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Reiver Foot Soldier Video

A Reiver foot soldier introduces himself Scotland and England were in conflict in the 16th & 17th century so border raids, skirmishes and wars were frequent in this lawless land.  Cattle rustling robbery and murder…

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Selkirk Protocols Attitude to Strangers

Defence By Attack – Selkirk 1530 Most border towns did not have walls and so people were wary and frightened of any strangers. They could be the outlaws and swordsmen checking the place before plundering…

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The Notorious Grahams

Grahams mentioned in text from the Historical Manuscripts Commission A Graham of 80 years old on the run and a Graham impotent with 12 children!  Black mail first recorded by a Graham! (f125) Paragraphs from…

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Sir Walter Scott Links with Carlisle

SIR WALTER SCOTT'S LINKS WITH CARLISLE Had it not been for Scott's collecting and reworking of many of the border ballads, much of the tradition, character and mythology of the Reiver story would be lost.…

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Clothing of Border Reiver Men and Women

Clothing - Reiver Women Clothing in the mid and late 16th century had become not only functional but highly fashionable. Clothing was expensive and so the same outfit had to suffice for work and for…

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Reiver Truce Days and Locations

Reiver Days of Truce and Locations The Wardens of opposing Marches agreed upon a day and place of meeting usually on the frontier but sometimes elsewhere. In the west, Dumfries and Carlisle were convenient venues,…

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Reiver Routes

Reiving Routes The following text is from text in the Callendar of Border Papers and dates from the 16th century. It gives an impression of the routes that Reivers may have taken on their raids…

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