Unlawful Games 59- Item, if any person or persons suffer hereafter any unlawful games to…
Hollows Tower
Hollows Tower (see also Gilnockie Tower), Canonbie, Dumfriesshire
Hollows Tower is strongly sited two miles north of Canonbie, close to the River Esk. It is oblong on plan, rising to four storeys with a garret above. The parapet has gone but the elaborate corbelling that once supported it is noteworthy. The south gable is surmounted by a stone beacon.
The door is in the west wall and opens onto the turnpike stair which rises in the south-west angle. The basement is stone vaulted; above this the Hall on the first floor has a wide moulded fireplace with an aumbry either side and three windows, two of which have seats.
The tower is sometimes confused with Gilnockie Tower, the foundations of which survive not far away. Hollows was a stronghold of the lawless Armstrong family and is associated with the notorious Reiver Johnnie Armstrong of Gilnockie who was hanged without trial along with his followers by James V in 1530.
Location: Dumfries and Galloway, Dumfriesshire, Eskdale
OS sheet: 85 NY383786