft of Mark Ker on the east, the croft of Alexander Scot on the west, the common loaning near Hadirle on the north and the croft of the heirs of the deceased Robert Scot on the south and there on ground of the same the said Alan freely resigned half of his lower croft in hands of the bailie who gave sasine to Simon Fairle burgess before witnesses William Watsone, Patrick Ker, David Jonsone.
119. Lady McDuell 17 March 1530/31
[Note : This is the first of a series of documents recording a dispute between Christian McDuell and Janet Hountar over the title of prioress of the convent of Eccles,Berwickshire.]
On the which day the venerable prioress [“priorissa”] of Ekylls came to the chapter with all her nuns in presence of witnesses underwritten and publicly declared that she was lawfully admitted and placed in the said monastery of Ekylls by power of our king James with his great seal and with the seal of our most revered archbishop James of the diocese of St Andrews and she had gov¬erned the said monastery by right in the form and custom of other prioresses for four years past, then through John Houme our bailie, it was revealed to me that the noted woman Janet Hountar sister of the same order, acquired letters of apostolic and royal bulls and also episcopal letters presenting injurious statements and without reasonable cause [to] deprive [me] of it. The which performed, the said prioress in the said chapter declared in a loud voice and it was noted by all having an interest that I irrevocably appeal against all the sentences put forth and to be put forth by the said noted sister Janet Hountar. The said prio¬ress sought instrument done around 8 am in the general chapter before all the nuns and these circumspect men sirs David Broun¬falld, Mark Dalgless priests, Robert Dikeson, Alexander McDuell, Robert McDuell.
120. Dikesone Same day and place [the honest man Robert Dikesone- scored out] personally compeared Dame Christian McDow¬ell prioress of the monastery of Eklis and convent thereto chapterly congregated with unanimous consent and with mature deliberation declared that Robert Dikesone in Assendayne Mains their servant would make an account to the satisfaction of all…of all the victuals, chattels and live animals.. and all goods, gear and sums of money administered by him.. pertaining to the said monastery in any way ( p/t) in whatever way he could find out or demand … up to the date of this present instrument. Robert sought instrument done at the said monastery of Ekliss in the chapter of the same at the hour of 10 am before the witnesses in previous instrument.
121. Chepman 15 March 1530/31 the young man Adam Ker of Schaw with the consent of his father William Ker, came to the two rigs of husbandland called Caponland lying in the lordship of Selkirk between the lands of Patrick Murray of Fallawhill over “le Knowe” on the east of the town between the rigs of John Scot serjeant on the south, another rig of the said husbandland now in hands of John Haw on the west, and third rig on the east side in hands of Thomas Jonsone and the Etrec haugh on the north and the other rig or piece of husbandland near “Bawethorn” between the lands of Robert Portus on the south, another rig of land in the hands of George Chepman in the north, a croft of George Lydder-daill on the west and “Gossoladaillis” on the east, and there on the rig of land lying over “le Knowe” he gave sasine of both rigs with pertinents to George Chepman his heirs and assignees, the said Adam paying the said George £5 on one day between sun rise and set at the altar of St Ninian in the parish kirk of Selkirk moreover that after relaxation of the said rigs and payment of the said sum the said George shall enjoy peaceably both rigs for all year. George sought instrument before witnesses John Haw, John Trumbull of Philophauch, John Brydin, John Haills, John Mithag.
[Loose sheet which is encapsulated separately.]
“Debts which are owed to him:
Item Johnnnis Haitly of Mellestanes owes to him vxx of pounds [?£25]
Item of this resat ae horss the pur[chis?] x pounds
Item viii bolls of aittes [oats]
Item 1 resat fra h[im] x crownes of sonne
Item Sanders Howme of Huton, air to John Howme, is awud to me xxxii crownes of the quhilke I haif his hand writt hereof for sic payment.
Item the said Sanders is awund to me for our part of d[?] ane howndrethe merkes.
Item Robert Roull and his vyf and bairnes executors is awud to me xx pounds for the p[urchase?] of twa horsses.
[This sheet is in the hand of Ninian Brydin although it is not clear if these are debts owed to him. No date.]
123. Ker 17 March 1530/31 Andrew Ker of Prumsydloucht pre¬sented a precept of sasine written on parchment with parchment tag with a seal impressed in red and white wax of Helen Fallaw, one of the ladies of Softlaw for half of the lordship of Softlaw with no erasures or cancellations and not suspect in any way to Nicholas Ainslie who received it and handed it to me notary public for reading and copying and rendering in public form as follows : Helen Fallaw one of the ladies of the lands of Softlaw to Nicholas Ainslie, John Murray in [Kershoup], Andrew Ker in Aldroxburgh my bailies in that part specially constitute, greet-ings. Because I have given, granted and sold to Andrew Ker of Prumsydloucht all my nine husbandlands viz (illegible) half the lordship of Softlaw with pertinents lying in the sheriffdom of Roxburgh as contained fully in my charter made thereon, therefore I order and command you without delay to give sasine of the said nine husbandlands viz one half of the lordship of Softlaw to the said Andrew Ker or his rightful attorney in tenor of the said charter. Which precept being read out Nicholas Ainslie gave sasine of the said husbandlands to Andrew Ker personally present and accepting by handing over earth and stones. Andrew Ker sought instrument done around 10 am on the appointed year, day and place before witnesses Gavin Ellot, James Ker of Auldroxburgh, John Franch, Andrew Louch, William Trumbull, Patrick Gressone, Patrick Banantyne and others.
124. Jamsone 24 March 1530/31 Thomas Ker in Yair came to his place commonly known as Battis with pertinents in the lordship of Haderle within the sheriffdom of Selkirk between the lands of the venerable father Thomas Ker abbot of Kelso and convent of the same and the common loaning of Lyndene on the east, the “Millar’s Aikers” of the said abbey on the north and the “king’s fields” of the lands of Patrick Murray and the “Croft Buttis” on the west and south and there on ground of “Battis”, Thomas Ker resigned and gave sasine of all the place of the “Battis” with pertinents to George Jamsone. George sought instrument before witnesses William Ker of Schaw, Simon Jamsone, William Wod, James Thirbrand and others and it was plainly shown by the said Thomas that said George shall peaceably enjoy the same place for 3 years after relaxation paying £40 old ferme and 40s annualrent.
125. Morlawe 30 March 1531 James Scot bailie came at request of John Mithag and Christian Fairle his spouse to their tenement lying in Pelgait between the tenement of James Mithag on the west, the tenement of Alexander Scot on the east, the bog on the south and the king’s street leading to the loch or Pelhyll on the north and there on ground of the same with the consent of her spouse, Christian resigned all the said land in hands of the bailie who gave sasine of the said tenement to Thomas Morlaw. Thomas sought instrument before witnesses Walter Curror, Alan Mithag, James Layng, George Smyth, David Jonsone and others.
126. Christian Fairle Same place day and hour James Scot at request of Christian Fairle came to her tenement lying in the Pelgait within the bounds of Selkirk with the tenement of John Portus on the east, the tenement of the said John on the west, the croft of land presently in the hands of Janet Scot of the lands of Partick Murray on the north and the king’s street which leads to the loch of the “louch” on the south and there on ground of the same John Mithag resigned the said tenement in hands of the bailie who… gave sasine in liferent and conjunct fee to Christian Fairle his spouse and others for familial kindness. Christian sought instrument before abovewritten witnesses and Simon Fairle, James Neuton.
127. Lumisdene 19 April 1531 William Ker in Shaw and Adam Ker his apparent heir faithfully bind themselves and their heirs to invest and give heritable sasine to John Lumisdene and his heirs and assignees of a tenement lying with pertinents in the burgh of Selkirk between the tenement of John Dounaldsone on the west, the king’s street on the east and south and the tenement of Thomas Mynto on the north, failing which we bind ourselves irrevocably to pay all the expenses made and for building over and constructing of the said tenement under penalty of double the sum. John Lumisdene sought instrument before James Brydin, George Chepman, Andrew Dounaldsone, John Cruik, John Achesone, John Paitroo.
128. Caverhyll 29 April 1531 sir Stephen Wilkeson chaplain resigns all the underwritten things in favour of Elizabeth Wilke¬sone and Margaret Caverhyll in safe keeping for the use and motherly care of the said my daughter and for all the graces, deeds and favours done for me thankfully by the said Margaret, as is writtten in the vernacular.
“Item first ane meit almery worth 28 shillings, item ane meit burde with crestis and formes worth 10 shillings, item ane cruk, item ane pot of five pynttes, item ane panne of three chopynnes, item ane maskynne fat, item ane troncher to vort, item gilfat, item three uther stands pertyening thereto, item eleiven pychers,
item ane stande bed furnest with ane covering, beds blankat, schet, bouster and code, item twa bolls of malt and ane half in soume keipinge of James Chepmen, item George Hountar’s fyv bolls of beir and ane furlat with cherite and uther gudes the said Sir Stephen geffes frely in ferme keiping to Margaret Caverhyll to veill behouff and proffet of his douchter Elesabeycht Vilkesone” before witnesses John Mithag bailie, Alan Mithag, Alexander Gledstanes and others.
129. Robert McDuell, procurator in the name and authority of Dame Christian McDuell 1 May 1531 I notary public underwritten came to the monastery of nuns of Eklis of the diocese of St Andrews and there in the church of the same at the time of high mass intimated and notified of the withinwritten appeal to Dame Janet Hountar personally apprehended before nuns [and] a great gathering of parishioners and witnesses underwritten and petition given to me seeking in the final clause that Dame Janet should publicly compear according to the tenor of the summons in our previous appeal to be summoned in person or her procurator on the day and place withinwritten which said notice and copy I fix on the door of the said monastery and afterwards delivered to the said Dame Janet Huntar. Robert McDuell sought instrument or in¬struments done in the choir of the monastery of Eklis around 11 am before the priests sirs Alexander Furd, David Brounfeld, James Neuton chaplain, William Jakson, Thomas Moffat, Robert Davscheill, Patrick Thomsone.
130. Mayne 2 May 1531 James Scot one of the bailies of Selkirk came to the tenement of the deceased William Mayne bur¬gess of Selkirk, lying within the burgh between the tenement of John Curll on the east, the croft of master John Chepman on the south, the tenement of the heirs of the deceased William Ker on the west and the king’s street leading to Pelhyll on the north [The text here is all scored out. It says to summarise that Margaret Mayne had resigned the tenement] and there on ground of the same the said bailie gave sasine of all the tenement paying yearly annualrent and burgh ferme to Margaret Mayne daughter and heir of the deceased William Mayne notary. Margaret sought in¬strument before witnesses William Ker in Schaw, John Curll, William Notman, Thomas Ker, David Jonsone, Alexander Ailmuir and others.
Same day and place James Scot at the instance of Margaret Mayne came to the said tenement with pertinents specified before and resigned it in hands of the bailie who gave sasine to James Crawfurd his heirs and assignees the said James paying yearly an annualrent and customary burgh ferme. James sought instrument before witnesses above written.
131. Bradfut 16 May 1531 James Bradfut burgess of Selkirk declared that his fellow burgess John Smaill burgess of Selkirk falsified the defence in plain court before alderman and bailies and underwritten witnesses saying in the vernacular “It is ane falss tail ye tell and nocht trew and ye leid”. About which words the said James sought this instrument before witnesses underwrit¬ten. The same day in plain court, in defence John Smail denied that he had spoken wrongfully any wrongful or odious words and if had so spoken, he was ignorant of it and protests it should not turn to my prejudice afterwards. [John] sought instrument before witnesses alderman Andrew Ker and James Scot, John Mithag bailies and all the inquest.
132. Dame Janet Hountar 1 May 1531 dame Janet Hountar prio¬ress of Ekkylis in the diocese of St Andrews compeared and re¬quested me notary public by command of or procurator of Dame Christian McDuell or whomsoever else in her name to take note and present a certain appeal made by the same. Dame [Janet] sought instrument before witnesses, the priests sirs Alexander Furd, David Brounfeild, James Neuton chaplain, Robert Danscheill, Patrick Thomsone.
133. Maister Michaell Scot 5 May 1531 [Title and date only.]
134. Ker 7 May 1531 John Achesone by his own confession, binds himself before witnesses underwritten as is set out in the vernacular ” I Jhone Achesone tuk 10 merkes of usuell mony of Schotland that day of this presentis and sone efter be tenor of this vrit I obliss me my ayris to pay the said 10 markes 6 dayes or martinmas next efter to William Ker and his ayris in Schaw and failyeing hereof I prey remitte and geffes oure all clag, clame preporte possession that I haif or may haif fra me my ayris to the said William Ker his ayris all and haill my croft callit Blakes Croft with the pertinenchis so for ever my ayres happen to me. I ordandis sir Ninian Brydin teste if William Ker or his heirs my chartoirs quhilk are in his keping” before John Bryden, John Lumisden, John Trumbull.
135. Trumbull 2 June 1531 Mark Ker burgess of Selkirk not coaxed or compelled but of his own free will after the last day given in a letter of assedation from Robert Trumbull tutor of Philophauch acknowledged he gave up all right and claim of pos¬session which he has in and to the lands of Philophauch without due permission or consent of the heirs. Robert sought instrument before John Chepman, John Ker, James Bradfut, Mark Trumbull and others.
136. Ker 2 June 1531 Mark Ker burgess of the burgh of Sel¬kirk, presented a precept of sasine written on parchment with parchment tag sealed in red and white impressed in wax with his own seal of Patrick Murray of Fallawhill lord of the husbandlands of Selkirk to John Chepman who gave it to me notary public to read out in the following tenor: Patrick Murray lord of Fallau¬hill and of the husbandlands of Selkirk to James Scot, James Bradfut, John Chepman, Roger Murray my bailies in that part, greeting. Because I have given, granted and sold to Mark Ker burgess of Selkirk all my husbandlands with pertinents in hands of the said Mark now being in the bounds of Selkirk as contained fully in my charter made thereon. We now order and command you without delay to give sasine of the said husbandlands to the said Mark according to his charter he has of me…and in testimony of which I set my seal at Selkirk 26 May 1531 before …sir John Michilhill, William Brydin vicar, John Bryden chaplain, Adam Scot of Fausyd, Patrick Murray of Gle[?], David Stensone.
Which precept being read out, John Chepman bailie in that part…gave sasine of the said husbandlands with pertinents lying within the bounds of the burgh of Selkirk in ryndial and the principal tenement with croft of the husbandlands lying on the north of the king’s street leading down to “le loninge gait” called Haderle between the tenement and lands of Jonet Couper relict of the deceased Andra Strang and Alane Keyne on the west, the lands occupied by Adam Vilkensone on the east, the said king’s street on the south and “le common” called Hadirle on the north to Mark Ker burgess. Mark sought instrument done around 10 am before witnesses James Bradfut, Alan Keyne, David Mynto, John Thomsone, sirs John Brydin, John Rankyn priests and others.
137. Scot of Haning 10 June 1531 John Scot of Myrris solemn¬ly ordains by the tenor of this present instrument constitutes, creates, nominates and solemnly appoints Walter Scot tutor of Haning his dear cousin for favours deeds and acts his true lawful and undoubted assignee in and to all his lands of Myris in the barony of Lelescleiff within the sheriffdom of Roxburgh which the said John holds from our reverend archbishop Gavin in his rental. Also if it befalls to sell alienate or tack to any other then the said sale alienation and tack to be broken and null and without any strength before whatever justices and I confirm before wit¬nesses underwritten that my cousin Walter will give to me as much money as any other would want. Walter Scot sought instrument before witnesses James Scot bailie of Selkirk, Robert Trumbull of Houdene, David Jonstoune, William Scot younger, David Elphinstone and others.
138. William Scot of Ormiston 3 Aug 1531 Philip Scot of Edschaw makes, constitutes, creates, nominates and solemnly or¬dains his beloved second son Robert Scot of Edschaw for his good deeds and acts for all his relations his true lawful and irrevo¬cable assignee to his place commonly called Hartvodburn after his decease, the which place Philip Scot holds in tack of our lady Margaret queen of Scots lying in Ettrik Forest in the sheriffdom of Selkirk between the kirk lands of the most reverend archbishop of the diocese Glasgow viz Synton and Edschaw on the south and west, le Myddilsteid on the west, Haning on the north and Selkirk Common on the east, and the said Philip renounces all rights claims, possessions, ownerships, tacks and whatever title to the same on his decease from his heirs to the said Robert forever.
William Scot uncle of the said Robert Scot sought instrument around 1 pm before Mark Ker, George Gledstanes, George Scot in Blyndhauch, Walter Scot in Askyrk, sir William Brydin vicar in Selkirk, John Anguss.
[Note: Items 139 and 140 have probably been bound out of order.]
139. Scot of Bukcleuch 27 Jan 1531/2 in presence of the venerable Andrew Dwre abbot of the monastery of Melross with consent of the monks in the chapter court held in the said monas¬tery in face of the court and with many of the people assembled, the office of bailie of the said monastery of Melross was given to Walter Scot of Branxham, knight by handing over a rod and in the tenor of apostolic letters, he and his heirs and successors forever was inducted to the office. Walter Scot sought instrument done in the court in the said monastery around 11 am before witnesses Mark Ker of Dolphinstoun, Andrew Ker of Grenheid, John Houme of Cowdenknovis, James Ker of Fairnile, George Ker of Lyn¬ton, sir Patrick Craufurd, John Scot, William Brydin notary and priest, and others.
140. Dame McDuell 16 March 1530 dame Christian McDuell prio¬ress of the priory or monastery of Blessed Mary of Ekkylls of the Cistercian Order in the diocese of St Andrews showed and declared by putting her faith in me notary public underwritten within the last two days elapsed it had come to her ears that a decision was brought in the Roman Curia by the venerable man John, one of the clerks and doctors of holy law of the apostolic see, hearer of causes discerning that dame Janet Hountar nun of the said monas¬tery had full right to the office of abbess or prioress and no right in the same was competent to dame Christian knowing the pretence of which she was injuriously and gravely oppressed and meanwhile and with effect she appealed and made prenotation in the tenor of the document handed to me notary public whose tenor is as follows : that the remedy of appeal or prenotation by both laws might be safely introduced as she was hurt and gravely oppressed…and feared to be gravely…oppressed in time to come..she should be duly supported for her loyalty. That is that I dame Christian Makduell prioress of the monastery of Blessed Mary the virgin of Eklis of the Cistercian Order in the diocese of St Andrews knowing myself to be gravely hurt and oppressed and fearing that I shall be more oppressed in time to come by the venerable man John one of the clerks, doctor of Holy Law and hearer of causes at the apostolic see and his decision…that dame Janet Hountar nun of the said monastery has full right to the office of abbess or prioress and I have no right to the same, on and concerning the said office I was nominated by our most illustrious prince James V king of Scots by virtue of his indul¬gence and privileges up to now observed unmolested and admitted by the convent of the said monastery by ordinance of confirmation thereon [and] at the time of assembly…no sufficient confirma¬tion of the supposed election of dame Janet could be found or of her full right to the said office was known to me or no right to the same can be competent to the said dame Janet and in discern¬ing the foresaid as mentioned before no little hurt and offence against the law and by reason of true reverence in literary style in the foregoing as is fitting. On account of which hurt, there¬fore the said dame Christian has borne or will bear in future brought by you by the spirit and intention of the cause and in negotiation…and all and singular having or to have an interest present at the Roman Curia connected for or against dame Janet Hountar totally devolved from the venerable John one of the clerks [etc.] and all others also by your warnings, sequestra¬tions, citations, suspensions, excommunications, aggravations, reaggravations and any other ecclesiastical censures and by your molestations, perturbations and all impediments which the said dame Christian has borne and will bear in future communicated and fulminated to the said holy father in Christ Pope Clement by divine providence VII and of his holy apostolic see in these words I appeal, prenote and by 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th appeals seek to be given me straightway the [missing?] testimonials if they are here and can be given to me and I summon you and the said dame Janet Huntar and all others mentioned above on her account…on the hundredth day next to come after the notifica¬tion above and withinwritten…and if that day was [not] lawful then the next lawful day for you or your lawful procurators to compear at the Roman Curia with all acts, articles, letters, writings, judgements and minutes…to negotiate the cause…and to proceed in the cause step by step and in succession as far as the decision…to be made and another be enacted, given, alleged and made as of right and for this reason on the hundredth day next after the forementioned which I order assign, prefix with intimation and certification abovesaid, that [whether] you and all others abovewritten compear on the said term or not I or my lawful procurator in that part nevertheless shall proceed in all the said as far as the final victory in the cause and I will procure justice by means of the hearing of letters of contradic-tion by our lord pope and others in the style and custom of the said Roman Curia summoning you further not from pity nor by citation or other calling to obey and return to me my lands, goods, fruits, emoluments and possessions in that part or to return her [stolen?] goods and benefits and whatsoever to safety, defence and all protection of the said our holy lord pope in the said holy apostolic see, protesting solemnly about this as often as there will have been the need to renew dimish augment and correct my appeal so it will be allowed by right with other necessary and [well-worked?] clauses.
141. 141. Broun 10 Oct 1531 James Brydin one of the bailies of Selkirk at request of Janet Broun wife of the deceased David Broun came to his principal tenement lying in the burgh of Sel-kirk between the tenement of James Brydin on the east, a tenement of the virgin on the south, the tenement of Thomas Crukschankes on the west and the king’s street near the mercat on the north* and there on ground of the same the bailie gave sasine of the said tenement fore and back paying customary annualrent and burgh fermes to William Broun son and heir of the said deceased David Broun by showing earth and stones surrendered and purely and simply resigned. William sought instrument before witnesses James Scot, John Craw, James Portus, John Angus, Thomas Crukschanks around the hour of 8.
William Broun resigns it in hands of the bailie who gives Janet Broun his mother sasine of the same for her lifetime.
[* A note in Latin appears here at the top of the page “In te Jhesu spes mea recumbit ” in you Jesus my hope resides]
142. Scot Vaych opposing parties 3 Sept 1531 Walter Scot, Walter Vaich and his heirs and his brother-in-law? Adam Scot on the one part and John Vaych, William Vaych and their brothers german on the other part adversaries, have finally admitted and made compromise to stand by a decreet of the worthy arbitrators Andrew Ker of Prumsydloch and John Riddaill of that ilk on the part of Walter Scot, Walter Vaych heir of the deceased George Vaych and Adam Scot, and George Ker of Lynton and Thomas Ker in Yair on the part of John Vaych and William Vaych as is fully specified in the compromise underwritten to decide about the heritage of North Synton and le kyndness of Corsle in the follow¬ing tenor ” The third day of September in the yeir of God ane thousand 531 yeirs, it is contrakit, compromittit, appointit and irrevocabilly aggreit betwix honorabyl men Walter Scot in Synton, Walter Vaych ye said Vat Scot doughters sone and ayr to umquhill George Vaych of Norcht Synton and Ad Scot Vattes mauch in to ane pairt and Thome Vaych, Villiem Vaych the bredder pleand gad-ersaids for tutory of North Synton and kyndness of the steid callit Corsle in forme in manner and effec as efter follows, that is to say ayther of the partes forsaid ar oblyst and boundyne and deuly thereto sworn be ostentioun of his handis to the haly evan¬gill to byd under[lie] to stand stedfastlie without revocation to the (illegible) diecreit of their four unsuspekit arbytouris undervrittin thereto deuly sworn be faith and trouth in their bodeis and tweychin the haly evangill viz Andrew Ker of Prumsyd loch, Jhonne of Ryddail of that ilkane, Valter Scot, Vatte Vaych his doughter sone and air of umquill George Vaych and Ade Scot in ane part, George Ker in Lyntoun and Thomas Ker in Yair for Thomas Vaych Villiam Vaych the breders in the tother part that the saidis arbytouris sal decreit deliver lelely and treuly without fraud or gyll betwixt this and allhallowes next for to cum and gef the saidis arbitouris can not aiggre in the said mater movit than with all thair avys thai sal chess ane discret full ourma[?] haiffand god before his ey ripply advyssit in the said mater quhilk sall intromet decyd decreit and deliver fathfully without fraud or gyll in the saidis mater and for the mayr securite ayther of the partes admissar tuk the instrument and subscribit this present [memorandum?] with thair handis at the pen and rychtsua the forsaidis arbitouris unsuspekit tuk instrumentis that the said partes admissairs suld not revok nor nan vay agane call the decreit deuly deliverit be thaim” before witnesses George Reddaill, George Scot in Blyndhauch, James Ker, Andrew Shortrede, sir Simont, sir Shortreide, Mark Ker, sir N[inian] Brydin notar and others.
143. (Vaych – scored out) Scot 3 Sept 1531 Walter Scot in Syntoun and Adam Scot his brother-in-law in name of Walter Vaych son and heir of the deceased George Vaych make note that Andrew Ker in Prumsydloucht and John Reddaill of that ilk arbiters for Walter Scot, Adam Scot and Walter Vaych and George Ker in Lyntoun and Thomas Ker in Yair arbiters for John Vaych and William Vaych will make an unanimous agreement between now and All Hallows concerning the kindness of Corsle and North Synton. Also Walter and Adam Scot his uncle and their heirs bind themselves to keep to the contract and give Walter Vaych everything due to him as contained in the decreet. Before witnesses Philip Scot in Ed¬schaw, George Scot in Blyndhauch, Andra Schortreid, James Ker, James Scot in Selkirk, Walter Scot in Askyrk.
144. Vaych Same day place and hour John Vaych and William Vaych make note that the said arbiters should come to some agree¬ment regarding North Synton and the kindness of Corsle between now and All Hallows and if it happens that the said arbiters cannot decide lawfully between this and the [said] feast we declare that our royal letter has or shall have tail [ie be sealed?] completing the said agreements. John sought instrument before witnesses William Ker in Quhitmureha, sir William Brydin vicar, Mark Ker in Selkirk, James Ker in Quhitmure.
145. Scot Same day place and hour Walter Scot in Syntone, Adam Scot his brother-in-law in the name of Walter Vaych son and heir of the deceased George Vaych choose the discreet men their arbiters viz Andrew Ker of Prumsydlouch and John Reddaill of that ilk and John Vaych and William Vaych choose their two arbiters viz George Ker of Lyntoun and Thomas Ker in Yair…to make judge¬ment regarding North Synton and le kyndness of the said place [ ie Corslie] between now and the feast of All Hallows next follow¬ing in the tenor and compromise between opposing the parties. Also Walter Scot and Adam Scot his brother-in-law bind themselves faithfully to discharge all that is contained in the decreet concerning Walter son of the deceased George Vaych. Before wit¬nesses abovewritten .
146. Scot 10 Dec 1531 John Scot serjeant and sheriff in that part came to the mercat cross in the burgh of Selkirk and there in a loud voice proclaimed royal letters and in tenor of the same delivered the rod of peace to Adam Scot personally present and accepting and the letters were in the following tenor ” James be the graice of God, king of Scottis, to our lovittis Jhone Scot schirjiand and schireff messinger in that part coniunctlie and severallie specially constitut, greting. Forsameikyll as it is humele menit and schawn to ws be our lovit Adam Scot in Synton that quhair he vas [demitit?] oure reball and put to our horne be ouris utheris lettres purchest at the instanche of William Vaych in the Yair for not delivering to him as tutor to Walter Vaych his bruder sone and now the said Adam hes obtemperit the charge of our utheris said letters and hes deliverit to the said William the house of Norcht Synton and plessit hyme at all pountis efter the tenor of oure utheris lettres as is allegit. Oure vyll is therfor and we chargis yow straitlie and commandis that inconti¬net ther our letters sene ye seand and understandand perfitlie that the said Adam hes obeit the charge of our utheris letters quharby he vas put to our horn and has plessat the said William purchusar therof eftir the tenor of the samyn that ye in oure nayme and autorite relesche the said Adam fra the said process of our horne led upone him in the said mater resave hime to our peace and deliver to hyme the vand thereof simpliciter because the said William concessit the samyn in presence of our lordis of our counsel the quhilk to do we commit to yow coniunctlie and soverlie our full pouer be thir our lettres delivering thaim be yow deuly execut and indorsat agane to the berar, gevin under our signet at Edinburgh the vi day of December and of oure regne the xix yeir.” “Ex deliberatione dominorum consilii Gud…scriba”
147. Davidsone 10 Dec 1531 William Turnbull of Mynto and his son William Turnbull lawful heir and in fee (illegible)… of his own free will resigned, sold and alienated a non-entry of a piece of land called “Nukland” lying in the lordship of Mynto within the sheriffdom of Tevidale from himself, his heirs and assignees paying yearly 9 shillings to his brother-in-law Ralf Davidsone and his heirs and assignees provided that the true heirs of the said land have freedom of entry to the same from their superior lord. Also the same day William Turnbull resigned all right and claim which he has or will have in a non-entry of 10 merklands in Chames, occupied by the deceased James Grymslaw and the true and nearest heirs shall have lawful entry with the assent and consent of his superior lord. Ralph sought instrument done at 1 pm before witnesses Mark Ker bailie for the time in Selkirk, John Ker burgess of the said burgh, Robert Tait, Stephen Hendirsone, David Jonson.
148. Morlawe 10 Jan 1530/31 William Ker in Schaw and Adam Ker his only son and heir came to certain of his rigs in the open fields of “Gersland” and “Caponland” in the lordship of Schaw lying in ryndaill between the lands of Patrick Murray of Fallaa¬hyll, the first rig lying over “le Taittis Hyll” between the lands of John Scot on the south, the rig of John Haw on the north; the second rig lying over “le Fluris” between the lands of Patrik Murray now in the hands of Alexander Scot in the south and the lands of Robert Portuus on the north; the 3rd rig over “le Vester Lais” between the lands of Alexander Scot on the north and the lands of master John Chepman on the south; the 4th rig lying over “le Gouslodaillis” between the lands of master John Chepman on the north and the lands of Thomas Ker on the south; the 5th rig lying over ” le crukitlandis” between the lands of Jonet Scot relict of the deceased George Scot on the south and the lands of William Bennat on the north; 6th rig over ” le mulschot” [ ie Milnshot] between the lands of master John Chepman on the north and the lands of Thomas Mynto on the south; the 7th rig lying over “Donsedaillis” between the lands now in the hands of James Brydin on the south and lands of George Chepman on the north; 8th rig over “Le Donsdaillis” between the lands of John Brydin on the south and John Chepman of “Kyrkstille” on the north and there on ground of the same the said William Ker and Adam Ker and their heirs gave sasine of all the rigs to John Morlaw personally present and accepting. Also the said John binds himself to seal a reversion in sum of £20 to the said William and Adam and if it should happen the said William, Adam and their heirs pay the said sum on one day between sun rise and sun set and the said John and his heirs fraudulently absent themselves from receiving it over the altar of St Ninian, we will that it be placed with the bai¬lies for that time of the burgh. Also we grant that the said John Morlaw his heirs and assignees shall peacefully possess the said 8 rigs for 3 years following and if it happens that the said John be disturbed in his peaceful possession we will that we of our own and spontaneous wills assign in a clause of warrandice an annualrent of 10 shillings uplifted yearly on the tenements of John Vod and Robert Chesholme lying in Pelhyll between the tene¬ments etc. John Morlaw sought instrument before James Brydin bailie for the time being, John Lumisden, Alan Mithag, John Haw burgess, Thomas Morlaw, David Jonsone, James Lumisden.
149. Brydin 16 Jan 1531/32 sir William Brydin in the name of Jonet Brydin and Elizabeth Scot sought instrument in plain court.
150. Alison Hendersone 17 Jan 1531/32 Mark Ker bailie, at request of James Brydin son and heir of Alan Brydin burgess of the said burgh came to his tenement lying in Selkirk between the tenement of William Brydin on the west, the yard of master John Chepman on the east, the yard of sir John Chepman chaplain on the north and the king’s street leading to the well on the south and there on ground of the same James Brydin resigned the tenement in hands of the bailie who gave sasine to Nicholas Hendersone and Alison Hendersone his spouse and whichever lives longer, their heirs and assignees. Nicholas sought instrument before witnesses William Portuus serjeant, William Brydin, Adam Ker of Schaw, Walter Dunhoup.
Note that Nicholas and his spouse shall enjoy peaceful possession of the same provided that James Brydin and his heirs pay £8 on one day between sun rise and sun set at the altar of St Ninian. Also Alison lent James £3 of money a long time before making these presents, I did not hear the said James grant these after naming of worthy witnesses Thomas Andersone and his spouse.
151. Wode 25 Jan 1531/32 Helen Wychtman freely discharged all right and title in and to a tenement of the deceased John Wychtman and now in hands of his son and heir John Wychtman as is specified in a subsequent minute. Before witnesses underwritten.
152. Wod Same day place and hour James Brydin bailie at the instance of the young man John Vychtman came to his tenement lying in the burgh of Selkirk between the tenement of William Turnbull on the north, the yard of Stephen Loremur on the west, the tenement of Robert Chesholm on the south and the king’s street leading to the “Fulbrigmyre” on the east and there on ground of the same the said John freely resigned his tenement in hands of the bailie who gave sasine to John Vod personally present and accepting and paying yearly an annualrent of 5 shil¬lings to the lord of Schaw his heirs and assignees over and above the burgh ferme. John sought instrument before witnesses John Chepman, Thomas Jonsone, John Broun, William Chepman, Thomas Jonsone younger and others.
153. Joneta Vod Same day and place John Vod resigned the above tenement in hands of the bailie who gave sasine for her lifetime to Janet Vod his wife paying annualrent and ferme as above before above witnesses abovewritten.
154. Fairle 21 Feb 1531/32 Alan Keyne burgess of Selkirk has confessed that he owes Simon Fairle burgess of Selkirk £21 scots. On the same day, Alan Keyne leased 2 rigs of his lands for a ferme paid thankfully from his hands, one of which lies over “le Taittis Hyll” and the other over “le Bawethiorne” for the space of 12 years next after the final dates to John Best baxter. Before witnesses William Flecher, William Craw, James Flecher, Patrick Jonsone and others.
155. Howatsone 6 March 1531/32 John Brydin bailie at request of John Achesone came to his tenement lying in a vennel called “Volgait” between the tenements of John Lumisdene on the east, a croft of arable land of master John Chepman on the south and William Ker of Schaw on the west and the king’s street on the north and there on ground of the same John Achesone of his own free will resigns all right and claim in and to his tenement of land with houses, yard and rig thereto in hands of the bailie who gave sasine of the tenement, yard and rig to John Howatsone. John sought instrument before witnesses John Mithag, John Ker, John Lumisden, John Cruk, John Paike,John Brydin and others.
156. Ker in Greinheid and Ellot their agreement
“Thir contrak maid at the Grenheid, the nynt day of Februar in the yeir of God, ane thousand v hundred xxviii yeiris betweix honorabyll men that is to say Andreu Ker in Prumsyd upone the tane pert and Gawin Ellot in the tother pert, propones contenis and beires leill vytness that it is fullely and unrevocabelly aggreit accordit betweix the foresaidis persones in maner forme and effec as efter follovis that is to say the said Gawin sal, God vylland contrak mary and have to vyf, Margaret Mackduell, douchter to Andreu Mcduell in Mccarstone in all gudlie haist that the saidis partes may be reddy thereto for the treitting and completting of the quhilk mariage to be contretit and completit in the faice of holy kirk. The said Andreu Ker sall eislie con¬tent and pay to the said Gawin, the sowme of twa hundrecht merks in penny and pennyworchtis and in gud and usuell mony of Scot¬land, in this maner the said Margaret hess of hir awin propir guddis quhilk sal be thankfully pait within six oukis eftir the treiting of samyn and the remayne of the said sowme to be pait at the voll of the forsaidis Gawyne Ellot. Alswa it is accordit betweix the saidis partes that the said Gawin [incontenit?] efter the completing and solempnizeing of the said marriage sall invest and seiss the said Margaret in coniunct fee for all the dais of hir lyf in all xvi oxingait of lands callit “Toftlawe” and “Boucherflat” with the pertinenchis lyand within the barony of Hasyndene within the schireffdom of Roxburgh be chartour, seiss¬ing and evidenss in dow forme as effeiris the said Gawin makand resignatione or be his procuratouris of all and haill the fores¬aidis landis of “Toftlawe” and “Boucherflat” in ye our lordis handis of the samyn and the saidis Andreu to do his diligens for neu infeftment of the saidis landis contenit and gottin fra the said our lord to the saidis Gawin and Margaret in to hir coniunc fee and to the langar levar of thaim heretablylly to thir ayris procurit and for to be procurit betweix thaim and mair attour gef sa happiness that the said Margaret be chanss of deid and permis¬sione of God to be lady heretabyll of the lordship of McCarstoune or in ony partes of the samyn that the said Andreu sall haive brouk and joiss be vertue of tak and assedatione all the samyn be ane conpatand priss and better chepe yeirlie for ferme and maill than ony other vyll gef for thaim or ony part of thaim forful¬fylling, obschirving and keiping of all and syndry the condi¬ciones and appountmenttis above vryttin baith thir saidis partes ar boundynne oblist thereto and sworne be fath and treucht in thir bodeis and for the mair securite hess twechit the haly evangill be of ostencionne of thir hands to sell [ ie seal] this forsaid compromit and attour ayther of the partes tuk instrumen¬tis upone the foresaidis vordis” as this present noted before witnesses Thomas Ker in Yair, William Lauder, John Rychertsone, sir John Rankin.
The following note appears in the margin of the above deed. “Same day, the said James Brydin bailie by virtue of his office after the deliberation of an inquest written in the burgh book, invested John Achesone in all his tenement by rod and baton as the true heir of Ninian Achesone his brother german before wit-nesses within written.”
157 Doune 15 Feb 1531/32 James Brydin one of the bailies after an inquest of worthy men came to the tenement of the de¬ceased George Down lying in a vennel called “Gousslynraw” between the tenement of sir John Michilhill on the west, the house of John Bennat on the west (sic), the tenement of William Bennat and William Wynterhoup on the south and the king’s street on the east near the mercat cross and there on ground of the same the bailie gave sasine to Robert Dwne son and heir of the deceased George Dwnne paying yearly burgh customs and ferme as is specified in his charter. Robert sought instrument before witnesses Alan Keyne, William Portius serjeant, Nicholas Ker, David Jonson, Thomas Dwnne and others.
158. Gottarsonne 22 Feb 1531/32 Thomas Gotrasone in Melrose lent £6 scots to Elizabeth Davidsone and Nicholas Forret her son and heir apparent for two acres of arable land held in tack lying under the wall of the monastery of Melrose which was held of the reverend father in Christ, lord abbot Andrew and the monks of Melrose, about which Elizabeth and John Forret bind themselves as follows in the vernacular “That the foresaid Thomas Gottrasone hes lent instantlie befor thir vytness under vryttin to ane honest discretful voman, Elesabecht Davidsone and Nychoil Forret hir son and ayr apperand, the sowme of £6 of gud usuell mony of scotland in pur and clen layne actualy laid down in reall paiment and for sou[er]te of detfull paiment of the said sowme the said Elesabecth and Nycholl Forret obliss thaim self in the straitest forme of obligation that can be devissit and thir ayris executo¬ris in this present forme of instrument to lay in wod twa aikrs of landis of thairis mailings under the abbey vall of Melrose the quhilkis twa aykeris the foresaid Thomas Gottrasone his ayris executoris and assignais sal joiss and brouk all and haill the forsaid twa aykers payand to the abbay twa bollis of vyttaill ay and quhill the forsaidis Elesabecth and Nichol pay thair ayris executoris and assignais sall refund and pay thankfully to the said Thomas Gottrasone his ayris, executoris and assignais the forsaid sowm of £6 upone ane day betweix the sonne rysing up and passing down of the saymn alsua gef it happenes the forsaidis Elesabeth or Nycholl to sell vodsit bartour or [saw] into menes ouchter all or ane part of all the remaynent of thair maillings forsaid under the vall of Melross, the foresaid Thomas sal be first chargit thairto and sall haif the first lof of it owther in part or in all and sal say nay therewith or ony vtheris be char¬git therewith the said Thomas gevand alss meikyll to thaim for thair kyndness as ony vther in the countrie vyll gef for it mair attour it sall nocht be lefull to the said Elesabet and Nycholl hir son and thair ayris, executoris and assignais to sel thair kyndness of the forsaid twa aykers to nane vtheris to mak for to mak paiment to the said Thomas of the said sowm of £6 in redemy¬ing of the forsaid twa aykers fra the forsaid Thomas bot gef thai happen to redeme thaim with thairis awin propir vyne gowdes nowder to get the mony nor tak it at nayne vtheris handes without fraud or gyll and for mair securite bath Elesabecht and Nicholl hes commandit to subscryb this present instrument with thairis hands.” Thomas Gotrasone sought instrument done in Hontlie Wod around the hour of 1 pm before Richard Davidsone.
159. Brydin procurator in the name of Janet Portuus and Elesa¬beth Portuus 26 Feb 1531/32 sir William Brydin vicar of Selkirk procurator in the name of Janet Brydin alias Portuus and Elizabeth Portuus daughters and heirs of the deceased William Portuus declared to the sheriff and inquest for serving a writ of the said women that he had heard nothing to impede or contradict by means of an objection. sir William sought instrument before sir John Michelhyll, John Brydin notary and Mark Ker, Adam Ker, John Ker and all the inquest.
160. Mark Robesone 29 Feb 1532/3 Mark Robesone of his own free will asserts in the vernacular that ” Johne Robesone his belovit sone sall haif twa lwmyss viz ane wollon and ane lynning lwyme with thir pertinenchis to pay William Ker in the Schaw 40 shillings and utheris dettis awud to diverss with thir condi¬ciones that the saidis Thomas Robesone sal haif his leffin and sustentatione for his lyf time alss veill as the said Jhone may furness with cherite Item the said Thomas sall haif na pouer to sell and dispon na geir without consent of his sone Jhone nor the said Jhone without consent of his fader Thomas and in the tenor of these present instrumenis” the said John intromissor of all these goods made these conditions faithfully. John sought instru¬ment before William Ker, John Lumisden, John Patro.
161. Melrose and Smyth 19 March 1531(sic) James Brydin bai¬lie after deliberation of an inquest of worthy burgesses came to the tenement of the deceased John Melross lying in the said burgh between the tenement of John Scot on the south, the tenement of John Mithag on the north, the tenement or yard of George Jamesone on the east and the king’s street called “le Kyrk Vynd” on the west and there on ground of the same the bailie gave sasine to the young man Thomas Melross heir of the deceased John Melross his brother.
John Smyth The same day Thomas Melross freely resigned the said tenement with pertinents in hands of the bailie who gave sasine of the same to John Smyth, the said John Smyth and his heirs paying yearly 20 shillings and burgh ferme. John Smyth sought instrument before witnesses sir William Brydin, John Brydin chaplain, Robert Chepman, John Mithag, Robert Turnbull, William Brydin and others done around 10 am.
162. Ker 15 April 1532 James Brydin bailie at the request of the young man Robert Downe son and heir of the deceased George Downe came to his tenement lying in a vennel called “Goslynrawe” between the tenement of sir John Michilhill on the [north east? -“borientali”], the tenement of William Bennat on the south, the king’s street near the cross on the east and the house of John Bennat within the close on the west and there on ground of the same Robert Downe resigned the tenement with pertinents in hands of the bailie who gave sasine of the same to Andrew Ker of Prum¬sydloucht his heirs and assignees, the said Andrew and his heirs paying an annualrent and burgh ferme. Andrew sought instrument done at 1 pm before witnesses George Ker of Lynton, Mark Ker bailie for the time being, sir William Brydin, Ralph Ellot, John Brydin chaplain, James Ker, John Mithag, James Scot.
163. Down Same day Thomas Downe burgess humbly asks and pro¬tests to the honourable man Andrew Ker in Grenheid that he should keep the rest of a sum [of money] in his own hands always and however he will put Robert Dwne to the noble craft by presenta¬tion to the craft with consent of his parent. Therefore I dis¬charge the rest of the said sum in your hands that was not given to Jonet Dwn or Gray his mother by him who wished to [take?] all she has. Thomas sought instrument before abovewritten witnesses.
164. Wynterhoup 26 April 1532 James Brydin bailie after the deliberation of an inquest of worthy burgesses came to the tene¬ment of the deceased [‘Andrew’ scored out] George Vynterhoup in Selkirk between the tenement of James Chepman on the east, the tenement of sir John Chepman on the east (sic), the yard of the said James Chepman on the north and the king’s street called “Pelgait” on the south and there on ground of the same the bailie gave sasine of the same to the young man William Vynterhoup true and undoubted heir of the deceased Andrew Vynterhoup his uncle. William sought instrument before James Champerna, William Trum¬bull, James Haw, James Bradfut.
165. Ker of Prumsydloucht 27 April 1532 Robert Scot tutor of Houpaslot and George Scot of Blyndhauch bind themselves their heirs and executors to pay a certain sum of money viz 100 merks scots for their great arrears to Andrew Ker of Prumsydloucht and his heirs and assignees at the feast of Whitsunday viz the year 1533, 50 merks scots and 50 merks at the feast of Martinmas irrevocably for his favour and lack of obstruction concerning the marriage between Thomas McDuell lord of McCarston and Janet Scot of Houpaslot as is specially noted in a letter of obligation made between the said parties through the venerable man sir William Brydin vicar of Selkirk. Andrew sought instrument done around 3 pm before witnesses George Ker, Laird of Lyntoun, James Ker of Fairnele, James Ker of Auldroxburgh.
166. Scot Same day and place Robert Scot tutor of Houpaslot binds himself, his heirs etc to warrant and alienate his moveable and immoveable goods for his beloved friend George Scot of Blynd¬haugh against payment of the above sum before witnesses above.
167. Ker of Gaitshawe 6 June 1532 James Brydin bailie, at the request of Christian Crukschankis with consent of her son Thomas Crukschankis her true heir, came to a certain piece of a house viz from the door of the hall to the gable viz” the gavyll that Lanselot Ker bigit” on the fore side and the hall inhabited by Christian and Thomas the upper part of which piece contains (blank) in length and (blank) in width and there on ground of the same the said Christian and Thomas resign the piece in hands of the bailie who gave sasine of the same to Lancelot Ker personally present and accepting. Lancelot sought instrument before witness¬es Alan Keyne serjeant, Robert Toddryk, John Yong, Henry Yong, Adam Vilkesone burgesses.
168. Lauder 7 June 1532 James Brydin bailie came to the principal tenement of the deceased Stephen Lauder lying in Sel¬kirk between the tenement of master John Chepman on the north, the tenement of John Mithag on the west, the kirkyard of the parish kirk on the south and the king’s street on the east and there on ground of the same the bailie gave sasine of all the tenement with pertinents to William Lauder true and lawful heir of Stephen Lauder his father paying yearly according to the charter made thereon. William sought instrument before witnesses John Chepman, William Ker of Schaw, James Bradfut, James Cant and there received sasine as heir.
169. Nicholas Ker in the year 1532 James Brydin bailie came at the request of William Lauder burgess of Edinburgh to the upper half of his tenement in Kyrk Vynd between the tenement of master John Chepman on the south, the storehouse of the said master John Chepman on the west of the yard of the said half tenement, the rest of the tenement inhabited by James Cant on the north and the king’s street commonly called Kyrk Vynd on the east and there on ground of the same William Lauder of his own free will resigned all the upper part of his tenement with yard near the yard of Robert Chepman on the north reserving a piece of the yard of my principal messuage occupied by his own parents in hands of the bailie who gave sasine of the said half tenement save the said piece to Nicholas Ker and Marion Brydin his wife and to whichev¬er lives longer paying the said William and his heirs 20s scots of annualrent. The said tenement of land to be divided between the heirs or assignees of the said Nicholas and Marion by bailies and two burgesss of the burgh according to their charter. Nicho¬las and Marion sought instrument before witnesses William Ker of Schaw, James Bradfut, John Chepman, Robert Chepman, John Smyth. Thus that after the death of Marion her half goes to David Jon¬sone and after his decease to Mungo Jonsone or Janet Jonsone their heirs
170. Morlawe 22 July 1532 William Valker of Hawyk nephew and lawful heir of the deceased John Valker judicially brought before an inquest of the burgh of Hawyk, binds himself for his heirs by the ostention of his hands… to invest and give sasine to John Morlawe of Todschawe in a certain croft in the bounds of the lordship of Hawyk and a tenement in the town of Hawyk on the north side of the king’s street between the tenement of Alexander Paslaw on the east, the Slytryk water on the west and north and the said king’s street on the south and the croft lies on the east side of the Slytryk water with the Teviot water on the north and the tenement of James Blair on the west and if it arises that the said John must build or rebuild the said tenement in a better form than it now is, then the said William Valker shall compen¬sate the said John 40 shillings scots against his labours on the one day between the sun rise [and sun set]. John sought instru-ment before witnesses John Mairgerobankis burgess of Edinburgh, Alexander Hawdene, William Wynterhoup, John Haw and others.
171. Scot 24 July 1532 Walter Scot in Edschawe in the porch of the parish church of Selkirk publicly and in a loud voice declared that he personally presented John Reddaill of that ilk and William Scot of Harden his true arbiters in a debt on due day and place determined and deliberated in the case moved between him and Elizabeth Murray his adversary and the said [Elizabeth] did not produce her arbiters before witnesses sirs Ralph Ellot, Simon Schortreid priests, Walter Scot of Askirk, Robert Melross, Andrew Shortreid and above arbiters.
172. The form of appeal 29 July 1532 by this present public instrument be it plainly evident and known that before us no¬taries public and witnesses withinwritten personally constituted the noble man Walter Scot knight and the discreet man Robert Scot having and holding in their hands a certain document on paper in the form of an appeal or containing a plea in it which was handed to us the withinwritten notaries for reading out by virtue of which is duly noted and with effect and by which document they appeal in the following tenor: since the appeal or plea was introduced by each of us lawfully, soundly and safely so that not only the accusation of injury and oppression but also fearing they could be further injured, accused and oppressed it be duly supported by treachery it is this that it has came anew to or to our notice that the venerable and wellknown men, masters Adam Colquhoun, canon of Glasgow and official general of the same and John Sprevyll, vicar of Dundownald and commissary of the said lord official not fearing the said appellants be accused, injured and oppressed…or to be injured and oppressed in the future, a certain cause [was] moved by the said official and commissary between us the appellants on the one [part] and master John Hepburne false rector of Hawyk on the other part.
Firstly because when the said master John produced a certain false and [deadly?] writ against us…before the said official and commissary regarding certain teinds of sheaves and with all reversion thereof by us through the said master John in the term assigned to us in the said writ and we produced an act to [ren¬der] any lawful exceptions against any false writ and by deed of [redemption?] because it is held to [render?] less by the false writ and we demand the term for discussing any exceptions be assigned to us [or?] our procurator lawfully constituted [and?] truly the same masters Adam official and John commissary [“prop¬eram et inique”] in whatever such precedents were decreed false [“interlocutorias”] by them, we the appellants [render] whatever¬is not [standing for? – “obstans”] the false and pretended writ produced to the contrary to our lawful exceptions by rightful [redemption? -“relevens”] as before when false writs and lawful exceptions [were] produced against them.
Secondly the said masters John and Adam on another head put forward another motion [that] they should not be injured in what¬ever way so they [opposed?] the proceedings of excommunication against us at the instance of the said master John on account of [his] not renouncing the said false writ and a summons.. proceed¬ing over us against all disposition of right as came to our notice anew…Therefore..we appeal…to your master Adam and John or your substitutes…to suspend all excommunications under penalty of whatever censures and processes…promulgated or to be promulgated…to the most holy apostolic see [of] our Holy Father in Christ, lord Clement by divine providence Pope for this time…we have made pleas, appealed and sought appeals [“ap-p-los”?] immediately, more instantly and most instantly that if [it were denied?] us so we plea, appeal and seek appeals immediate¬ly…that all of us and singular, being or staying in that part [want] our and their moveable and immoveable goods present and future to be safeguarded and defended by the said most holy our said Pope and his see, appealling and protesting about this our appeal adding charging in time the deed was done and allowed by right etc. and so our appeal was [made] on such a document…the said appellants sought instrument done near S[elkirk] on year, day, month and pontificate as aforesaid.
173. Ker of Sunderland Hall [Date – 1 Aug 1532-scored out.] Nov 1536 [Master Thomas Ker of Sunderland Hall – scored out] in the name of Walter Scot his brother german came to the mercat cross of Selkirk between the hours of 8 and 9 in the morning and in a loud and clear voice requested the entry of a debt from Andrew Shortreid on behalf of Adam Gledstanes because he had faithfully promised to make repayment for the same Adam at the said hour of 8 a.m. and the said Andrew and Adam had not com¬peared and had fraudulently absented themselves. Master Thomas sought instrument before witnesses Mark Ker, David Ker, David Downe, James Borthwick, sir William Brydin vicar pensioner of Selkirk, James Melrose, James Brydin bailie, William Brydin.
174. Shortreid 2 August [1536?] Andrew Shortreid in the name of Adam Gledstanes publicly declared in the presence of witnesses underwritten that the said Adam today faithfully kept the day of his promise of entry to Walter Ker of Sonderlandhall viz he had [compeared?] on the first day of August and in the place and town I had appointed for him from sun rise to sun set and remained until 4 pm the following day and before Walter Scot of Edschaw, Walter Scot of Askirk, sir Simon Shortrede, Ralph Ellot priest, Thomas Crukschankes, John Bauld, William Portuus.
175. Marion Down 28 Sept 1532 James Brydin bailie of Selkirk came at the request of John Portuus [instrument ends here].
176. Simon Fairle 8 Oct 1532 Simon Fairle and James Vatsone bind themselves by oath in the presence of Mark Ker bailie to stand faithfully without revocation to the decreet ofThomas Cruk¬schankes [“for the debt of his brother” in the margin]. On which day the said Thomas came to the wall in question and decreed…that the said wall [belonged to] Simon Fairle even the posts holding up the wall. Simon sought instrument before John Mithag, Robert Melrose, James Helme, Nicholas Ker, William Swan.
177. Watsonne Same day and place James Vatss[on] renounced the said promise made between me and Simon… because I do not wish to omit the force of my charter made thereupon sealed by the said Thomas. James sought instrument before the same witnesses.
178. James Keyne 29 Aug 1532 Mark Ker bailie of the burgh of Selkirk came to the tenement of land of John Haw son of the deceased Thomas Haw elder burgess of Selkirk, lying within the said burgh between the tenement of land of Thomas Jonss[on] on the west and north and the public road “le Fulbreg” called “Fulbreig Myre” and the other common lands of the burgh on the south and there John Haw resigned all right and claim to the said tenement of land with houses and yard and with pertinents forever in hands of the bailie who gave sasine of the same to James Keyne uncle of the said John Hawe personally present and accepting according to the charter of the said John to James made thereon. James sought instrument done at the ground of the lands around 11 am before witnesses James Dowby, John Thomsone, James Keyne younger, James Mcduell.
179. Andrew Ker of Prumsyd 8 Oct 1532 [Note : The instrument has been scored out.] Andrew Ker of Prumsyd presented and showed a precept of sasine with the seal of Robert Scot of Howpaslot and lord of the lands of Birkinsyd which appeared to me notary public not spoiled or suspect in any way to James Ker of Auldroxburgh.. in the following tenor: I Robert Scot of Howpaslot and lord of the lands of Birkinsyd to Thomas Feregreff, James Ker special bailies in that part, greeting. Because I have given, granted, sold and alienated to Andrew Ker of Prumsyd all of my 10 merk¬lands with pertinents lying in the bounds of Byrkinsyd and within the sheriffdom of Berwick as contained in my charter made there¬on. Therefore I order you and command you to give sasine without delay of the said 10 merklands to the said Andrew Ker or his rightful attorney. In testimony of which I affix my own seal at Grenheid on 8 Oct 1532 before witnesses James Ker of Auldrox¬burgh, Thomas Fergreff, David Dalgless, Andrew Louch, sir Ninian Brydin notary public and Patrick Flecher. After which James Ker bailie gave sasine of the 10 merklands of Byrkinsyd with perti¬nents to the said Andrew Ker personally present and accepting. Andrew sought instrument done at 10 am at Birkinsyd before James Ker, Thomas Fergreff, Ralph Davisone, William Turnbull, Thomas Gibsone younger and Thomas Gibsone elder.
180. Curror 5 Nov 1532 Robert Chepman bailie came at re¬quest of Alexander Scot to his tenement lying in the town and bounds of Selkirk with the tenement of Thomas Jonsone younger on the east, the other tenement of Thomas Jonsone elder on the west, the tenement of John Scot on the north and the king’s street leading to “Hallevolhill” on the south and there on ground of the same Alexander Scot resigned the tenement and two rigs in the open fields belonging to it, one of which lies in “Le Delff” and the other over “le Myrscawis” between the lands of ( blank) in hands of the bailie who gave sasine of the tenement and rigs to Thomas Curror burgess of Selkirk, paying 18 shillings in annual¬rent to Walter Scot tutor of Hayning and 2 shillings to Alexander Scot and burgh ferme. Thomas sought instrument done around 9 am before George Michilhill serjeant, William Cadzow, James Cadzow, Thomas Crukschankis, Thomas Jonsone, Matthew Dristair.
181. Scot of Paless Same day and place Robert Chepman bailie came to the tenement of the deceased sir David Scot lying in the burgh of Selkirk over “le Pelgait” between the tenement of Wil¬liam Mithag on east, the tenement of Thomas Morlaw on the west, the bog on the south and the king’s street leading to the loch on the north and there on the ground of the same the bailie gave sasine of the said tenement to Alexander Scot lawful heir of sir David Scot vicar of Ashkirk paying yearly 30 pence in name of annualrent to Thomas Jonsone and burgh ferme. Alexander sought instrument before witnesses as above [180].
182. [Mynto younger – scored out] Dounaldsone 10 Nov 1532 Robert Chepman bailie at the request of the young man, John Dounaldsone heir of the deceased Ninian Dounaldsone burgess, came to a rig of arable land lying over “le Voster Layis” between the lands of Patrick Murray now in the hands of William Keyne elder on the north and the lands of William Keyne younger on the south near “Symer Furd” and there on ground of the same the bailie gave sasine of the said rig to the said John Dounaldsone. Before John Lumisden, Thomas Mynto elder, John Cruik, Robert Thomsone, John Freir done on the ground of the same around 2 pm.
183. Mynto, younger Same day and place Robert Chepman bailie came at the request of John Dounaldsone to the said rig lying as above and there on ground of the same the said John resigned it in hands of the bailie who gave sasine to Thomas Mynto younger. Thomas sought instrument before witnesses above-written.
184. Marion Wilkesone Same day. Robert Chepman bailie at request of George Michilhill burgess of Selkirk came to a certain part or portion of his tenement viz a forehouse, back hall and bakehouse with free exit and entry to the close lying within the burgh of Selkirk between the tenement of Andrew Ker of Prumsyd-louch on the east , the tenement of Helen Lydderdaill on the west, the king’s street leading to Moresonhyll on the north and the tenement of John Bennat on the south, and there on ground of the same George Michilhill resigned the said land to his wife Marion Wilkesone in her life rent and the bailie gave sasine of all the said piece of tenement of land for her lifetime with the condition that if the said George dies before the said Marion the sasine be null and void if she contract marriage and she shall look after the said tenement to sustain her children. Marion sought instrument before witnesses Martin Pot, William Mathesone, David Jonsone.
185. Andrew Ker of Prumsyd 13 Jan 1532/33 Mark Ker bailie came at the instance of William Vynterhoup son and heir of the deceased Andrew Vynterhoup to the tenement of Andrew Ker of Prumsyd lying in a vennel called “Gossynlynraw” between the tene¬ment of William Bennat on the south of the fore side, the barn within the bounds of the close on the west, the tenement of George Michilhill on the north and the king’s street near the cross on the east and on ground of the same William freely re¬signed an annualrent of 10 shillings scots in hands of Mark Ker bailie who gave sasine of the annualrent by handing over a penny to Andrew Ker of Prumsyd personally present and accepting in tenor of my charter made thereon. Andrew Ker sought instrument before James Ker of Auldroxburgh, Thomas Feirgreff, sir William Brydin vicar of Selkirk, John Brydin, John Michilhill chaplain, James Brydin, James Scot, William Scot, William Brydin.
186. Brydin resigned in the hands of sir Richard 28 Jan 1532/33 Robert Chepman bailie at the request of James Brydin came to a tenement with pertinents of the said James lying in Selkirk near the court house between the tenement of sir John Chepman on the east, the yard of William Brydin on the south, the tenement of the deceased David Brown on the west and the king’s street leading to the mercat cross on the north and there on ground of the same the said James freely resigned all right and claim from himself and after death from his heirs and assignees which he has or will have in and to the said tenement viz “Quhit¬tis Croft” in hands of the bailie who… after the death of the said James gave sasine of “le quhittis croft” to his second son David Brydin and his heirs and assignees forever paying yearly the burgh ferme and an annualrent. David sought instrument before witnesses sir William Brydin vicar of Selkirk, James Scot, Adam Scot, Thomas Douguell, William Portius, Martin Pot, David Jonson.
187. Thomsone 7 Feb 1532/33 John Achesone freely confessed he has received the sum of £5 scots from his brother-in-law Robert Thomsone for a rig lying over “le Goslodaillis” between the lands of Patrick Murray of Fowlahill as is specified in an instrument thus that the said Robert shall peacefully [enjoy] the said rig provided the said John Achesone his heirs and assignees pay Robert Thomsone his heirs and assignees £5 on one day between sun rise and sun set from his own goods and no others. Robert sought instrument before witnesses Walter Haw at Evart, Thomas Mynto, David Jonsone, John Craige.
188. Cravfurd 12 Feb 1532/33 Robert Chepman bailie at the request of Robert Turnbull came to a certain part or portion called “le Ladyland” inhabited by Thomas Mynto and belonging to Robert Trumbull the superior lord lying between the lands of Patrick Murray of Faulauhill and Thomas Ker called “Kyncroft” now in the hands of Andrew Ker and there on ground of the same he freely resigned half the said arable land called “Ladyland” in hands of the bailie who gave sasine of the same to James Craufurd and Christian Turnbull his spouse and to whichever lives longer, their heirs and assignees paying yearly at the altar of our Saviour 10 shillings scots at two terms of the year viz Whitsun-day and Martinmas. James and Christian sought instrument before witnesses Robert Chepman, George Lauder, Alexander Almur, Thomas Mynto burgesses, John Craig layman. Also it was agreed that the said James and Christian shall peacefully possess the said half the arable land called “Ladyland” paying said annualrent at the said altar provided Robert Turnbull his heirs and assignees pay £6 to the said James and Christian, their heirs and assignees.
189. John Morlaw 28 Feb 1532/33 Robert Chepman bailie at the request of Elizabeth Portuiss one of the heirs of William Por¬tuiss burgess came to 2 rigs of his arable land lying in the town of Selkirk in his croft between other rigs of Jonet Portuiss his sister on the east, other rigs of Elizabeth on the west, the Atrik water on the north, the king’s street on the south, and there on ground of the same the said Elizabeth with her spouse John Scot freely resigned forever the two rigs of arable land fore and back, over and under descending from the king’s street to the Etrik Water with free exit and entry and with pertinents in hands of the bailie who gave sasine of the same to John Mor¬law. John sought instrument before John Smyth burgess, John Smyth shepherd, John Couper, John Scot, John Craig layman provided that the said Elizabeth pays £5 in gold and silver before the altar of St Ninian in the parish church of Selkirk on one day between sun rise and set to John Morlaw his heirs and assignees. And if the said John fraudulently absent himself from receiving the said sum I will that it be placed in the hands of the bailie for the time being. Also I will that after payment of the said sum the said John and his heirs shall enjoy peaceful possession of the 2 rigs for two years or “twa cropis” immediately following.
190. This rhyme is scribbled at the bottom of the page :
“that brydin keipveil and [fle savin/ sevin?]
and sa you sal cum to the blyss of hevin”
191. Mithag Elder Alexander Scot 7 March 1532/33 Robert Chepman bailie came at the request of Alexander Scot of Paliss to an annualrent of 6 shillings uplifted on a tenement of John Mithag and there on ground of the same the said Alexander freely resigned the said annualrent in hands of the bailie who gave sasine of the said annualrent to John Mithag. John Mithag sought instrument before Simon Fairle, John Curror, Robert Toddryk, John Fairle, David Mithag and others. Also it was agreed that John Mithag shall peacefully enjoy the said annualrent provided Alex¬ander Scot, his heirs and assignees pay 40s to the said John, his heirs and assignees so that after payment of the said sum John will have a final remittance to him of 3 shillings.
192. Ker de Luco 10 March 1532/33 William Ker of Schaw in the presence of bailies and inquest…. [text ends here.]
193.Scot in the name and part of John Howatsone of Langhoup Same place and day master Michaell Scot in the name and part of John Howatsone….[ text ends here.]
194. Brydin of the Well 27 March 1533 William Ker and Adam Ker his son and lawful heir came to their tenement in the burgh of Selkirk lying between the tenement of the said William and Adam on the east, the lands of master John Chepman on the south, the yard of George Chepman on the west and the tenement of James Brydin on the north and there on ground of the same the said William gave sasine of all the said tenement with a piece of land extending from above and another piece of land lying between the lands of master John Chepman on the east, the lands of the said William and Adam on the south, the lands of George Chepman on the west and the lands of master John on the north to John John (sic) Brydin. William and Adam sought instrument before Robert Chepman bailie, Stephen Loremur, Robert Smyth, William Turnbull, John Ker, John Couper.
Turnbul Same day. James Brydin came to the principal house “viz all betvex the gavells of the foir house and the beir loft in the east part” and there on ground of the same the said James freely resigned the said forehouse near the well in hands of the bailie Robert Chepman who gave sasine of the said fore house viz within the bounds of the ground and under the wall on the east of the main dwelling house and the lower chamber near the orchard to Janet Turnbull spouse of the same James in conjunct fee after the decease of her spouse . Janet sought instrument before wit¬nesses abovewritten.
[Note at bottom of page that on the same day James Brydin re¬signed the said tenement and [house?] and gave charter to John Brydin son of James and his wife Janet Turnbull.
195. Lumisden Same day. William and Adam Ker his only son and lawful heir came to their tenement lying in the burgh of Selkirk called “Caponland” and with the common “Lonyng” and “Ponfaulds” on the east, the tenement of John Dounaldsone on the west, the king’s street on the south and the yard of Thomas Mynto on the north and there on ground of the same they resigned and gave sasine of the said tenement to John Lumisden. John sought instrument.
196. Marion Haw Same day. The said John resigned the said tenement (ie as in 195) in hands of the superior lords and the said William and Adam gave sasine to Marion Haw spouse of John Lumisden in conjunct fee for her lifetime before witnesses above¬written.
197. Murray of Kershop 28 March 1533 William Scot son of the deceased Adam Scot, native of Kershoup has made, constituted and solemnly ordained and by tenor of this present instrument makes constitutes and ordains John Murray of Kershoup on account of the singular favour and kindness which he bears him his true and undoubted assignee in seeking out, enacting, retrieving and recuperating all the moveable and immoveable goods violently stolen from Kershoup by Robert Scot of Howpaslot and Philip Scot [in] Dryhoup belonging to William Scot and the said William renounces all right and claim to title of the moveable and im¬moveable goods in favour of John Murray his true and lawful assignee. John sought instrument done around 9 am in the parish kirk of Selkirk before sir John Michilhill notary, Robert Scot, Thomas Ker, James Wilkeson, David Jonsone.
198. Ker of Luco 29 April 1533 William Ker of Schaw declared in plain court that Mark Ker and Robert Chepman bailies promised that they had made to bring back all the wood and boards taken away by David Brydin and kept in a tenement inhabited by John Achesone on the afternoon of the said day and they had not ful¬filled this. William sought instrument before witnesses William Ker, Thomas Vatsone, George Michilhill, William Michilhill.
199. Scot of Bukcleuch 4 July 1533 Walter Scot of Branxhelm, knight, declared in the vernacular “Quhilk is to say that day was ane precept of the Qwenes Graice shawin be Alexander Carmag pursevand the quhilk precept suld haif varned the forsaid Valter Scot knycht to remoiff fra the landis and steydingis contentit in the forsaid precept 40 dais afor this instant terme of vytsonday, the quhilk precept had na officiar nemmit in to it nor indorsing as the copy of that ilk purports quhilk was of na strencht norcht valour. Attour Alex Carmag allegit that he had utheris preceptis for intimacione and removing of the forsaidis landes and sted¬dinges upon this saidis allegeans the forsaid Valter Scot knyt”
200. Blair Wife 20 July 1533 Gilbert Blair discharges all right and claim after his decease in and to “ane almery, ane bed with the pertinenchis”. [No further details.]
201. Stewart 23 May 1533 The young man William Turnbull son and apparent heir of the deceased John Turnbull his father, chooses Robert Stewart as his master all men excluded except to our most serene king and his successors on which Robert sought instrument. On the same day, Robert Stewart receives William Turnbull in kindly service to him to him and will defend firmly the said William in all legal negotiations. William Turnbull sought instrument before sir William Brydin, William Lyderdaill chaplain, Ralph Davesone, William Turnbull of Mynto.
On the same day, Robert Stewart promised faithfully under a penalty of £100 to bring back and deliver an old reversion which he has of Thomas Turnbull in Rauflat and put the same in the safe keeping of sir William Brydin as by tenor of the same, the said Robert or his heirs can exhort the said Thomas and his heirs to receive the sum contained in the reversion. On which William Turnbull sought instrument.
On the same day and place “that day Robert Stewart oblisses hyme selff to resaif Villiem Turnbull elder, to his tenent at the martynmess next efter the dait of thir presentis in and to twa husbandlandis quhilk ar now inhabeit be [Jok?] Turnbull and Wolle Sinklar for all the dais and termes of fyv yeiris next efter payand maillis and dewitees as uss is bot he sal pay na ger¬summes”, The said William sought instrument before above witness¬es.
202. Stewart On which day he received instrument that William Turnbull confessed of his own free will that he will alienate all right and claim to his 2 husbandlands after the end of the term of 5 years. Robert sought instrument before witnesses abovewrit¬ten.
203. William Turnbull 20 July 1533 Robert Stewart lord of Mynto, declared in presence of witnesses underwritten that I and my heirs will not relax with due intimation that which is noted in a reversion of all my lands before Martinmas from Thomas Turnbull of Rauflat. At that instant and without delay, I receive or we will receive the sum from William Turnbull heir of John Turnbull and we will relax the said lands to William Turnbull and failing that to his brothers german. William Turnbull of Mynto sought instrument before sir William Brydin vicar and notary, David Turnbull, David Jonson, Ralph Davidsone. ” quod brydine n b”
204. Ker of Gaitschawe 30 July 1533 Robert Chepman bailie came to the tenement of Christian Bradfut relict of the deceased Alexander Crukschankis, and Thomas Crukschankis her son and heir apparent lying in the burgh of Selkirk between the tenement of land of the heirs of the deceased David Broun on the east, tene¬ment of the heirs of the deceased William Ker on the west, the yard of George Jameson on the south and the king’s street towards the court house on the north and there on ground of the same Christian and Thomas resigned the tenement with house yard and pertinents forever in hands of the bailie who gave sasine of the said tenement to Lancelot Ker personally present and accepting in tenor of his charter. Lancelot sought instrument done at around 1 pm before sir William Brydin vicar, John Michilhill chaplain, William Portuus serjeant, Adam Wilkesone, James Wilkesone, John Broun, master Patrick Wrycht.
205. Dougless 10 July 1533 Janet Ker, daughter of Andrew Ker of Prumsydloucht has made, constituted, created, nominated and ordained and by the tenor of this instrument makes constitutes and ordains John Dougless, burgess in Edinburgh her lawful and undoubted procurator in all causes touching her and especially to fulfil all articles and appointments contained in our dispensa¬tion before our reverend father sir Gavin archbishop of Glasgow or his officials or deputes. John Dougless procurator sought instrument before master Robert Dougless, James Ker of Auldrox¬burgh, Thomas Fergreff, Thomas McDuell.
206. Ker of Prumsyd 16 Aug 1533 [ Text ends here.]
207. Scot of Kyrkhoup 20 Aug 1533 Robert Chepman bailie came to [text ends here.]
208. Wilsone Howatsone to a mutual agreement 21 Aug 1533 “The 21 day of August in the yeir of our Lord 1533 yeirs, it is finelie contrakit finelie compromittit and irrevocabylly aggreit betueix honest personnes in presens of thir witnesses under vryttng that is to say Jhone Vylsone in Sondhoup for slauchter of his [fader] Thome and his frendis kynes and allya alss veill nocht nemmyt as nemmit for ane part and Jhone Howatsone his frendis, kyne and alya in ane uthir part, that is to say, the forsaid Jhone Howatsone for slauchtter of Thome Vylsone sall content and thankfully pay to Jhone Vylsone, Thomas sone, the sowme of 20 merks in penny and pennyvorchts, the first 10 merkes at Martinmess next efter the date of thir presentis, the tother 10 merkes at Vytsonday next efter and ourepruffit at the Fest of the Assumcione of Our Lady, and instantlie in the presence of thir vytness Jhone Vylsone of his fre vyll with consent of kyne, frendis and allya, hes hartlie forgeffin the slauchter of his fader and all uther fed [ie feud], invy , maless or discorde that he or ony of his [frendis] may lend in tyme to cum to his nycht¬bour Jhone Howatsone and for veryficacioune, Jhone Vylsone hes tane hyme and his frendis of thair kneis in the paroche kyrk of Selkirk and failyng detfull paiment of the foresaid sowme al feid slauchter to stand in effec as [it] did at the makin of compromit and [as] bath the parties hes sworne [the aitht] be ostentionne of the handis to the haly evangeill that party breikis ther promise abone vryttin sall pay within 40 dais ther efter to the party bydands stidfastlie without revocatione, the sowme £40 usuell mony of Scotland.” John Howatsone and John Vylsone sought instrument before witnesses William Scot in Sondhoup, David Armstrang in Elreg, William Scot in Toddryk, John Scot there, John in Kyrkhoup, Adam Howatsone, George Smyth, John Coutart, John Blaike.
209. Lauder on part of Brydin 7 Feb 1533/34 William Ker of Schaw of his own free will has allowed all the inhabitants of the lands called “Kylcroft, Gersland and Caponland” to remove all stones and wood brought in by them to the said land which remains held by me without claim from any other. Stephen Lauder burgess of Edinburgh sought instrument around 8 pm in his house on the part of the inhabitants before men and priests sir William Brad¬fut, Bartholomew Robesone, Stephen Bell, Alexander Lauder and others servants of the family.
210. Chepman 18 Feb 1533/34 John Mithag bailie came to the tenement of the deceased John Chepman burgess in the burgh on south part of the king’s street between the tenement once held by William Loremer and now Robert Thomson on the east, the tenement of the deceased John Lauder now James Keyne on the west, the king’s street on the north and the land of William Ker’s on the south and there on ground of the same the said John Mithag…entered and invested George Chepman, son and heir of the deceased John Chepman in and to the whole tenement with house, yard and pertinents by staff and baton as is customary. George Chepman sought instrument done on the ground of the said tene¬ment around 7 am before John Best, John Brydin, John Freir, John Lumisden, William Birne, William Haw.
211. Brydin Same day and place John Mithag bailie of Selkirk came to the tenement of the deceased John Brydin burgess of Selkirk lying within the burgh between the tenements of John Best on the east, the lands of master John Chepman on the south, the tenement of David Brydin on the west and the king’s street lead¬ing to Pelhyll on the north, and there on ground of the same the bailie entered and invested in and to the said tenement with house and pertinents by staff and baton the young man, John Brydin, son and heir of the deceased John Brydin as is the custom in the burgh. John sought instrument before witnesses abovewrit¬ten.
212. Haudene On the same day as above John Mithag bailie gave sasine to Elizabeth Haudene of all the tenement of her father George Hawdene lying between the tenements of Andrew Ker of Prumsydlouch on the east, the lands of master John Chepman on the south, the tenement of David Brydin on the west and the king’s street on the north by staff [text ends here].
213. Turnbull 14 March 1534 John Turnbull son and heir of the deceased George Turnbull of Hassyndenbank declared that he had lawfully intimated to Andrew Davidsone son and heir of the deceased James Davidsone to compear and receive the sum of £12 scots for [the redemption] of a tenement with pertinents lying in the burgh of Selkirk on the west side between the tenement of Thomas Hendersone on the east, the house of William Brydin on the south, the tenement of John Mithag on the west and the king’s street leading to Moresone Hill on the north with an acre of arable land lying under the Pelhyll between the lands of sir John Michilhill on the east and the lands of the blessed Virgin Mary on the west “this lawfull varning beand doun comperit David Davidsone ane with his procurators in the borrow court of Selkyrk before alderman and bailyes of the sammyn and producit the evide¬nss of the said George Turnbull alienatione of the said tenemont and aiker of land maid to the said James Davidsone contenand purportend in the said evidenss the tenor of ane reversione extendand to ane sowme of £12 and the said Jhone Turnbull beand present offerit the said sowm of £12 to David air to James David¬sone for the redemyng of the said tenemont and ane aiker of land, the quhilk sowme he refusit and immediatlie the said John put the said sowm in souer kepying in the hands of ane vorchty man James Bradfut burgess of Selkyrk and hes bene this 5 yeirs in the saidis handis by past and salbe keipit to the utilite and prof¬feit of the said David Davisone his ayris executoris and assig¬nais. And attour this the said Jhone Turnbull consideiris his greit skaytht be spulze of his house and the aiker of land lyand vaist and his mony in souer keiping in hands of the foresaid burgess be the spaice of fyv yers considering the evidenss shawin in plane court beiris and purportis the tenor of the reversione now I vyll despone me to intromet with my tenemont and aiker of land.” John sought instrument done around 1 pm before witnesses sir William Brydin, John Michilhill chaplain, Robert Chepman, William Brydin, Thomas Crukschankis, James Scot bailie.
214. Curror 20 April 1534 James Scot, bailie came to the tenement of the deceased Walter Curror within the burgh of Sel¬kirk at Peilgait between the tenement of Alan Mithag on the east and the Common viz “le Bog” on the south, the tenement of Thomas Prechour on the west and the king’s street leading to the loch on the north, and there on ground of the same gave sasine of the whole tenement with house, yard and rigs of arable land and pertinents to John Curror son and heir of the deceased Walter Curror and invested him in the same. John sought instrument.
Same day James Scot bailie after viewing evidents came to the tenement now inhabited by James Cadzow lying in Cauldshellis between the tenement of James Helme on the east, the land of Patrick Murray inhabited by Janet Scot on the north, the tenement of Thomas Morlawe on the west and the king’s street leading to the Peel on the south and there on ground of the same gave sasine of all the tenement with house and yard to John Curror and en¬tered him as heir to the deceased Walter Curror by staff and baton. John sought the instrument.
Same day James Scot bailie at the request of John Curror came to his tenement lying in Peilgait between the tenement of James Helme on the east, the lands of Patrick Murray on the north, the tenement of Thomas Morlawe on the west and the king’s street on the south and there on ground of the same of his own free will, John Curror resigned all right and claim, ownership and posses¬sion which he has or will have to the tenement* in hands of the bailie who gave sasine to James Curror. James sought instrument done around 2 pm before John Mithag, bailie, sir John Brydin, William Portuiss serjeant, Cuthbert Curror, John Craw, Alan Mithag.
* Note here referring to next item 215. “Leychman xx day of the month of April year xxxiiii”.
215. Leychman wife with consent of sister 23 April 1534 “In the presence of Jhone Mithag our bailie of Selkyrk and vytnesses undervrytting comperit ane vorcthy voman Elesabecht Lychtman with consent and assent command of hir saster Jenot Lychman lawful ayris of umquhill George Kyll, burgess of Selkirk efter the tenor of thairis infeftment and lauful resignatioune of the sammyne in the bailyeis handis of forsaid burgh gaif and grantit full pouer to Jhone Mithag bailye effor saidis to by ae seill for hir, ane uther for hir saster and seill ther chartouris with in our abse¬nss becauss we ar fer of and may evyll traveill and deliver the sammyn to Sande Scot in Palyss”. Alexander sought instrument before Robert Chepman, John Scot, John Scot, John Smyth, Alexan¬der Collen, John Lauder, William Turnbull, James Tait, Thomas Nychoill.
216. Doune 23 April 1534 William Ker and Adam Ker of Sanct Helyne Schaw came to the east of half of their tenement which was once inhabited by Andrew Sandersone lying within the burgh of Selkirk between the tenement of John Dounaldsone on the east, the king’s street on the south, the rest of the said tenement on the west and the yard of George Chepman on the north and there on ground of the same the said William and Adam freely resigned and gave sasine of the said tenement in favour of John Dounne. John sought instrument.
On the same day William Ker and Adam Ker his son and heir came to the west side of the tenement the “lang haw” with its pertinents and there on ground of the same resigned the upper part of the tenement and gave sasine to John Dounne, burgess provided that the said William and Adam, their heirs and assignees pay on one day between sun rise and set at St Ninian’s Altar in the parish church of Selkirk, the sum of £10 scots to John Dounne and his heirs. We will also that the said John Doune his heirs and as¬signees shall enjoy peacefully the said upper tenement for one year after relaxation and payment of the said sum for his ex-penses and rightful labour. John Doune sought instrument before witnesses Adam Ker clerk, John Lumisden, Thomas Lumisden, John Pato, John Doungall, Thomas Vatson, Thomas Mynto.
217. Ker of Prumsydloucht 24 April 1534 The greater part of the community of the burgh of Selkirk resigned all right and claim, ownership and possession which they have to the mill of Bulliheuch. The said Andrew Ker sought instrument from me notary public, before James Scot, John Mithag bailies.
218. Jonsone 20 May 1534 James Scot bailie at request of Thomas Jonsone elder, burgess of the burgh of Selkirk came to one of his crofts of arable land between the lands of John Curror and our common viz “the Bog” on the south, the loch of Hayning on the west and a piece of our common land on the north and there on ground of the same Thomas Jonsone elder, resigned his croft in hands of the bailie who gave sasine to the young man Thomas Jonsone heir of the said Thomas Jonsone elder, and to his heirs and assignees the said Thomas paying yearly 6s 8d annualrent to the venerable father curate of Selkirk, sir William Brydin and his successors forever to celebrate devoutly a soul mass yearly for the souls of the aforesaid Thomas Jonsone and Katherine Scheill, his spouse and their children present and to come. Thomas Jonsone younger sought instrument done around 10 am before witnesses sir William Brydin, John Brydin chaplain, William Portuis, Robert Chepman, Alan Mithag, Robert Todryk, David To¬dryk, John Curror.
Chepman Same day and place James Scot bailie came at request of Thomas Jonsone to the tenements of John Scot, William Mithag, John Bradfut, Alexander Scot lying in the burgh of Selkirk be¬tween the tenements of Robert Todryk on the east and Thomas Morlawe on the west, the common viz “the bog” on the south and the king’s street on the north on the one part and the other tenement of John Bradfut on the north of the king’s street be¬tween the tenement of John Mithag on the east, the tenement of James Helme on the west, the king’s street on the south and the lands of Janet Scot on the north and there on ground of the same Thomas Jonsone resigned an annualrent of 15 shillings scots viz 5 shillings on tenement of John Scot, 5 shillings on tenement of Alex Scot, 5 shillings on the tenement of John Bradfut, payable at Whitsunday and Martinmas in equal portions and the bailie gave sasine of the annualrent to Elizabeth Chepman alias Jonsone personally present and accepting. Elizabeth sought instrument done on the ground of the same around 10 am before witnesses abovewritten.
219. NB [Ninian Bryden] on the part of David Jonsone and Mungo Jonsone, Janet Jonsone Same day place etc Thomas Jonsone, burgess came to his tenement now in the hands of John Broun, once of John Jonsone, lying in the burgh of Selkirk between the tene¬ment of Thomas Ellot on the east, the tenement of Thomas Curror on the west, the king’s street leading to Peilhill on the south and the yard of the heirs of Thomas Jonsone on the north and there on ground of the same Thomas Jonsone resigned an annualrent of 18 shillings uplifted on the tenement in the hands of the bailie who gave sasine of the 18s to Ninian Brydin procurator of the said David [Jonsone], Mungo Jonsone, Janet Jonsone. Ninian Brydin , Mungo Jonsone and Janet Jonsone sought instrument before the witnesses abovewritten.
220. Haudene 22 May 1534 Robert Haudene on the one part and Marion Mar on the other as is clearly shown in the mother tongue “The forsaidis Robert and Mairyone executoris and intromettoiris of the gudis of umquhill Alexander Haudene and his barnes viz Georde, Robert and Margaret and in presens of thir vytness undervrytting the said Robert Haudene byndis hyme and obliseis hyme under pane of all his gudis present and to cum that he sall be benovolus efter his pover to the debact of his broder barnes forsaidis in all necessairis and maist specially to the tak and stedinge of Boldsyd quhilkis thairis faderis had of David Hop¬pringill. And attour the said Robert sall tak the barnes part of gudis of George Haudene and Robert Haudene forsaidis in souer keipinge quhill Beltein next to cum efter the dait of thir presentis payand thankfully xl shillings [ 40 shillings] to his gud sister Mairyon Mar in part of paiment and the barnes susten-tacione, feiding and cleything, the tane quarter paiment of xx shillings [ 20 shillings] at the fest of Sanct Martyne next to cum, the tother quarter paiment of xx shillings at Beltene next efter. And the forsaid Mairyone Mar byndis hir be the fath and troucht in hir body that scho sall do hir uter deligenss in cleythinge and feidinge hir barnes viz George, Robert and Mege in hir awin handis as use is in the countre. And the forsaid Mairy¬one obliseiss under the pane of inhabilite and all repruff and pane may follow heirefter that quhat tyme and how sone scho cheissis and cleythis hir with ane housband or ony uthir opinlie that ilk tyme instantlie without fraud or gyll sall deuvyd fra hir the tak and steidinge and do hir uter deligenss to put hir barnes in the samyne all fraud gyll cavillation secludit” before witnesses John Dunlop, Matthew Mar, William Scheill, Robert Scheill and others.
221. Brydin 22 May 1534 Adam Ker in Sanct Helyne Schawe came to the tenement of James Brydin lying in the burgh of Selkirk between the tenement of the said Adam on the east, the lands of George Chepman on the west, the king’s street leading to “Sanct Marie Voll” [St Mary’s Well] on the north and the lands of John Chepman on the south and there on ground of the same Adam freely resigned an annualrent of 13s 4d in hands of John Mithag, bailie, who gave sasine of the said annualrent to James Brydin and John Brydin his son and heir provided that the said Adam his heirs and assignees pay James or John 10 merks scots. James sought instru¬ment before William Ker of Whitmuirhall, Thomas Mynto, John Lumisden, John Cruik, Thomas Lumisden, John Freir, Thomas Vatson.
222. Katherine Scheill 24 May 1534 Thomas Jonsone burgess of the burgh of Selkirk resigned his tenement lying in the said burgh between the tenement of James Jonsone on the north, the king’s street on the east, the tenement of Mungo Jonsone on the south and the tenement of Simon Fairle on the west in hands of the bailie John Mithag who gave sasine to Katherine Scheill, spouse of Thomas Jonsone, in liferent. Katherine sought instru¬ment before sir William Brydin vicar, John Michilhill, John Chep¬man chaplain, Robert Chepman, George Paterson, James Keyne.
223. Jonsone younger Same day and place Thomas and Katherine resign the said tenement with houses and yard thereto and with pertinents in form and effect as is [presented?] in time of making with (illegible) to him after the decease of the same [note in margin :”cassato” broken] in hands of John Mithag bailie who invested and entered the young man Thomas Jonsone younger as true and lawful heir of the said Thomas Jonsone elder, as was written above after the death of Thomas and Katherine.
Also the said Thomas Jonsone elder…promises Thomas younger if he weakens in strength he shall have straightway all the back¬houses to support them in their need. Thomas younger sought instrument.
On the same day Thomas Jonsone weak in body but sound in mind appoints his cousin John Haw to act as procurator at the invest¬ment of Thomas Jonsone younger in 6 rigs over “the Flures” be¬tween the open field lands of Patrick Murray, and also as his procurator to give sasine to Elizabeth Chepman of one rig lying under “le Know” in the following tenor “Be it kend till all men be thir presentis lettres, me Thomas Jonsone burgess in Selkyrk to haif maid constitut and ordinet and be this presentis lettres makes constitutis and ordines my veilbelovit frendis Jhone Chep¬man, Jhone Haw coniunctlie and souerlie my verray lawfull and undoutit procuratoris auctouris factouris and speciall messingea¬ris gevand and committand to the samyne and ilk ane of thaim myne foull povir for me in my nayme and in my behalff to resing and upgeif in the handis of ane vorchty man Jhone Mithag ane of the bailyeis of the burgh of Selkyrk all my sex rigis of land within the fredome of the samyne burgh lyand in ryndaill as it is at mair lenchte specifeit in chartouris maid thereupone fra me myne ayris and assignais to my veilbelovit Thomas Jonesone nerest and laufull ayre, his ayris and assignais and alswa ane rig of land lyand under the know in the est part of the toune to my veilbelo¬vit douchter Elesabecht Jonsone, hiris ayris, executouris and assignais fra me myne ayris and assignais. And generalie all utheris thingis to do haut and uss it to the office of procurato¬ry is knawin to pertene or that I mycht doo my selff and I var put in propir ferme and stabyll hauld and for to hauld all and quhatsumever thing the said procuratouris or ony ane of thaim in my nayme in the premissis leidis to be done and I sall releif thaim of all chairgis thair throu in tyme to cum under the ypo¬teik and obligationne of all my gudis present and to cum.In vyt¬ness of the quhilk thing to this present procuratoury I haf set to my propir seil vith my awin hand and hess subscrixit thatt ilk vith my hand at the pen befor thir vytnesses sir Jhone Michil¬hill, sir Ninian Brydine notairis, Robert Chepman, Thomas Hawe, Jhone Chepman, James Doby, Jhone Mithag bailie the last day of may in the yeir of god 1534.”
224. Jonsone younger 31 [May 1534] John Haw with letter of proxy of Thomas Jonsone elder the tenor of which is abovewritten and sealed with his own seal on paper, came… to six rigs of arable land lying over “le Fluris” in ryndaill between the lands of Patrick Murray (blank ) resigns the said [rigs] in hands of the bailie John Mithag who gave sasine of all the 6 rigs to Thomas Jonsone, lawful heir of Thomas Jonsone elder after his death. Thomas younger sought instrument before witnesses under¬written.
On the same day, the procurator came to a rig of arable land under “le Know” between the lands of ( blank) and there on ground of the same the procurator in the name of Thomas Jonsone elder resigned the said rig in hands of the bailie John Mithag who gave sasine to Elizabeth Jonsone. Elizabeth Jonsone sought instrument before witnesses John Brydin, John Hawe, Robert Chepman, Thomas Curror, John Brown.
225. Scot, Ker of Prumsydloucht seek instrument 31 May 1534 Andrew Ker of Prumsydloucht leased his mill commonly called “Bullisheuch Myll” to Janet Scot relict of the deceased George Scot burgess of Selkirk and her son James for the term of 5 years immediately following paying yearly from the said Janet and James their heirs and assignees to me, my heirs and assignees £20 scots at two terms ie Whitsunday and Martinmas in equal portions. Also Janet and James bind themselves to hand over and demit the said mill in a better state than they received it before witnesses underwritten. Also they bind themselves to take to the mill all the grain pertaining to the place of Grenheid viz corn and malt or any other (illegible) and payment whatsoever. And the said Janet and James shall repay the noble men James Bradfut and Simon Fairle for debts paid of the said sum to Andrew Ker his heirs and assignees. Also the said Andrew Ker faithfully promises to give all his own grain and also that of his tenants viz Grenheid, Quhitmur, Myddilsteid and Blakmeddinges and to repair and build “viz ye caull [ie cauld] with horss and men”. Andrew sought instrument before witnesses Gavin Ellot, James Keir, Ralph David¬son, Simon Fairle, James Bradfut.
226. Mathosone 31 May [1534] James [Scot] bailie at the re¬quest of William Lauder burgess of the burgh of Selkirk came to his tenement lying in the vennel called “Vol Gait” between the tenements of James Melross on the east, the tenement and yard of Helen Keyne on the south, the tenement of James Cadzow on the west and the king’s street leading to Peilhill on the north and there on ground of the same the said William freely resigned the said house or tenement with small yard in hands of the bailie James Scot who gave sasine to William Mathosone, the said William paying 14 shillings scots yearly at two terms [ie at Whitsunday and Martinmas]. William sought instrument before William Cadzow, James Bradfut, Thomas Curror, John Brown burgesses, James Cant.
227. Murray Michilhill 31 May 1534 Robert Turnbull leases and demits his place of Howdene lying within the sheriffdom of Selkirk between the lands of Walter Scot tutor of Hanyng on the east, the lands of master Michael Scot of Aikvod on the west, the lands of Blakmedinges on the south and the Atrick Water on the north for the term of 2 years immediately following and the entry of the above George and John [Murray] should be at the feast of holy Whitsunday next, paying yearly £7 annualrent in two equal portions at Whitsunday and Martinmas, and the said Robert assures the said George and John their heirs and executors will be free from all damage and molestation whatsoever at the end of the term. George and John Murray sought instrument before sir John Michilhill notary, John Doune, Thomas Lame, James Murray, John Michilhill, Robert Doune, Robert Turnbull have underwritten the deed.
228. Morlawe 7 July 1534 William Ker and Adam Ker his son and lawful heir, came of their own free wills to their rigs of open field of “Gersland” and “Caponland” of which the first lies over “le Know” on the east side of the town between the lands of George Chepman on the east, the lands of Elizabeth Scot or Por¬tuiss relict of the deceased John Scot on the west, the king’s street leading to the burgh of Selkirk on the south and the Etryk water on the north; the second rig lies over “le Thurbrandcorss” with the lands of George Chepman on the north and Patrick Murray on the south; the third rig lies over “Dounsdaillis” with the lands of master John Chepman on the south and James Brydin on the north; the 4th rig lies over “Raton Taillis” [Rat’s Tails] be¬tween the lands of master John Chepman on the north and Patrick Murray on the south; the 5th rig lies over “le Goslodaillis” be¬tween the lands of George Chepman on the north and Cuthbert Turnbull on the south; the 6th rig lies over “le Fluris” between the lands of George Chepman on the north and Patrick Murray on the south; the 7th rig lies over “le Flures heids” between the lands of George Chepman on the south and Patrick Murray on the north; the 8th rig lies over “Tattis Hill” between John Morlaw on the north and George Chepman on the south. And there on ground of the same William and Adam gave sasine of the said rigs to John Morlaw. John sought instrument before witnesses Adam Ker younger, John Mithag bailie, John Haw, William Portuis.
Also John Morlawe promises to seal a reversion to William and Adam if the said William and Adam pay instantly the sum of 20 [pounds] on a day at the altar of St Ninian in the parish kirk of Selkirk. Also that a forewarning 40 days beforehand ought to be made in presence of notary and witnesses as is the custom. If it happens that the said John fraudulently absent himself from receiving the said sum we will that it be put in safe keeping of the bailies of the burgh for time being. Also the said William and Adam bind themselves and their heirs that the said John shall peacefully enjoy the said rigs for 3 years immediately after relaxation, paying the sum of 12 shillings at two terms.
229. Mithag Same day John Mithag bailie at the request of John Haw came to 2 rigs lying in Selkirk of which the first is in “Gosloodaillis” with the lands of Margaret Howdene on the north and of James Yong on the south and the other lies over “le Flu¬ris” between the lands of Thomas Jonsone on the south and Thomas Mynto on the north and there on ground of the same John Haw re¬signed the said rigs in hands of the bailie who gave sasine of the rigs to the young man James Mithag. [James] sought instrument before witnesses Robert Chepman, James Chepman, William Chepman and others.
230. sir William Brydin 15 July 1534 James Scot bailie came at the instance of Thomas Hendersone burgess and Katherine Burne his spouse to the upper part of his yard in Selkirk between the yard of Helen Lydderdaill on the east, the tenement of sir Wil¬liam Brydin on the south, the yard of Andrew Davidsone on the west and the said yard of Thomas and Katherine on the north, and there on ground of the same Thomas freely resigned the upper part of his yard containing the width of the house of sir William Brydin, in hands of the bailie who gave sasine of the yard to sir William Brydin his heirs and assignees paying yearly 12 pence to the said Thomas and Katherine and thereafter to the superior lord as above if he so pleases. Sir William sought instrument before Alan Keyne, Alexander Hawe, Thomas Doungaill, James Edmonte, Henry Pattersone, George Clerk.
231. Loucht 17 July 1534 John Dounaldsone, son and heir of Ninian Dounaldsone of his own free will came to his tenement in the burgh of Selkirk between the tenement of John Brydin on the east, the lands of James Wilkesone on the west, the king’s street leading to the cross on the south, the Etreke water on the north, the which tenement the said John holds from the reverend father in Christ, sir Andrew Betone [sic – Andrew Durie in No 238], Abbot of Melross and his monks, and John resigns all right and claim that he has or will have in the said tenement in favour of Andrew Loucht his heirs and assignees forever. [Andrew] sought instrument before Andrew Dounaldsone, John Paico, Henry Yong, John Lumisdene, Thomas Vatsoun.
232. Ellot procurator of Gavin Ellot 24 July 1534 Thomas Ellot procurator in the name of Gavin Ellot, came to the church of Hassyndene according to the tenor of a letter of forewarning made by William Scot of Hassyndene to receive a certain sum of money and other things contained in a letter of reversion made by Gavin Ellot to the said William Scot of 40 shillinglands of Neder Gallelawe and there the said Thomas asked me notary public to read out the said reversion which being done Thomas sought in¬strument in the following tenor ” I, Thomas Ellot procurator of ane vorchty man Gavin Ellot is heir present at the prenoted day and plaice efter the tenor of the premunicioune made be Villiem Scot and is reddy to resaif all things contenit in the reversi¬oune and the said Thomas desiris the said Villiem to seill an letter of tak of the 40 shillingland be tenor of the reversioune and if he vauld not seill it vt his propir seill bot he offerit to subscrib it with his hand at the pen and attour the said Thomas Ello[t] procurator desyris sic lyk mony as the reversion purports viz angellis nobyllis crownes of veycht unycornes and 33 shillings of quhit money and the said Villiem offerit ane certane [sum] of gouldis and quhit mony”. Thomas Ellot sought instrument before sir John Scot vicar of Hawyk, Thomas Hountar, Adam Scot of Alanhauch, William Kynhard, John Dounaldsone, John Swan, John Scot.
233. Ker of Mersyntoune 27 July 1534 James Ker of Mersynt¬oune offers to fulfil or implement all appointed promises made before Andrew Ker of Prumsydloucht and James Ker of Fairnole and also all the promises, conditions, consents made in a letter of obligation between himself and Janet Neuton, William Ker and Adam Ker of Sanct Helynes Schaw, heir of William and spouse of Janet Neuton, and the said William Ker personally present in the said place of Grenheid humbly requests that Andrew Ker of Prumsyd¬loucht, master William Ker, rector of Aldroxburgh and Thomas McDuell of Stedrig to hear the obligations, conditions and all contracts between James Ker and Janet Neuton, William Ker and Adam Ker and the said William Ker now withdraws and does not appear in the presence of James for the hearing. James Ker of Mersyntoun sought instrument before Andrew Ker of P[rumsydloucht], master William Ker rector of Auldroxburgh, Thomas McDuell of Stedrig, Thomas McDuell Laird of McCarstoun, Andrew Loucht.
Same day. Thomas McDuell procurator for James Ker of Mersyntoun came to the tower of St Helyne Schaw where Janet Neuton, William Ker and his son and heir Adam Ker live and the said Thomas pound¬ed the doors and they gave no reply and straightaway the said Thomas in a loud voice proclaimed and offered three times faith¬fully to implement all the appointed promises before Andrew Ker of Prumsydloucht, James Ker of Fairnele and also wrote it in a contract and a letter of obligation. Thomas McDuell procurator sought instrument before William Lauder, Richard Palmer, Patrick Dikesone and John Robesone.
234. Jamesone 7 Oct 1534 In plain head court, George Jame¬sone alleges that all the inhabitants of the burgh of Selkirk have insulted him and assert that he is a common oppressor and the said George protests that the same should be shown and prov¬en. George sought instrument before the whole court.
235. Jonsone 16 Oct 1534 John Scot in Hawik renounces and quitclaims Thomas Jonsone from all the appointed promises made to him or made in these present instruments. Thomas sought instru¬ment before William Brydin, John Scot, James Yonge vicar, John Haw, Robert Chepman, Thomas Scot.
236. Jonsone Same day sir John Scot vicar of Hawik and Thomas Scot bailie of the same place bind themselves their heirs and assignees under the form of this present instrument in the style of a contract in the name and on the part of John Scot of Hawik to pay to Thomas Jonsone son and heir of the deceased James Jonsone burgess in Selkirk, the sum of 80 merks scots without any favour for the marriage contract between the same Thomas Jonsone and Janet Scot, daughter of the same John Scot, £20 at the time of the treating and the rest after the marriage and with the consent of her father John Scot. And one year after making the contract the said Thomas and Janet after their marriage shall be vested in the house of the said John, by his childrens’ and kinsmens’ wishes without any consideration until the end of the year…when they will pay 50 merks in pennies and pennyworths by which payment the said Janet will receive sasine of the said house in conjunct fee. Thomas sought instrument done in the chamber of sir William Brydin at around 5 pm, before witnesses sir William Brydin, James Yong, Robert Chepman, John Hawe, John Couper.
237. Scot 16 Oct 1534 Robert Chepman came at request of Thomas Jonsone to the tenement of the deceased master James Jonsone lying in the burgh of Selkirk with the tenement of the deceased Thomas Jonsone on the south, the yard and tenement of Simon Fairle on the west and south and the king’s street on the east and there on the ground of the same the said Thomas resigned it in hands of the bailie who gave sasine of the said chamber and tenement to Janet Scot in conjunct fee. Janet sought instrument before sir John Scot, James Yong, John Mithag, Thomas Scot, John Hawe.
238. Brydin 23 Oct 1534 The venerable priests Robert Lid¬daill and Thomas Mersair, lord and dean of Melross presented a certain precept of sasine written on paper and sealed with the signet of sir Andrew Dure, Abbot of Melross and there appeared to me notary public to be no erasures corruptions or in any way suspect to Robert Chepman bailie specially constituted also bailie of the burgh of Selkirk at that time who showed that the same Robert who received the said precept and gave it to the notary to read out in the following tenor ” Androo be the permis¬sioun of God, abbat of the abbay of Melross tyl honorabyll men and our luffit frendis Robert Chepman burgess of Selkirk and balye of the samyn William Notman and Henry Symsone coniuntlie and soverlie our bailyeis in that part, our express vyll is and we chairgis you and commandis you in our name ane or ma that incontinent after the seyng of thir our writtingis ye pass to ane tenement of landis lyand within the burgh of Selkyrk one the norcht syd of the toun togydder wt ane aiker of lands lyand at the taill of the samyn betveix the lands of David Haw one the vost part the lands of Patrick Murray one the est part the Kyngis common street one the soucht part and the vatter of Ettrik on the norcht part quhilk lands and tenements pertenes nou tyll us and our abbay as patromony thereoff and thair ye sall geif stait sasing heretabyl possession in our nayme of the samyne to Jhone Brydin burgess in Selkyrk conformein to all things to the use and consuetud of the said burgh and to our chairtour of few maid be us and our convent therupone and deliverit to hyme. The quhilk to do we commit to you coniunctlie and severally oure full express and plane pouer be the tenor of this precepe giffen under our signet and subscriptioune manuall at our abbay of Melross the xix day of October in the yeir of God ane thousand fyf handretht therty and four yeres” and here is the subscription of Andrew, Abbot of Melross.”
The precept being read out the said Robert Chepman gave sasine of the tenement inhabited by the deceased David Brydin to John Brydin burgess of Selkirk. John sought instrument done on ground of the same around 11 am before John Hoye in Cumlyhill, John Hawe, George Chepman, Thomas Mynto burgesses, James Vilkesone, John Scot, John Brydin, Andra Brydin, John Ranwyk of the forest [Ettrick Forest?].
239. Hawe Same day and place the venerable men Robert Lyddaill and Thomas Mersure deans of Melross presented a precept of sasine written on paper and sealed under signet of the reverend father Andrew Dure abbot of Melross and it appeared to me notary public to have no erasures or corruptions or to be suspect in any way and he received it and handed it to me to read out in following tenor “Andro be permissioune of God abbot of the abby of Melross tyll honorabyll men and our luffit frendis Robert Chepmen burgess of Selkirk and bailye of the samyne William Notman and Hendry Symsone coniunctlie and severalie our bailyeis in that part Our express vyll [is] and ve chairge you and commandis you ane or ma incontenent efter the seyng of thir our vryttingis ye pass to ane tenement of lands lyand within the burgh of Selkyrk one the norcht syd of the toune to gidder with ane aiker of lands lyand at the taill of the samyne betueix the lands of James Vykesoune on the vost part and the land of Jhone Brydin one the est part and the kingis common streit one the soucht part and the vatter of Ettreik one the norcht part quhilk land and tenement pertenes nou to us and our abbay as patrimone thereof and thir ye shall geif stait and sessing heretabyll possessioune to David Haw son and appearand [heir] to Jhone Haw burgess of the said burgh of all the said tenement of land conforme in all thingis to the uss and consuetud of the said burgh and to our chairtour of few maid be us and our convent thairupone and deliverit to hyme. The quhilk to doo ve commit to you coniunctlie and severaly our full express and plane pouir be the tenor of this precept gevin under or signet and oure sebscriptioune manuel of oure said abbay of Melross the xix day of october the yeir of God ane thousand vc xxxiii yeiris [1534]” The subscription of the said abbot is “Andro, abbat of Melross”.
240. The which precept being read out the said Robert Chepman gave sasine of the said tenement and croft to the young man David Haw. David Haw sought instrument before witnesses abovewritten.
241. Haudene 30 Dec 1534 John Brydin son and heir of the deceased John Brydin burgess of the burgh of Selkirk and Elizabeth Haudene relict of the same John Brydin and mother of the said John presents in the following manner an extract from the burgh book ” That the said Elesabecht sall haif the tenement of the north syd of the toune with the halff husbandland perteining to the samyn for all the dais of hir vedoheid payand the deuyt¬ess as effeiris and quhen it sal happen her to be cled with ane man than scho sal haif the tenement foresaid and the yaird alla¬neriy payands therfore yeirlie 8 shillings or ellis the lytill houss inhabeit be Done Coltert in the vost part of the tenemont at the setting of the said Jhone his ayris or assignais part with the halff husbandland frely with consent of the overlord. Thane I forsucht Jhone Brydin myne ayres executoris and assignais be vertue of this compromet and strencht of this instrument and vytness undervrytting that quhat tyme or howe sone scho be inqui¬et of peciabill joyssing of the forsaid tenement and yaird for the uphaldin of it nychtburlyk and 8 shillings payand as saidis the quhilk inquietatioune beand opinly knawing that incontinent I my ayres or assignais sal gef hir to hir coniunt fee for the houss inhabeit be Elesabecht Haw and roum to big ane houss in the yaird thair to next adiacent with the overyaird to the nedder¬berne end roum in the clois and oyss of the kyll nychtburlyk with fre usche and entray to the sammyne throu the principaill clois to the fredome. In vytness of the quhilk thing aye of the par¬teis are bound be faicht and troucht of ther bodeis and for the mair securite thai haif subscribit ane compromet in the comon buk contenit with ther handis at the pen in the presence of vytnesses thir under vryttinge sir William Brydin, sir Ninian Brydin notai¬ris, James Keyne bailye of Selkyrk for the time, Robert Haudene, David Jonsone, Valter Stoddert.”
242. Keyne bailie 26 Jan [1534/35] James Keyne one of the bailies of Selkirk in a loud voice declared before witnesses that Patrick Murray of Faulauhill sheriff forbids us to hold the burgh court in the first place according to the tenor and customary right beyond human memory . Now he intends to proclaim the sher¬iff court before the burgh court. John Michilhill sought instru¬ment before witnesses John Michilhill, John Brydin chaplain, James Brydin, John Chepman, James.
243. Murray Same place and date Patrick Murray sheriff pub¬licly declared he desires and ought, by law, to hold the sheriff court before the burgh court and the said Patrick sought this instrument that he does not make impediment out of contempt for the burgh but for the sake of justice. Patrick sought instrument before witness as above.
244. Jaksone of Ruderfurd 1 Feb 1534/35 John Dougless in Cavers sheriff of Roxburgh in that part specially constituted and of our lord king by his precept of sasine under testimony of the Great Seal came to those husbandlands in the town of Rutherfurd, now inhabited by William Jaksone and half a husbandland in the same town of Rutherfurd inhabited by the William Jaksone in Nuk and also to another half of the said husbandland occupied by William Deiphoup, thence to a husbandland in the same town occu¬pied by William Dikman and a half husbandland in the town occu¬pied by Stephen Colterd, a half husbandland inhabited by Thomas Feiche and a husbandland now occupied by Ninian Brydin with pertinents lying within the sheriffdom of Roxburgh… and at the ground of each singly the notary read out the precept in the following tenor: James by grace of God, King of Scots to … John Dougless in Cavers, William Haw and Robert Jaksone and our sheriffs in that part, greeting. Because we have given and grant¬ed heritably to William Jaksone all the lands with pertinents written below viz a single husbandland of the town of Rutherfurd inhabited and occupied by William Jaksone, a half husbandland of the town of Rutherfurd inhabited by William Jaksone in [Nuk], a half husbandland occupied by William Dephoup, a single husband¬land in Rutherfurd inhabited by William Dikman, a half husband¬land in Rutherfurd inhabited by Stephen Colterd, a half husband-land occupied by Thomas Feiche and 12s 7d and threequarters of a husbandland in Rutherfurd now occupied by Ninian Bridin, lying in the sheriffdom of Roxburgh which were heritable [property] of Helen Rutherfurd of that ilk and with debts worth £88 4s above the same recovered from William Vatsone and the sum of £4 8s as the sheriff’s fee for execution of his office in assessing the worth of the lands and moveable goods of the same Helen for the same sum distringible according to the tenor of our act of par¬liament concerning debts made and our letters regarding sale and assignation as contained in our charter to the said William made before we therefore charge and command the said William or his rightful attorney …to [ receive] sasine of the assessed lands worth with pertinents according to the charter he has from us and without delating from our sheriffs of Roxburgh in that part…dated under testimony of the Great Seal at Edinburgh 15 Jan 1534 and 22nd year of our reign. After which John Douglas, sheriff by virtue of his office, gave sasine of the said lands occupied by the above persons to William Jaksone. William Jaksone sought instrument done at the ground of the said lands one by one around 10 am before William Deiphoup, Thomas Symsone, William Wod, George Feiche, John Vylsone, William Jaksone younger, Wil¬liam Gressone, Stephen Colthird, John Couper and John Symsone.
Witnesses to the promise William Deiphoup, Thomas Symsone, Wil¬liam Wod, George Feych, John Vylsone, William Jaksone younger, William Gressone, Stephen Coltert, John Couper, John Symsone.
* “all suttis service and arrestments that I ame oblyst to the shireff and his deputis”. George sought instrument before Robert Chepman and James Keyne bailies.
* This clause does not seem to relate to No 244 or any of the instruments close by.
245. John Scot,Peilgait 4 Feb 1533 (sic) John Scot in Peil¬gait burgess of the burgh of Selkirk freely and for conjugal affection and sustentation of his children came to half a tene¬ment of Le Est Hanying which [he] has in heritable fee of John Scot in Hanying and this under a reversion and there near “le Bogheidis” the same John Scot of Peilgait burgess from his own hands gave sasine and liferent to Margaret Scot his spouse of all the half tenement at “le Est Hanyng” always and however the said land may be redeemed by the heirs and assignees of John Scot lord of Hanyng and also I will that the said sum contained in rever¬sion of the said John Scot be returned to my heirs without revo¬cation or any obstacle. And that the said Margaret my spouse shall find a trustworthy cautioner that neither the same nor any other in her name shall make dispute or prejudice to my heirs after my death or a redemption of the said lands in fraudulent occupation for the sum contained in the reversion as the rule of law states. Margaret sought instrument done at the ground of the same around 2 pm before witnesses sir Simon Shortreid vicar of Ashkirk, James Scot bailie of Selkirk, William Fleigar elder, David Todryk, Walter Scot.
246. James Haw, smith 20 Feb 1534/5 Robert Chepman bailie at the request of William Wynterhoup, came to his tenement in Peil¬gait between the tenement of James Chepman on the east, the king’s street on the south, the tenement of sir John Brydin on the west and the yard of said James Chepman on the north and also concerning one yard pertaining to the tenement having an entry of 7 feet lying near the tenement of master John on the west and the workshop of Stephen Loremer and James Helme on the south and the tenement of sir John Brydin on the east and the yard of James Chepman on the north and there on ground of the same the said William Wynterhoup resigned the tenement and yard in hands of the bailie who gave sasine to James Haw burgess in Selkirk paying yearly to sir John Brydin chaplain of Glasgow 24 shillings. James sought instrument before John Mithag, William Chepman, Robert Melrose, John Curror, David [Mithag?]
247. John Hawe 4 March 1534/5 John Haw burgess of Selkirk publicly declared in the presence of witnesses underwritten that by no means did he wish to pay beyond what he is accustomed to pay for past terms for the said term of Whitsunday immediately following. John sought instrument before witnesses John Lumisden, sir Richard Brydin chaplain, Andrew Bradfut, James Wilkesone, John Cruk.
248. Morlawe Same day John Morlawe publicly declared that the honourable man William Ker of Sanct Helyne Schaw faithfully promised to pay two bolls of flour according to the use of the market of the burgh of Selkirk, from his 8 rigs of arable land at the feast of St Martin or St Andrew immediately following. Also that after payment of the said flour, the said William Ker or someone in his name will disturb the said John Morlawe in his peaceful possession of the said 8 rigs. John Morlawe sought instrument before witnesses abovewritten.
249.[Note : this item is interrupted by an inserted page as no. 251.]
Jaksone 30 March 1535 William Jaksone of Ruderfurd came to certain of his tenants living in the town of Ruderfurd whose names are as follows William Deiphoup, Ninian Brydin, Stephen Coltert, William Dikman, Thomas Feich, William Jaksone younger and the said William present from door to door and lawfully discharged possession of all the said tenants that they should be ejected and flit from all the lands and tenements apportioned to him by the deliberation of the lords of council. William Jaksone sought instrument before William Champlay of Langneuton, Thomas Jaksone, Andrew Lek, James Jaksone, Thomas Symsone, George Feych, John Cant, Thomas Vauch, Thomas Gressome.
250. Hoppringill 1 April 1535 The young man James Hopprin¬gill, first born son of James Hoppringill of Teness in name and on part of his father discharged all and each of both sexes by name, door to door in expectation of being ejected and flitting from his place of Bukhame at the feast of Whitsunday immediately after. James in name of his father sought instrument done in the presence of witnesses underwritten Alexander Franch, George Turnnor, Thomas Blaik, Thomas Mude.
251. [PAGE INSERTED.] 30 March 1535 William Jaksone in Nuk now occupying half a husbandland in the town of Rutherfurd, William Deiphoup occupier of another half husbandland of the same William Dikman inhabitor of a husbandland of the same town, Stephen Colthird occupier of [ half] a husbandland of the same town, Thomas Feiche occupier of half a husbandland of the same town and Ninian Brydin occupier of land in the said town with pertinents heritably belonging to William Jaksone lying in the bounds of the said town and within the sheriffdom of Roxburgh, personally apprehended to remove themselves and their servants and their goods from the husbandlands singly and respectively by Whitsunday next to come [and] he lawfully forewarned them inti¬mating and signifying that if they occupied the said lands after Whitsunday, they would be deemed to be held in violent possession of the same. William Jaksone sought instrument done at the dwell¬ing houses of the underwritten persons around 10 am before wit¬nesses William Champlay in Langneuton, Thomas Jaksone, ( p/t) Feich, Thomas Vauch, Andrew Lek, James Jaksone,Thomas Symsone, John Cant, Thomas Gressone.
252. Spotssvod Same day and place [as No 250 ]. Marion Spotiss¬vod relict of the deceased James Ker of Bukehalm, declares that this strong warning by James Hoppringill might not turn to her or her tenants in prejudice for this reason that it never was the modern custom that a chaste widow living in the lordship of Melrose was excluded from lawful possession by any reason and James Hoppringill faithfully promised before George Steill that the said Marion or her tenants would be neither removed nor disturbed if she paid always her ferme and emoluments to Andrew Dury lord Abbot of Melross. Marion sought instrument before witnesses abovewritten.
253. sir John Michilhill on the part of David Jonsone 5 April 1535 Mungo Jonsonsone (sic) freely resigned all claim he has, had or will have in and to to an annualrent of 6 shillings scots uplifted on a tenement of John Broun lying in Peilhill between the tenements of Thomas Ellot on the east, Thomas Curror on the west, the yard of the heirs of Thomas Jonsone on the north and the king’s street on the south. Also the said Mungo quitclaims to the said David all the sum belonging to him after relaxation. David Jonsone sought instrument before sir William Brydin vicar of Selkirk, David Scot vicar of Cavers, John Brydin chaplain, Robert Chepman.
254. Jonsone 6 April 1535 Robert Chepman bailie came to the tenement of the deceased master James Jonsone lying in the burgh of Selkirk between the tenements of the deceased Thomas Jonsone on the south, the king’s street called “Fulbrig Vynd” on the east, the tenement of Simon Fairle on the north and the yard of Simon Fairle on the west, and there on ground of the same the bailie gave sasine of the tenement with houses and yard and by staff and baton invested Thomas Jonsone lawful heir of the de¬ceased master James Jonsone his uncle. Thomas sought instrument around 10 am before sir John Michilhill, David Mithag, Mungo Jonsone, James Doby.
255. John Brydin of the Malt Kiln 9 April 1535 Robert Chepman bailie came to certain rigs of open field of the deceased John Brydin burgess lying in ryndaill between the lands of Patrick Murray two of which lie in “Myl Croft” on the west of “Dons¬dailles”, the lands of Patrick Murray on the north in hands of Simon Jamsone, the millburn on the west, the lands of John Chep¬man on the east and the croft of Mark Ker now in the hands of Elizabeth Bayne, relict of the deceased Robert Portuis [on the south]. A third rig lying in “Donsdaillis Balkis” on the north part of “le ester struder” [ie easter pool] between the lands of William Lauder now in the hands of William Keyne on the south and east and the lands of Patrick Murray now in the hands of (blank). And another 2 rigs lying on the south part of “Le ester struder” with the lands of Patrick Murray on east, west and north,and there on ground of the same the bailie invested sasine of all the said rigs with pertinents to John Brydin son and lawful heir of John Brydin burgess. John sought instrument done around 10 am before witnesses John Turnbull heir of Philophauch, Thomas Ker, heir of Mark Ker, David Jonson, Thomas Lumisden, Walter Stoddart and Robert Ellot.
256. Brydin 3rd Same day and place Robert Chepman bailie after reading evidents of the deceased John Brydin burgess, came to two rigs of arable land not the meadow lying under “le Reid¬heild” with the lands of Robert Chepman on the east, the king’s street on the west, a meadow of William Ker of Sanct Elene Schaw viz at “Thurledenburne” on the west and the lands of Patrick Murray now in the hands of Helen Lauder relict of Thomas Ker on the south and there on ground of the same the bailie invested sasine of the two rigs with meadow extending to “Thurlidenburn” in John Brydin, son and heir of the deceased John Brydin, his fa¬ther. John sought instrument before witnesses abovewritten.
257. Brydin Same day Robert Chepman bailie came to a further 2 rigs of arable land lying in the west part of “le Donsdaillis” with the Ettrek water on the north, the lands of Patrick Murray now in the hands of Simon Jamsone on the south, the lands of John Scot on the east, the burn called Millburn on the west and there on ground of the same the bailie invested sasine in John Brydin true and lawful heir of his grandfather Thomas and his father John Brydin burgess. John Brydin sought instrument before wit¬nesses abovewritten.
258. Patersone, Andersone, Broun 27 April [1535] Robert Patersone, Bartholomew Andersone and Archibald Broun sought instrument that Alexander Scot then called of Paliss near Ashkirk faithfully promised before witnesses underwritten to forgive all charges, debts or harmful words brought to him by the said Rob¬ert, Bartholomew and Archibald and afterwards never to repeat the same in law or outside the law. The said [men] sought instrument before witnesses Patrick Dobsone, William Frater, James Frater, Walter Stoddart, David Jonsone, Ninian Smyth, Robert Ellot lay¬man.
259. Lauder 1 May 1535 William Lauder burgess of Edinburgh and lord of the lands of Toddryk came to his principal dwelling house assigned to William Scot tenant of the said place and straightway by casting away and placing outside of a stool at the front door as is the custom in such things, discharged the said William Scot and his friends to be ejected and removed from my place of Toddryk at Whitsunday next following and declared this publicly before witnesses William Hendersone, John Blaike, John Scot, Patrick Moffat, Patrick Harde.
260.Reddaill younger 5 May 1535 George Reddaill son and heir of the lord of Reddaill presented a certain precept of sasine under the seal of Michael Clerk lord of a third part of Purve¬shill to Thomas Hereot who received it and handed it to the notary to read out in the following tenor: Michael Clerk to James Reddaill, John Reddaill, William Reddaill, Thomas Herrot my bailies in that part, greetings. Because I have sold, granted and alienated to George Reddaill, son and heir of John Reddaill of that ilk and Elizabeth Ker his spouse and to whichever lives longer in conjunct fee and to their heirs lawfully procreated failing which the nearest heirs of the said George all the third part of the lands of Purveshill with tenants and tenantry and pertinents lying in the sheriffdom of Peebles held from our lord king and his successors as contained in my charter to the said George and Elizabeth we charge and command you to give sasine of the said lands without delay…to George Reddail and Elizabeth Ker and to whichever lives longer in conjunct fee following the tenor of their charter… in testimony of which I append my seal and sign manual at Jedburgh 29 April 1535 before sir George Mar¬chaill treasurer of Aberdeen, John Dougless burgess of Jedburgh, Ninian Knox, Thomas Singlar notary public and Stephen Andersone. And I Thomas Keyne notary public subscribe the present precept of sasine by special command of the foresaid Michael Clerk who as he asserted is unable to write with his hand at the pen wit¬ness my manual subscription. “Ita est T.K.” The which precept being read out and made public the said Thomas Hereot bailie in that part gave sasine of the lands of the third part of Purvi¬shill to George Reddaill. George sought instrument done around 11 am before witnesses Hugh Dougless burgess in Edinburgh, John Reddaill, John Braikreig, John Hesloip, John Purvess, Thomas Hog.
261. Smyth wife of John Mithag 7 May 1535 The venerable father William Lermont brother of the order of Saint Dominic in the place of Sterlyng gave to me Janet Smyth for consanguinal love and favours acts and deeds, all the ash trees (“fractinos”) and willows now in his yard lying in Peilhill between the tene-ments of John Curror on the east, Andrew Shortreid on the west. Janet sought instrument at the door of James Wilkeson around 1 pm before George Chepman, David Jonsone, John Vrycht.
I, Vincent Strauchan notary by special command of Janet Wilsone subscribe this present charter with my own hand in the appointed chamber.
262. Robert Chepman and James Keyne, bailies in name and on part of the community of the burgh of Selkirk seek an instrument 25 May 1535 the notary public, witnesses and all the inhabitants of the burgh of Selkirk came to the north common viz ” the north syd of Yair Common, raid the marchis distinklie be the devyss of our eldest and vysset burgess and set up march stanes be tweix Carterhaucht and us, and Philophauch, Hareheid and Fausyd at command of the haill commonite that var chossin landmaires [landmeasurers] to pass and rid the boundis of the common viz Thomas Mynto, James Bridin, Johne Bridin elder, Jhone Haw, Andro McDuell, Symon Fairle, Ad Wilkesone, Jhone Curle, James Mousse, Johne of Cadzow aigis est of the toun and that ilk day, tuk doune twa schelles [sheilings] anent the Yair and Thome Ker in the Yair promised to tak doune ane dyk neulie begit be yonger Voll of Vod and als maister Thomas Ker in Sonderlandhall, ane porcionne of ane dyk one Tweid syd and uther portioun over the Yairsyd Pottis faithfully promist to put thaim doun with his awin servand ore thai raids agains and alss James Ker in Bregheuch vranguslie manuris twa rigs sawin cornes lynelie descandand doune fra the diks that cumes to the Kirkburn and evin doune to the foundament of ane auld dyk one the Bregheuch and all contenit one the north syd quhill it cum to the vater of Ettrik” Before sir Stephen Vylkesone, John Brydin chaplain, Gilbert Ker, James Ker of Al-droxburgh, Thomas Ker of Yair, John Thomson and the whole commu¬nity.
263. Ruderfurd on the part of the lord of Hunthill 8 June 1535 the venerable sir William Ruderfurd protested in plain court that the deliberation of the inquest should not turn to his prejudice from the fact that he openly produced an instrument of sasine of Blakhauch and all right and claim that the most excellent lady Queen or the lord of Maxham has, had or will have.
264. James Keyne bailie ‘pro re publica’ 25 June 1535 James Keyne one of the bailies in the name and on the part of his office and the community of the burgh of Selkirk and by virtue of a letter given by the king for the freedom of the burgh, dis¬charges all buyers without freedom of the burgh having wool, skins and loads [“carga”] or any goods contrary to the state and freedom of our burgh before the appointed hour and specially Robert Hauden, Thomas Govan, William Vylson, John Vylson, William Vynterhoup, David Jonsone, Adam Vylsone, John Downlop, buyers principally against the burgh’s freedom and they burdened the burgesses weekly with cries and were manifest for a long time. James sought instrument before witnesses master Robert Ker vicar of Lyndene, sir William Brydin vicar of Selkirk, John Mithag, James Bradfut, John Brydin, Robert Chepman, Peter Moffat, James Scot and others.
265. Keyne 21 July 1535 James Keyne bailie of Selkirk in the name of the whole community made William Portuus proclaim royal letters concerning the customs and freedoms of the burgh of Selkirk near the cross around noon. Before witnesses William Hog in Prestoun, William Scot in Feldishoup, Walter Scot in Hanying.
266. William Curror 3 Sept 1535. William Ker and Adam Ker of St Elyne Schaw of their own free will came to the tenement of David Brydin lying in the burgh of Selkirk in the vennel called Volvynd with the tenement of John Brydin on the east, the tene¬ment of John Lumisdene on the west, the lands of master John Chepman on the south and the king’s street on the north and there on ground of the same resigned an annualrent of 20 shillings scots from the said William, Adam their heirs and assignees up¬lifted yearly from the said tenement in favour of William Curror presonally present and accepting and invested the said William in the same provided that William and Adam pay £19 scots on one day to William Curror after and in tenor of a reversion to William Curror … pay £10 now and the other £9 at time of reversion and straightaway the said William [Curror] will renounce all right and claim and deliver all evidents to William, Adam their heirs and assignees. William Curror sought instrument before John Lumisden, John Paito, John Cruik, James Lumisden, John Dwnne, David Jonsone.
267. John Hawe 18 Sept 1535 John Haw burgess of Selkirk, declared in the presence of witnesses and notary public that Andrew Louche, William Ellot, Parsevell Ellot, Patrick Gourlaw [ gap left blank for other names ] with whatever messengers or soldiers with their accomplices by force of hand armed or without any precept from the bailie, officer, messenger, serjeant or any one, stole or took away grain from one rig of arable land lying under “le Schaw” heritably belonging to the said John Haw as he alleges he has proven by faithful witness. All sought instrument before witnesses Alexander Hawe, John Keyne bailie, Alexander Hawe, John Keyne, James Vilkesone, James Keyne younger.
268. Louche Same day Andrew Louche and his attorney Andrew Ker publicly declared that the said rig and grain was sown by them in the time of sowing, belonged heritably to his master Andrew Ker and the said Andrew alleges he discharged and lawfully cautioned the said John Hawe from occupation of the said rigs by reason that the said Andrew and his friends reap and take away their own grain from the said rigs. Andrew and friends sought in¬strument.
269. Haw Same day John Hawe burgess publicly declared in the presence of witnesses abovewritten that he sowed with his own corn the 2 rigs lying over Goslowdaillis and he held them in assedation and possession because he was not lawfully discharged before Martinmas, and immediately he asked and demanded that James Keyne bailie arrest his grain in the name of the king because it was removed from the said rigs and arrested with the authority of the office of bailie and arrest the said Andrew and his accomplices that had reaped and led away the said corn by arrestment. John sought instrument before witnesses abovewritten
270. Bradfut 12 Oct 1535 James Bradfut one of the burgesses of the burgh of Selkirk in name and on the part of the whole community of Selkirk before alderman, bailies and jurors in the face of plane court publically declared that William Vylsone, Thomas Goven, David Jonsone, Robert Hauden, William Vynterhoup and their accomplices came on Thursday openly and secretly to the mercat place meanwhile the burgesses of the said burgh were waylaid and they gave signs and wonders and impediments to men selling goods that they should slip away secretly with their goods to sell them at inns so all defrauded the customs and the weill of the burgh and to the hindrance of all the indwellers of the town and the said James proved the same. James sought instru¬ment before all the inquest of alderman and bailies.
271. Mithag Same day John Mithag burgess of the said burgh discharged William Vynterhoup, Robert Haudene, David Jonsone, William Vylsone, Thomas Govan also all in general and particular ” that bies and in specie within the schireffedom or in the burgh of gudis stapill viz hempe, lynte, ter, pyk, saip, irne, valx, irne, spir, vyne eftor the tenor of the Kingis lettres devyssat be the lordes of the counsaill”. John Mithag sought instrument.
272. Wrycht Same day master Patrick Vrycht procurator for Thomas Goven, Robert Haudene, William Vynterhoup, David Jonsone in a loud voice declared in plain court that the reading of the same letter of the king it did not turn to the prejudice of the said men in respect that it did not make mention of the market constituted in the burgh of Selkirk or why all Scots men should not have licence to buy and sell their goods. Master Patrick sought instrument.
273. Brydin Same day sir William Brydin in the name and on the part of the whole community of Selkirk sought instrument that master Patrick Wrycht procurator for the above men alleges and contradicts and argues against the profit of the king and the general weill of the state of the said burgh and the decreet of the lords of council.
274. Vrycht Same day master Patrick Wrycht sought instrument that sir William Brydin and John Chepman burgess in plain court acknowledged William Vylsone burgess disallowed from selling in the market [“extravenetratum”].
275. Hoppringill Same day George Hoppringill in Torwodle in face of plain court requested a copy of the expenses of the king’s letter incurred by the burgesses and community of the burgh of Selkirk, and the same burgesses by no means wanted to give a copy until they had consulted with lawyers. George sought the instrument.
276. Turnbull Same day Robert Turnbull declared in plain court that Ralph Turnbull was never given sasine of ten shillings of annualrent uplifted yearly on a tenement of William Turnbull and this he intends to prove. Robert sought instrument before Andrew Ker, James Scot, sir William Brydin, John Brydin chaplain.
277. Burne 12 Oct 1535 James Scot bailie at the request of Alexander Scot called of Paliss came to three rigs of arable land the first lying over “Fluris”, the second over “Layes” and the third over “Briglandes” as is fully specified in the burgh book and there on ground of the same the said Alexander… freely resigned the said rigs in hands of the bailie who gave sasine of the same to William Boirne and William sought instrument before witnesses underwritten. Also the said Alexander sought instrument that if he will have relaxed and paid £3 scots before the feast of St Luke the Evangelist next following, the said William will pay 3 firlots of barley and flour and if he does not pay the said sum on the appointed day, he will pay nothing for these 3 rigs and after relaxation of the same, the same William will peacefully enjoy the 3 rigs for 6 firlots of barley and flour. Before witnesses Alan Keyne, George Chepman, William Portuus, Henry Young, Thomas Mynto elder.
278. Keyne 3 Nov 1535 James Scot bailie of the burgh of Selkirk after deliberation of an inquest and reading of evidents, came to the tenement of the deceased William Keyne, burgess of the said burgh lying near Fulbrig and the common street which leads to Selkyrkhill on the west, the lands of Patrick Murray on the south, the lands of ( blank) on the east and the lands of George Chepman on the north, also a meadow with a piece of arable land lying at “Yperlaw Peich” between the common on the north and the lands of James Brydin called “Quhittis Croft” be¬longing to the said tenement and there on ground of the tenement the bailie gave sasine of the tenement meadow and croft with pertinents and James Keyne son and heir of the deceased William Keyne according to the evidents shown. Done before bailie, in¬quest and witnesses James Brydin, James Craufurd, Thomas Jonsone burgesses, John Scot, George Michilhill serjeant, Patrick Keyne, John Thomsone.
279. Fleicher (“Curror” scored out) 15 Nov 1535 John Mithag bailie of the burgh of Selkirk at the request of the young man William Mithag came to the place of his tenement lying in Peil¬gait in the said burgh between the lands of the heirs of the deceased John Scot in Peilgait on the east, the common viz “the bog” on the south, the tenement of Alexander Scot on the west, the king’s street on the north and there on ground of the same the said William resigned the tenement in hands of the the bailie who gave sasine of all the tenement and yard to William Flecher burgess. William sought instrument done around 2 pm before wit¬nesses John Mithag elder, James Melross, John Broun, Patrick Freir, James Curror.
280. Vayche of Syntoun 16 Nov 1535 John Vayche of Norcht Syntoun came before witnesses underwritten to William Portuus constituted sheriff of the community of the burgh of Selkirk and sought a copy of the royal letters for expenses under the penalty as follows and the said William, sheriff in that part, declared that the said John Vayche and not any other in his name had sought a copy at the time of summons or immediately after summons the said William delivered these royal letters to James Keyne and Robert Chepman, bailies of the burgh of Selkirk The said John sought instrument in the burgh mercat around 12 noon before witnesses David Damphoy, Walter Scot, William Turnbull of Mynto, Walter Scot of Askyrk, John Young, John Broun.
281. John Morlaw 3 Dec 1535 John Mithag bailie at the re¬quest of Alan Mithag his brother german came to his tenement lying in Pelgait between the tenement of Thomas Morlaw on the east, “the bog” on the south, the tenement of John Curror on the west and the king’s street leading to the loch on the north and there on ground of the same Alan Mithag resigned the tenement in hands of the bailie who gave sasine of all the tenement with yard to John Morlawe. John Morlawe sought instrument done around 3 pm before William Portuus serjeant, William Mithag, Thomas Melross, John Hawe.
282. James Keyne on the part of William Hawe, burgess of Edinburgh 12 Jan 1535/36 James Scot bailie of the burgh of Selkirk came to the principal dwelling house of that husbandland with pertinents belonging heritably to John Hawe lying on the east of the burgh on the north side of the king’s street between the lands of Archebald Vatsone on the east and the lands of James Mynto on the west and there on ground of the same he resigned the said husbandland with house, buildings, yards, crofts, tofts and rigs with pertinents in hands of the bailie who gave sasine of the same to James Keyne burgess of Selkirk and procurator for William Hawe burgess of Edinburgh brother german of the same John following the tenor of his charter. James Keyne sought instrument done on the ground of the said house around 2 pm before witnesses John Keyne, David Hawe, David Jonsone and William Hawe.
283. Keyne 15 Jan 1535/36 James Scot bailie came to the ground of 2 rigs of land heritably belonging to Thomas Ellot and Helen Ruderfurd of which one lies over “Know” on the east side of the burgh between the lands of sir Ninian Brydin chaplain on the east, the lands of Andrew Ker in Grenheid on the west, the king’s street on the south and the Ettryk water on the north. The other rig lies over “le Fluris” between the lands of Andrew Ker on the south, the lands of Patrick Murray on the north, the lands called “Lady land” on the west and the lands of the said Patrick on the east and there on ground of the same Thomas Elwand and Helen Ruderfurd his spouse resigned the two rigs in hands of the bailie who gave sasine of the two rigs with pertinents to John Keine son of the deceased Patrick Keine burgess of Selkirk on ground of the above lands around 2 pm before James Keine, David Hawe, David Jonsone, William Hawe.
284. Master Richard Rychersone 15 Feb 1535/36 [Text ends here.]
285. Brydin 22 Feb 1535/36 John Mithag bailie came to cer¬tain rigs of land of Alan Keine the first lying over “Reidheil¬dis” with the kirklands on the east, the lands of Andrew Ker called “Burgess Vallis” on the north and the lands of Patrick Murray on the south; the second rig lies over “Norland heid” with the lands of Patrick Murray on the east and the lands of David Brydin on the west and the lands of John Brydin on the (blank); the third rig lies over “Norchtlandis” extending to “Thurlidene Burne” on the west, the lands of Andrew Ker in the hands of John Young on the south and the lands of Patrick Murray in the hands of Thomas Jonsone on the north and there on ground of the same the said Alan resigned the rigs with pertinents in hands of the bailie who gave sasine to David Brydin son of the deceased John Brydin. David Brydin sought instrument done on the ground of the lands around 8 am before John Lumisden, John Caiyk, Andrew Bry¬din, John Turnbull.
Also another two rigs in “Myrscaur with Dikdaillis” in the east and “West Myrscares” on the west and the lands of the deceased William Keyne on the north and south giving sasine to the said David provided that Alan pays David and his heirs £6 scots so that David shall enjoy the said [rigs] for two years after relax¬ation.
286. Jonsone 16 March 1535/36 Thomas Jonsone bailie of the burgh of Selkirk presented a precept of sasine under the red and white seals of Patrick Murray of Fawlawhill and the lord of the husbandlands of Selkirk which appeared unspoiled in any way and not suspect to me notary to Thomas Murray in (blank) who handed it to me notary to read out in the following tenor : Patrick Murray of Fawlawhill and lord of the husbandlands of Selkirk to Thomas Murray, George Murray my bailies in that part specially constituted greetings … as is clearly shown that not long ago my honorable father James Murray of Fawlawhill etc has given, granted, sold and heritably alienated to Thomas Jonsone burgess of the burgh of Selkirk, all of a husbandland called “Bogland” lying in ryndail in the bounds of Selkirk [now in the hands of] Thomas Jonsone younger as is fully contained in the charter from my father. I therefore charge you to give sasine of the husband¬land called “Boglands” to Thomas Jonsone younger, true and lawful heir of his grandfather the deceased Thomas Jonsone in testimony of which I set my own seal at Hanginschaw on the said day and month of March 1535 before sir Laurence Jonsone, Ninian Brydin chaplain, Adam Murray, James Murray brother of Patrick of Newark. Which precept being read out Thomas Murray bailie gave sasine of “Bogland” to Thomas. Thomas sought instrument before witnesses James Haw in Syntoun, sir Stephen Vylkesone, Simon Shortreid priest, James Keyne, John Scot [“obscrite”],David Jonson, John Keyne.
287. [The whole of the next item has been scored out]
Here are the goods pertaining to David Jonsone and Janet Jonson (illegible)… worth on their mother’s death, the final worth of the goods [being] 40 [merks] viz £[2]7 .. “Imprimis auld bed and bouster, four codis, ane coverynge, ane plaud, ane blankin, ane pair of scheittis, ane rest vorne, ane stands bed vantand ane burd, ane veschel beuk, ane lytill counter, ane rownd kyst with twa burds in the ends of it, ane large auld kyst, ane maskyn falt, twa betin tubbin, ane lytill stand, ane kedding tub for quheit, ane small pot, ane pudir [ie pewter] plait, ae bonny roundaill.”
The following paid £6 to Janet Jonson and rests in hands of Nicolas Ker until the decease of the forsaid viz ” covering with halff (illegible).. boll de… worth 27 shillings (illegible) six with Elesabecht Brydin 16 shillings, item ane gray meir 20 shil¬lings, (illegible) 25s of item the [vaicit?] (illegible) Kelsoo”
288. Berkare 16 March 1535/36 John Haw and David Haw his son and heir apparent… in the presence of witnesses underwrit¬ten acknowledge that they have set in tack 4 rigs of their arable land for £10 scots to Thomas Barker burgess of the burgh of Selkirk of which the first rig lies under “le Knowe” between the lands of William Ker on the west and the lands of Patrick Murray on the east; the second over “Crukit Lands” with the lands of Thomas Mynto on the north and Thomas Jonsone on the south; the 3rd rig lies over “Goslodaillis” and [is between the land] called “Burgess Vallis” on the north and the lands of Patrick Murray on the south; the fourth rig lies over in “Fluris (p/t) Heids” with the lands of Thomas Jonson on the north and master John Chepman on the south. So that after payment of the said sum we will that Thomas his heirs and assignees shall freely possess the said rigs for two years after and if it happens that the said Thomas his heirs and assignees are disturbed in their peaceful possession of the same we bind ourselves and our heirs to deliver in a clause of warrandice [for] all the land called “Melross Croft” in peace¬ful possession at the discretion of the bailies and burgesses for the time being. Thomas Barker sought instrument done around 6 pm before John Brydin, John Brydin younger, David Jonsone, James Vilkesone, Patrick Layng our servant and divers others in the tenor of evidents openly shown.
289. John Mithag, James Scot, bailies on the part of the whole community of Selkirk 22 March 1535/36 William Chepman writer of the king’s court, the sheriff or bailie in that part of our lord king by his precepts specially constituted under testimony of the Great Seal came to the mercat cross and then to the court house of the burgh of Selkirk and then to the south common and then to the north common then in diverse places and in course of time handed the precept to the notary to read out in the follow¬ing way: James by Grace of God, King of Scots, to his sheriff and bailies of Selkirk also to William Chepman, William Burn, Alexander Lauder jointly and severally our sheriffs of Selkirk in that part greetings. Because we know that the evidents,charters and letters of the foundation and infeftment of our burgh of Selkirk and the liberty of the burgesses and community of the same was given and granted by our noble forefather and for the greater part has been laid waste and destroyed by assault of war, pest, conflagration and other means and whereas its use as a market has ceased between burgesses to the great hurt to the common weil and freedom of our foresaid burgh and the damage and prejudice to our inhabitants [regarding] customs and ferme owed to us, we therefore moved by pity and justice, desiring reforma¬tion of the commonweil and the buildings within our realm we newly infeft, give and grant from us and our successors and confirn forever in tenor of our charter to the burgesses and community aforesaid of the burgh of Selkirk in free burgh as before with all lands, commons and possessions, electing as now bailies and their officers yearly, and a market [fair] yearly on St Laurence Day and through 8 [days] of the same, forever,with a court house, gallows (“patibulum”) and all liberties pertaining to the same…as is contained fully in our charter made thereon. We charge and command you the present sasine be brought to the said bailies, burgesses and community or their trusted attorney to hold from us, all the lands, commons, rents, possessions, liberties and privileges thereto…according to the tenor of our charter…to the [enacting] of which you..our sheriffs in that part are committed by the power given under testimony of our Great Seal at St Andrews 4 May of our reign 23.
After reading out the precept, William Chepman bailie in that part gave sasine, heritable possession corporal, actual and real to the said burgh of also all the lands, commons, rents posses¬sions, market [fair], gallows, court house, liberties and privi¬leges…pertaining to the burgh… forever…to James Scot, John Mithag bailies, John Chepman, Mark Ker, James Bradfut, John Broun, James Bridin, Alexander Gledstanes, James Keyne burgesses personally present and accepting for themselves and in the name of the whole community of burgesses and indwellers of the said burgh following the tenor of the charter and precept of sasine made, directed, shown, brought and delivered forever. John Mithag and James Scot and their fellow burgesses for themselves and the whole community sought instrument from me notary public on the ground of the burgh lands and commons singly and in order between 1 and 2 pm…before witnesses George Michilhill, John Scot, James Murray, Thomas Ker, John Turnbull, Peter Moffat, Mungo Cruk¬schankis, Adam Veighame, William Weghame, John Andersone, Thomas Vilkesone, John McDuell, David Jonsone, sir John Bridin [chap¬lain] and notary public.
290. “M C [or L] in Edinburgh tenends to our soveran of the lands of S with consent of [M?] for his entress. To our lovyttis p Gray ouris officiaris in that part coniunctlie and soveraly specially constitut gretting. It is oure will and we chairgis yow straitly and commandis that incontennt theis precept seyne ye pass and lawfully warn and chairge W. (illegible) pretendit tenentis occipyars of our steding or heretaigis M. lyand within etc pertening to me in heritaige or lyf rentis to flit and remoif thaim salffs servandis and gudis furtht of my saidis lands (illegible) the pertinentis at the fest and terme of Witsonday to cum efter the dait of thir presentis and to leif the samyn wod and red ilk ane of thaim for thair awin part respective to be browkit, joissit, occupitit, sett, ussit, disponett be the saids N.B. and hir spouse for his entress as thai sall think expedient in tyme cumyng conforme to the new actte of parliament maid anant varnyng of of (sic) certeyng the saids pretendit tenends, occupi¬ars coutairs and thai failze that thai selle haldin and reput ae wiolent possessors thereof and salbe actit and persewit thair for conforme to the said act or uther wais as accordis to the lawe and this one na wys ye leif undone as ye vill answr to uss and that ye deliver ane awtentik copy heirof to the said personis geif thai be personaly apprehendit and failyeing thereof to their wiffis, bairnes or servandis in thair name or elles that ye affix the samyn and leiff the samyn upon thair durris one thair dwell¬ing placess of the saides land geif ther be ony. Alsso that ye upone ane Sounday fourty dais before the said fest of Vitsonday pass to the principal kirk of S. quhar the saidis landis lyes and thair in tyme of Hie Mass or dyvyne service opinly reid or caus to be reid this, our precept in presence of the parochinars thereof and leif ane awtentik copie upone the maist patenit kirk dur of the said kirk dur avtentik copy sa that ye knawlege heirof be manifest to the saidis pretendit tenendis thai allegis to na ignorance as ye vil answer to uss upon the quhilk to doo we commit to ye coniunctlie and severalie our power be this our precept selit and subscrivit with our handis at E(dinburgh) the day of (illegible).
[This has probably been copied from a style book as an example.]
291. Scot of Aikvod 26 March 1536 Walter Scot son and heir of the deceased John Scot of Robertoune made and subscribed an aquittance in the following manner ” I Walter Scot son and air of umqhill Jhone Scot of Robertoune grantes me to have resavit be the handis of maister Michaell Scot of Aikvod the sowme of thre schoire of [pounds] and £10 usuaill mony of Scotland in ful contentationne and paiment of all the stane houss callit the peill and cloiss with the [?toure] and the pertinenchis of the samyn of Hirdmenstoun and grantes me be tenor of thir presentis weill contenit satisfiet content and pait and fully pleissit of all the pountis contenit in ane contraik of alienatione of the tour cloiss halff manes of Herdmenstoun maid betwix me and maist¬er Michaell Scot at Selkyrk the sext day of december in the yeir of God ane thousand vc xxx fyv yeirs of the quhilk sowme thre schoir ten pounds and contraik forsaid with mony utheris gratitu¬dis plesouris done to me, I hauld me weil content and pait and dischairgis, quitclaimis the said Michaell Scot his airis, execu¬toris and assignais be tenor of this present acquitans command and sir Ninian Brydin notar publick to subscrywe thir presentes my hand tweychandis the pen at Aykvod the 26 day of March in the yeir of God [1536] before thir vytness Thomas Scot in Vodburne, Voll Scot in Faldishoup, James Tailyefore, Williem Rannyk, Robert Jaksone millar, Thomas Fergreff burgess in Selkirk, Jhone Vynter¬houp, Robert Douscheir in Howfurd, William Rannyk”. I, sir Ninian Brydin notary public subscribe the present aquittance on special command of the abovewritten Walter Scot of Robertone not knowing how to write subscribe with his own hand at the pen and put as witness my subscription manual.
292. Jamesone of Lyndene 28 March 1536 Richard Smyth in Sonderlandhall acknowledged he owed George Jamesone in Lynden £6 scots and in exchange for paying the whole sum the said Richard Smyth made, constituted, created, and solemnly ordained the said George his true lawful, undoubted and irrevocable assignee in and to the husbandland with pertinents lying in the town of Sunder¬land within the sheriffdom of Selkirk also to all his moveable and immoveable goods belonging to the said Richard or to whomso¬ever at time of his decease to no other cousin beside me whosoev¬er alleging his consanguinity to the said George his heirs and assignees. George sought instrument done in the porch of the parish kirk of Selkyrk before sir William Brydin vicar of Sel¬kirk, John Craw, Robert Hawdene, David Jonsone.
293. Melross Same day James Scot bailie of Selkirk, came to the tenement of the deceased James Melross lying between the tenements of the heirs of the deceased William Ker on the east, the tenement of William Mathosone on the west, the king’s street leading to Peillhill on the north and the tenement of Elizabeth Keyne relict of the deceased Patrick Keyne on the south and the bailie invested the young man James Melross true and lawful heir of the said deceased James Melross after reading evidents by handing over sasine of the said tenement. James sought instrument before Thomas Ellot, John Broun, William Mathosone, William Portuus serjeant, John Muthag bailie.
294. John Mynto 21 April 1536 Thomas Mynto burgess resigns out of filial love, all his tenement with yard lying between the tenement of John Downe on the east, the tenement of James Keine on the north, the king’s street on the south, the tenement of David (p/t) in hands of James Scot bailie who invests the young man John Mynto his true and lawful heir in and to the tenement with yard. John sought instrument done around 10 am before sir William Brydin vicar, James Brydin, David Jonsone, John Downe, Robert Smyth burgesses, David Mynto.
295. Marion Burnet Same day and place James Scot bailie came to the tenement of John Mynto younger as above and there on ground of the same the said John with consent of [his father] Thomas freely and on account of motherly and brotherly affection, resigned the tenement with malt kiln, houses and yard for her own sustenance to Marion Burnet spouse of the said Thomas in liferent and conjunct fee to sustain the said John and his brothers. Observing that the said Marion should not gather herself(p/t) she should [return?] the goods contained in the tenement at time of making if she does not observe the said sasine (p/t) and be put out of the tenement. (p/t) sought instrument before witnesses abovewritten.
296. “Sir William Brydin in the name and community of the burgh of Selkirk” [ Text ends here.]
297. Prechour and Lermonte 20 July 1535 Thomas Prechour and Janet Lermonte his wife, presented a precept of sasine under the seal of the venerable brother William Lermonte of the Dominican Order in Sterlying to Robert Chepman bailie of Selkirk which was handed to the notary to be read out in the following tenor : the venerable brother William Lermonte of the Order of Saint [Domin¬ic] in Sterlying, to Robert Chepman and James Keyne and all jointly and singly of the burgh of Selkirk, greeting. I have granted, given, and alienated to Janet Lermonte my sister and Thomas Prechour my brother-in-law and their heirs, all my tene¬ment in the Peilgait in Selkirk between the tenement of John Curror on the east, the bog on the south, the king’s street on the north and the tenement of Andrew Schortreid on the west, be held of our lord king and his successors as in my charter made thereon we therefore order and command you to give sasine of the same to the said Janet and Thomas or their rightful attornies…in testimony of which I set my seal and sign manual at Missilburgh 10 May 1535 before witnesses Thomas Vallanch, William Baxstair, Thomas Suert, John Suert (illegible) and broth¬er William (illegible).
And having read out the said precept the bailie…gave sasine to the said Janet as above before witnesses James Keyne, John Cur¬ror, David Jonson, Thomas Melrose.
298. William Brydin vicar came to Patrick Murray and questioned him about the sheriffdom of Selkirk.
Patrick Murray of Fawlawhill 30 April 1535 Patrick Murray declared that his forebears and his tenants were in peaceful possession of all the common of Selkirk with our herds by reason that we do not want to withdraw from the common pasture unless lawfully called before the lords of counsel and discharged there¬from. Patrick sought instrument done around 6 pm before witnesses Patrick (p/t) of Caberstoun, William Murray, John Curror, Simon (p/t), Patrick Dobsone, Adam Murray, George (p/t).
On the same day the said Patrick declared that his men had not came with sticks, swords (p/t) in contempt of the king and queen, nor the burgh of Selkirk but because it was possessed by our ancestors. Before witnesses abovewritten.
On the same day Patrick pronounced to the bailies and the whole community of the burgh of Selkirk to pass from the same to all occupiers of the common having no interest and to discharge and distrain [the incomers] according to the tenor of the book of burgage and common.
299. Louche 6 May 153[5] The young man John Dounaldsone son and heir of the deceased Ninian Dounaldsone made, constituted created and solemnly ordained Andrew Louche his true and lawful assignee in and to taking sasine of all the tenement lying in the burgh of Selkirk between the tenement of John Lumisden on the east, the king’s street on the south, the tenement of John Downe on the west and the yard of Robert Thomsone on the north for a certain sum of money and for [deeds] done and to be done. Andrew sought instrument done near green head [ “viride capudi”] before Alexander Broun, Alexander Vylsone, (p/t) Jonsone.
300. Keyne on the part of Thomas Ker in Yair ( ) 1536 James Keyne burgess of Selkirk procurator in the name of Thomas Ker in Yair came to Andrew Ker of Prumsydlouch and to the said Andrew delivered the sum of £40 scots for the redemption of lands called “Kyngcroft” and [Ca…ham]land lying in the bounds of Selkirk in tenor of a letter of redemption under the seal of Ralph Ker containing the said sum. Then the said Andrew and Gilbert his son and heir in one voice declareded they did not have (p/t) of the said lands or delivered sasine to James Keyne being stripped of all possession [by intromission?] of the said lands, all right claim possession and ownership…in and to the said lands… and delivered all evidents by us or any other so that it should [not?] be broken void or false by virtue of this instrument. James in name of Thomas Ker in Yair sought instrument done around 7 [am?] in the chamber called “Grenheid gren chalmer” before James Ker of Auldroxburgh, (p/t) Loucht, William Thomsone, Thomas M(p/t).
301. Loucht 15 May [1536] John Mithag bailie of Selkirk came to a tenement of John Dounaldsone young man and heir of the deceased Ninian Dounaldsone lying in [“Caponlands” scored out] the said burgh between (boundaries as 299) and there on ground of the same John resigned the tenement and yard in hands of the bailie humbly requesting him to give sasine of the said tenement and yard to Andrew Louche. Andrew Louche sought instrument done around 5 am before Henry Yong, John Paito, (p/t), Andrew Estoun, Alexander Browne, Quintin Yong, (p/t) Symsone.
302. McDuell (p/t) May 1536. John Mithag bailie of Selkirk at the request of John Cant burgess, came to his tenement lying in “Kirk Vynde” between the king’s street leading to Peilhill on the east, the tenement of Nicholas Ker and Marion Brydin on the south, the yard of sir William Brydin on the west and the tene¬ment of Robert Chepman on the north, and there on ground of the same resigned it in hands of the bailie humbly requesting him to give sasine to Andrew McDuell burgess. (p/t) sought instrument (p/t) am before (p/t), James Neulandis, Andrew Bradfut, (p/t).
303. Mithac 9 June [1536] John Mithag bailie declared that a royal letter was lawfully proclaimed around 12 noon before me [notary public] and witnesses James Ker of Auldroxburgh, William Hog of Prestoun, Richard Houme, master Michaell Scot in Aikvod, Alexander Scot in Kyrkhope.
304. Vatsone 2 June 1536 John Mithag bailie came at the re¬quest of sir John Brydin chaplain of the altar of St (p/t) situ¬ate in the kirk aforesaid, to his tenement lying in the south side of the burgh of Selkirk between the street leading to the Peilgait and the said blessed altar on the east and west and the lands of George (p/t) on the south and there on ground of the same resigned the said house in hands of the bailie who gave sasine of the forehouse and yard containing eleven ells to Thomas Vatsone. Thomas sought instrument done around 4 pm before (p/t) Freir, Walter Dunhoup, James Robeson.
305. Note in Scots (illegible).