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Arnside Tower Cumbria

Arnside Tower.

Arnside Tower, Arnside, Cumbria, drawing from a 1986 sketchbook by Pete Armstrong.

Arnside Tower stands about a mile from the town of Arnside on the River Kent, near the northern end of Morecambe Bay. The road to Silverdale passes by the foot of the hill on which it stands. Built in 1375 in Edward III’s reign it burnt down one windy night on 27th October 1602.

The tower is an L shaped plan and stands five storeys high with a stair-tower to the right of the main doorway. A garderobe projects slightly from the main block on the left. A small section of corbelled parapet is just visible at the top of the stair-tower.

The entrance doorway can be seen at ground level at the centre of the drawing just before the stair-tower re-entrant angle. The building is constructed of good quality limestone but the walls are not particularly thick.

The tower today is a dangerous and unstable ruin.

Cumbria, Arnside
Map reference 97 SD 459768
Arnside Tower Drawing PA

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