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Gillesbie Tower, Dryfedale, Dumfriesshire

Remains of Gillesbie Tower, Dryfedale across the Dryfe water The shattered remains of Gillesbie Tower are perched precariously above the Dryfe water, high in Dryfedale and are overgrown with near impenetrable flesh-tearing varieties of hawthorn…

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Hollows Tower

Hollows Tower (see also Gilnockie Tower), Canonbie, Dumfriesshire Hollows Tower is strongly sited two miles north of Canonbie, close to the River Esk. It is oblong on plan, rising to four storeys with a garret…

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Gilnockie Castle Hollows Tower

Gilnockie Castle and the controversy that surrounds this enigmatic site Controversy surrounds the earthwork known as Gilnockie, above the Esk near Hollows bridge. Was this the lair of Johnnie Armstrong, the most famous Reiver of…

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Gilnockie Castle Site

Aerial view of site of Gilknockie Castle, Canonbie, Dumfriesshire The sites of Gilnockie Castle and Hollows Tower both lie on the river Esk about two miles north of Canonbie and both are visible in this…

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Frenchland Tower

Frenchland Tower, Near Moffat, Dumfriesshire Frenchland Tower stands beside the steep gully of the Frenchland Burn above Moffat in Annandale and commands an extensive view over the valley and the town. The tower is ruined…

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Fourmerkland Tower

Cut-Away Drawing by Pete Armstrong of Fourmerkland Tower, Dumfriesshire Cut-away drawing showing the interior layout. The tower has three storeys over a typical stone vaulted basement kitchen. A newel stair winds its way upwards to…

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Devil’s Beeftub

Devil's Beeftub, hiding place of stolen cattle. Moffat, Dumfriesshire The traditional “reiving season” was the late autumn when the nights were dark and the livestock well fattened for the winter, “strong to dryve” and grazing…

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Blacklaw Tower

Site of Blacklaw Tower near Moffat, Dumfriesshire Hidden away in a clearing in woodland, high above the valley of Evan Water on the slopes of Blacklaw Hill are the dilapidated ruins of Blacklaw Tower. The…

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Auchenrivock Tower

Remains of Auchenrivock Tower, Eskdale, Dumfriesshire The shattered ruins of Auchenrivock Tower stand in Eskdale near the mouth of the Irvine burn, the northern limit of the Debateable land. Though the site is marked as…

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Abbots Tower, Dumfries And Galloway: After Restoration Alt

Abbot’s Tower, Kirkcudbrightshire

Abbots Tower, Kirkcudbrightshire, Dumfries and Galloway: After Restoration Restoration of the tower-house took ten years and was largely the work of the present owner. The ivy that overgrew the ruinous remains was killed first before…

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Abbot's Tower, Before Restoration Alt

Abbot’s Tower, ruin Kirkcudbrightshire

Abbot's Tower, New Abbey, Kirkcudbrightshire, Dumfries and Galloway: Before restoration, 1986 The late 16th century Abbot's Tower was, before its recent reconstruction, an overgrown and fragmentary ruin. The basement vault of the small L-plan tower-house…

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