The 'Peaceful Persuasion' And Transplanting Of The Marchmen By James VI Scotland & I England/Scotland…

Licence for a Scotsman to Trade in Carlisle
Licence for a Scot to trade in England 1596
Henry, Lord Scrope, Lord of the western Marches and
Captain of the City and Castle of Carlisle grants a
licence to John McKye Scotsman to trade across the
PR 122/49 Holme Cultram Parish records
This is a paper document, but has been mounted onto a piece of parchment. It is tatty, well worn, has been folded up as if it has been carried in someone’s pocket. Obviously if John McKye was stopped he would have to show the licence. It has the remains of a seal, a modest seal probably with wax and a ring pressed into the wax – it is called a sandwich seal because it is protected by paper. The seal on the signet ring would be Lord Henry Scrope of Bolton in Yorkshire, Lord Warden of the West March. Scrope has put his signet (ring seal ) on the bottom. On the naturalisation certificate he has signed with his handwriting.
Henry Scrope Knight Lorde Scrope of Bolton Lorde Warden of the West Marches of England foranenxste Scotland and Capten for the Quenes Majestie’s City and castle of Carlisle in hir highnes name hath licenced and by these presents doth licence John MacKye scotesman with a boate and foure watermen safelie with all his lefull goods and merchandize either by sea fresh river or lande to come onto any creeke or haven within this West Ward (enrie?) of England and so to passe through this West Wardenrye there to make his lefull exchaunge paying his lefull custome and dews therefore and so safelie with all his lefull goods and merchandize to retorne agayne unto the (Realme?) of Scotland without lett vexacion or troble of any englishman in bodye or goods so as the (said?) Scotmen doo ne procure to be donne any thing prejudiciall to the Quenes Majestie hir (Highness?) Realme lawes ne subjects. And this licence tending (?) till whitsondaye next given (?) under (?) my signet at Carlisle the 5th daye of November in the 11th yeare of our Sovreign Ladye Quene Elizabethes reigne.
1. How does this document come to be with the parish records of Holme Cultram?
2. Did he die on the English side and it was found?
3. Was it taken off him by someone on this side?
4. Who would have mounted it on parchment? Parchment was always expensive.
5. Why are the traders armed? Why do traders travel in groups – why might the woman have two men with her?
Can you write out a clear translation in modern English?
Henry Scrope Knight Lorde Scrope of Bolton Lorde Warden of the West Marches of England foranenxste Scotland and Capten for the Quenes Majestie’s City and castle of Carlisle in hir highnes name hath licenced and by these presents doth licence John MacKye scotesman with a boate and foure watermen safelie with all his lefull goods and merchandize either by sea fresh river or lande to come onto any creeke or haven within this West Ward (enrie?) of England and so to passe through this West Wardenrye there to make his lefull exchaunge paying his lefull custome and dews therefore and so safelie with all his lefull goods and merchandize to retorne agayne unto the (Realme?) of Scotland without lett vexacion or troble of any englishman in bodye or goods so as the (said?) Scotmen doo ne procure to be donne any thing prejudiciall to the Quenes Majestie hir (Highness?) Realme lawes ne subjects. And this licence tending (?) till whitsondaye next given (?) under (?) my signet at Carlisle the 5th daye of November in the 11th yeare of our Sovreign Ladye Quene Elizabethes reigne.